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F-22 Raptor pilots practice simulated combat against Pakistan, UK & France Pilots

Well the last time I seen american soldiers in action they took out Saddams 4th largest military in the world and 800,000 troops and security personnel in 21 days like a knife thru hot butter.

Really? Last I checked the Iraqi Army did not fight... the airforce disappeared in the desert and the Baathist Generals ran away... with Saddam hiding in a hole like a ***...

What you did achieve was half a million civilians dead... War crimes like Abu Gharaib and asking the Iranians to ease the Shias in Iraq not to fight against your troops... A puppet government and lots of contracts to rebuild Iraq after you had destroyed it...

A better example of what your military is capable of doing is Vietnam...

Today in Afghanistan the Americans are facing ordinary Afghans in battle... You are not up against any Army... You d be a fool to think that Pakistan would be something like Iraq if it ever came down to it... ;)

As for your military might... We have seen what God does to those who try to take on the throne... Dont forget the Persians, Romans, Crusaders, Mongols and the Soviets... If they can go into the dustbin of history so can America...
I would also disagree here.

Americans had been in to far more devastating wars and made it through. That nation is internally very stable and strongly adheres to its operating principles. As long as the things remain this way, it will remain strong.

The main reason behind demise of USSR was not a bad war but internal reforms that brought an end to the very principle upon which USSR operated: Communism. In short, Gorbechev was responsible.

Look at the state of muslims: We have abandoned our faith and look where are we stand now as the result.

Well not Afghanistan... I should have said Iraq :)

The thing is that no one is denying the American resolve... They are a nation of men... but they have made an enemy of the whole world...

The French left them a long time ago... Britain is only waiting for a right moment to backstab them... EU has a totally German/French agenda as a whole... The Chinese and Russians hate the Americans with a passion... and on top of it they have made sure that apart from the sell outs in the Muslim world, they make an everlasting enemy of Muslims...

One does nt have to do anything to America today... They may be resilient but their system itself is on a suicide run... Once their economics collapses as it is bound to happen under Capitalism, the elite will become more brutal to maintain power over their people... This is actually what is happening today... all these checks and scanners that one has to go thru when visiting the states is nt really about stopping terrorism... its also the erosion of the freedom that the Americans had taken for granted... Their glory days are gone for sure...
Somebody watches a lot of Zaid hamid...
If America had been left behind..
The ISAF would be only Americans and not a whole conglomerate of nations.
Chinese and Russian hate the Americans??.. maybe the Russians..
The Chinese make a living by selling stuff to the Americans.. A change in American economy effects China the most.
Lets not talk about wars..
As to how twenty years ago Mr Santa Hussain's promise of "The mother of all battles" was literally blown to smithereens before it even began.
The Civillian casualties are a direct consequence of the American doctrine of saving their own lives, they avoid going into a firefight before clearing out major threats. Would you like to know how many civilian casualties our own Army caused while pursuing the TTP?..
The reason the Americans cause so many civilian casualties is their repeated folly of not knowing the people they are about to attack. They cannot differentiate between a man with a plough on his shoulder from one with a RPG.
They are ignorant of their enemy.. they are ignorant of their allies in general.. this is really not their fault since they have little in the way of exposure to the world..most are too absorbed in their lives to care...those directing the wars make their conclusions from CNN or HUMINT from exiles.. not the man who has lived there for all his life. One would expect the Americans to have learned about Pakistani psyche considering we have been on and off allies whilst Americans have had a lot of time here.. however their exposure is with the elite class and not the man who worries about his bread and butter everyday.
Which is why they are surprised when they pour millions of dollars into development programs and our military.. and their Ambassadors are given huge smiles and praise.. but the next day CNN shows a burning American Flag.
Yet.. compared to us. The American people(not the American establishments).. are much more trusting and humble than all of us Pakistani's.. that is my experience with them. There are bad apples and yes many consider American life to be all about *** and buffalo wings. But there is a lot more to that.
Talking out of bravado, or a misguided sense of Pan-islamism wont change the reality that if you ever have to face the American military in combat the results will be very very disturbing.
If Injustice has been done by the Americans.. then leave it to our collective god to judge and deal it... and worry about if you too have done your wrongs in life that you are currently at the bottom of the worlds power pyramid.
Somebody watches a lot of Zaid hamid...
If America had been left behind..
The ISAF would be only Americans and not a whole conglomerate of nations.
Chinese and Russian hate the Americans??.. maybe the Russians..
The Chinese make a living by selling stuff to the Americans.. A change in American economy effects China the most.
Lets not talk about wars..
As to how twenty years ago Mr Santa Hussain's promise of "The mother of all battles" was literally blown to smithereens before it even began.
The Civillian casualties are a direct consequence of the American doctrine of saving their own lives, they avoid going into a firefight before clearing out major threats. Would you like to know how many civilian casualties our own Army caused while pursuing the TTP?..
The reason the Americans cause so many civilian casualties is their repeated folly of not knowing the people they are about to attack. They cannot differentiate between a man with a plough on his shoulder from one with a RPG.
They are ignorant of their enemy.. they are ignorant of their allies in general.. this is really not their fault since they have little in the way of exposure to the world..most are too absorbed in their lives to care...those directing the wars make their conclusions from CNN or HUMINT from exiles.. not the man who has lived there for all his life. One would expect the Americans to have learned about Pakistani psyche considering we have been on and off allies whilst Americans have had a lot of time here.. however their exposure is with the elite class and not the man who worries about his bread and butter everyday.
Which is why they are surprised when they pour millions of dollars into development programs and our military.. and their Ambassadors are given huge smiles and praise.. but the next day CNN shows a burning American Flag.
Yet.. compared to us. The American people(not the American establishments).. are much more trusting and humble than all of us Pakistani's.. that is my experience with them. There are bad apples and yes many consider American life to be all about *** and buffalo wings. But there is a lot more to that.
Talking out of bravado, or a misguided sense of Pan-islamism wont change the reality that if you ever have to face the American military in combat the results will be very very disturbing.
If Injustice has been done by the Americans.. then leave it to our collective god to judge and deal it... and worry about if you too have done your wrongs in life that you are currently at the bottom of the worlds power pyramid.

haha... Zaid Hamid again... You obviously dont know that I did not even know about the person until a few months ago...

I could say that you watch a lot of Rambo movies... but for the sake of discussion I have this to say to you...

No one is saying that the first thing we should do after sorting our mess in our country is to engage militarily with America... Did you ever hear me say AA BAIL MUJHE MAR?

Chinese may be selling stuff to America... they still dislike the Americans... this is bound to turn ugly once America defaults on their debt... The Chinese are hard to estimate perhaps because we dont have much access to Chinese compared to English as a language... At least they know that America is trying to surround them... I dont see how they would be unaware of America's imperial nature and the American plans against them at some level...

As for the civilian casualties that our Army has caused... Who ever said that I approve of the Army on those lines... That is definitely something I disagree with Zaid Hamid :)

Lastly since you are now accusing me of a misplaced sense of pan Islamism... (you have no idea of who I am)... and the rest of how nice the common American is (assuming that I dont know America or Americans)... I have this advice for you...

Instead of doing wakalat for Americans... engage in some discussion of how we should solve our problems in the country...

Considering the thread... any ideas how to counteract the F22's stealth ability?
They realize that, Pakistani are capable in this filed ?

Pakistanis are capable in each and every field... the only problem that needs to be removed are the corrupt leaders in the corrupt system...

---------- Post added at 07:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:38 AM ----------

and should I say... the Wakils of America as well
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