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Failure of Pakistani Media


Dec 24, 2008
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From a single toffee to a car we have brand managers for everything but who will brand our country? Isn’t it the responsibility of our media? 'Country Branding!' Is our news media really working for Pakistan? Or against Pakistan? Why are we being called terrorists? Why does a layman feel insecure here? Why is our tourism sector facing a decline? One answer for this, 'esa karoge to kon ayega?'

On 14th August 1947, Pakistan became a free nation and in 2012 Pakistan is… 'a failed state', 'a terrorist country', 'a threat to the USA', 'the problem', and much more I find when I google the name of Pakistan. But why? This is what how our media is portraying Pakistan!

What is the first word that comes to our mind when we say Pakistan? Political instability, insecure, terrorism, corruption and lots more! But why? Due to the band of media which has led our image towards wrong! And as a result, Pakistan’s image in global media is… 'the most dangerous nation in the world isn’t Iraq, it is Pakistan' by Newsweek journal. By many global leaders Pakistan is an International migraine!

How other countries are using their media to promote their image? India is also a victim of terrorism, of Hindu fundamentalists, of growing disparity between the rich and poor but there are also good things that Indian media used to promote a soft image of the country. And that’s the reason it is called Incredible India! And so is the case with other countries.

Our media needs to promote the fact that glass is half full, not half empty. The media must highlight the success stories of our country, local role models and the love inside Pakistani nation rather than depicting fear and terror.

By Sidra Agha

States Times (States Times :: Your Ultimate News Source)
Failures of Pakistani media ! | MSN Arabia News

That is not the result of how Pakistani media portrays Pakistan. Most of Pakistani media has no global reach and it is Urdu based.

This is a result of the flawed policies of the Pakistani Generals over the decades. These same policies have made Pakistan what it is today and it is portrayed as such in international media.

How many tourists visit India and how many visit Pakistan?

Number of foreign tourists is a great way to judge a country's international perception.
Well thats the problem in Pakistan . And govt is also corrupt so there is no one to take a stand against this shitty media . Mushy did one thing right I give him credit He shoved the big rod in Geo channel _______ (U know what) for showing bad image of Pakistan. Just turn on the TV and Geo doing its normal job which is propagate bad image of Pakistan.

Media is overusing this thing called Freedom of Speech. There is no Media training even the people of who dont know how to speak in proper way becomes the News Reporter e.g Just watch their accent. URDU PUNJABI REMIX

And recent Air Crash incident is the biggest example of Media Coverage Blunder.
Well pakistani media needs some powerfull strong personalities, reflecting ground realities...
Instead they indulge in Conspiracy stories competition for TRP ratings... The people want to hear pakistan is in danger or Islam is in danger, so they can loathe india and the west..
The ideology is also a problem...
They need a good reporting truth media..

And indian media is also educative, when included with star power and good hosts...
Today 'Satyameva Jayate' program by aamir khan had such a phenomanic effect all over india...
definitely Media should give unbiased view of nation.

It should not indulge in blame game or mud slinging or conspiracy theories competitions.
Image of country depends upon the policies which are pursued by the Govt over a period of time. Bad image that pakistan is carrying is not because of their media but because of the flawed policies of 80s.

I dont say compare it with India or with other countries... but give it a try... good things do happen in Pakistan as well

It is media's job to show truth, not engage in some PR exercise. Pakistani media is showing the truth, and you should be proud of your independent and fearless media.(although bit immature as it is less than 10 years old)
Your govt pays big fat taxpayers money for PR and lobbying, you should blame those companies for not doing a good job.
How other countries are using their media to promote their image? India is also a victim of terrorism, of Hindu fundamentalists [Correction:- of state-sponsored Islamic terrorism from pakistan], of growing disparity between the rich and poor but there are also good things that Indian media used to promote a soft image of the country. And that’s the reason it is called Incredible India! And so is the case with other countries.

