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Helicopter prison escapes make for really exciting film and TV events. Did you know that they also make for a really effective way to break out of jail. The reason for this is that the vertical lift is ideal for landing on the limited space jails usually have.

One of the earliest recorded attempts was of a New York business man in 1971 who was imprisoned in Mexico. He was flown out of the country and went on to write a book about it.

France has the most recorded attempts (11). One of the most notorious is of a wife who learned how to fly a helicopter to rescue her husband. An escape artist has done it 3 times in 2001, 2003 and 2007.

They are surprisingly effective. There are about 38 recorded attempts, and 28 of them have been successful, meaning there’s about a 73% success rate for these escapes!


Colombia has been in the middle of a civil war for years. Guerilla forces often kidnap police officers and military personnel and hold them captive for years. With some victims being held for more than 12 years, they have no idea what is going on in the outside world.

Captives are only allowed to know what their captors want them to know.In an effort to communicate with these kidnapped officials, the Colombian army by way of DDB Colombia created a pop song with a Morse code beat.

Since captives were usually allowed to listen to music, they could now receive a secret message from the army. If they interpreted the morse code, they were told how many victims had been rescued and that they would soon be freed as well.
Eating "fat-free" foods can actually cause a greater
gain in weight than eating regular high fat foods.
Yes fats are essential but just like anything in large amounts is bad for us...

There's a fruit in japan whose extract is 300-times
as sweet as sugar, and is commonly used for
treating diabetes/obesity.

Siraitia grosvenorii - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BMC Genomics | Full text | An efficient approach to finding Siraitia grosvenorii triterpene biosynthetic genes by RNA-seq and digital gene expression analysis

The extract is used as an alternative sweetner for diabetic patients not as a treatment...:coffee:
Indian soldiers killed more civilians than terrorists in kashmir! A fact.

pakistani has the most suicidal bomb blast killing of much more innocent people.A fact

You can buy a virgin wife from Vietnam for $6,000
delivered within 90 days. If she runs away within
a year, you get another one for free.
what a point.ooooooohh

Thats true wanna see adtsmt?
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