By Sidra Agha

States Times (States Times :: Your Ultimate News Source)
Failures of Pakistani media ! | MSN Arabia News

Much Needed correction:- Now carry on..:coffee:
From a single toffee to a car we have brand managers for everything but who will brand our country? Isn’t it the responsibility of our media? 'Country Branding!' Is our news media really working for Pakistan? Or against Pakistan? Why are we being called terrorists? Why does a layman feel insecure here? Why is our tourism sector facing a decline? One answer for this, 'esa karoge to kon ayega?'

You have to look at what they are up against. There is a two pronged attack on Pakistan media. One in that western press which is very sophisticated is anti Pakistani and second some in our media are funded bribed by American interests
From a single toffee to a car we have brand managers for everything but who will brand our country? Isn’t it the responsibility of our media? 'Country Branding!' Is our news media really working for Pakistan? Or against Pakistan? Why are we being called terrorists? Why does a layman feel insecure here? Why is our tourism sector facing a decline? One answer for this, 'esa karoge to kon ayega?'

On 14th August 1947, Pakistan became a free nation and in 2012 Pakistan is… 'a failed state', 'a terrorist country', 'a threat to the USA', 'the problem', and much more I find when I google the name of Pakistan. But why? This is what how our media is portraying Pakistan!

What is the first word that comes to our mind when we say Pakistan? Political instability, insecure, terrorism, corruption and lots more! But why? Due to the band of media which has led our image towards wrong! And as a result, Pakistan’s image in global media is… 'the most dangerous nation in the world isn’t Iraq, it is Pakistan' by Newsweek journal. By many global leaders Pakistan is an International migraine!

How other countries are using their media to promote their image? India is also a victim of terrorism, of Hindu fundamentalists, of growing disparity between the rich and poor but there are also good things that Indian media used to promote a soft image of the country. And that’s the reason it is called Incredible India! And so is the case with other countries.

Our media needs to promote the fact that glass is half full, not half empty. The media must highlight the success stories of our country, local role models and the love inside Pakistani nation rather than depicting fear and terror.

By Sidra Agha

States Times (States Times :: Your Ultimate News Source)
Failures of Pakistani media ! | MSN Arabia News

Do you think World is fool..who will blindly believe media (of India or Pakistan).....World knows...where OBL is caught.....Where is safe haven for terrorist group like Taliban, LeT etc. ....Where every day drone kills terrorists....Worst situation of economy etc.....how can you blaim media for your faults

Well thats the problem in Pakistan . And govt is also corrupt so there is no one to take a stand against this shitty media . Mushy did one thing right I give him credit He shoved the big rod in Geo channel _______ (U know what) for showing bad image of Pakistan. Just turn on the TV and Geo doing its normal job which is propagate bad image of Pakistan.

Media is overusing this thing called Freedom of Speech. There is no Media training even the people of who dont know how to speak in proper way becomes the News Reporter e.g Just watch their accent. URDU PUNJABI REMIX

And recent Air Crash incident is the biggest example of Media Coverage Blunder.

Problem is Pakistan policy....you created jehadi for India...now they are problem for you...
Do you think World is fool..who will blindly believe media (of India or Pakistan).....


Under circumstances where your press have come under attack from reputable Indian judges who are in charge of Indian media I would have no doubt in believing Pakistani media over India

The new head of the Press Council of India, former Supreme Court justice Markandey Katju, passed a withering judgment on the state of journalism in the country during an interview In a statement he questioned the intelligence of Indian journalists — as “ill-considered, sweeping and uninformed. Intellectually Poor and Clueless was the conclusion about Indian media

Well its India`s fault if they had not launched a comando attack on Srilankan cricket team there would be less terrorism in Pakistan, it is part of their quick attack doctrine and not to mention attack on French Submarine engineers
Well its India`s fault if they had not launched a comando attack on Srilankan cricket team there would be less terrorism in Pakistan, it is part of their quick attack doctrine and not to mention attack on French Submarine engineers

Blame everything on india!
Blame your incompetant government on india too! Say gilani or sharif or whatever your pm is,say that they are RAW agents!
Say that its india that carries the drone attack!
Say that India's RAW dug a tunnel from New Delhi to Abottabad and sneaked RAW agent Osama Bin Laden into pakistani territory!

Say India organised the jf 17 crash!
Say that India causes your powercuts!
Say that India ate up your budgets within 9 months!
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