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Exterminating the Terrorism by Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Today, the global masses are very well conversant of the term “Terrorism” because of prevailing regional and global adverse security environment. Terrorism might be of any kind but always causes loss to the lives and material, danger to unity, creates instability in the states and at the end proves to be a danger to the humanity. The reasons of terrorism cannot be justified while taking over the shelter of independence movements, fighting against the invaders or even for bringing revolution. We must know that terrorists have no religion, no faith and no humanitarian aspects. For understanding concept of terrorism and reaching to the solution for elimination of terrorism , one has to know the meaning of terrorism, types of terrorism, psychology of terrorist ,objectives of terrorism, causes of terrorism and the mechanism of its elimination .

Interestingly, no one agreed on unanimous definition of terrorism, number of scholars and practitioners have their own connotation of the term “terrorism’ because of their past observations, experience and the prevailing political and security conditions of their respective region. However according to the dictionary meaning, first time the word “Terror” has been used by the French leader Robespierre in his speech, "If the basis of a popular government in peacetime is virtue, its basis in a time of revolution is virtue and terror -- virtue, without which terror would be barbaric; and terror, without which virtue would be impotent" [Robespierre, speech in French National Convention, 1794]. Any how in general sense "systematic use of terror as a policy” was first recorded in English 1798. Prominent leaders like Yaser Arafat, Kashmiri Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Mao of China have very rightly defined their struggles as movements of independence. On the other hand Israel and India termed these movements as terrorism.

There are six different types of terrorism. They are anarchist terrorism, state-sponsored terrorism, right wing terrorism, left wing terrorism, religious terrorism, and nationalist terrorism. It is worth mentioning here that Anarchist terrorism was a major global phenomenon from the 1870s to 1920. A young Hungarian refugee killed President William McKinley who was persuaded to by anarchist sentiment in 1901. Later on these types of terrorist actions became popular amongst the terrorists groups. Mrs. Indra Ghandi, Benazir Bhutto, Kennedy and King Faisal are examples of victimization of anarchist terrorist.

Pakistan is facing combination of all types of terrorism. Indian involvement in Balochistan unrest and the rest of the country is beyond any doubt now. New Delhi is supporting nationalist and rebellion groups for carrying out terrorist activities in Balochistan. Some so called leaders have contacted one of the Indian Intelligence operators ……….through internet. She is also busy in crushing Kashmiries, Maoists and Sikhs through the state terrorism, Similarly Israel is also involved in the state terrorism and launched brutal actions against innocent Palestinians. American state terrorism against Nicaragua and Vietnam, Russian terrorism against Chechens are unforgettable and can be taken as state terrorism against innocent people. Here, I would also like to add that now days some of the states are using their intelligence agencies for fomenting an organized and objective terrorism for creating instability. For example India is occupying territory in the name of development in Afghanistan instead of taking care of her population where majority of the people are forced to spend their lives even below the poverty line.

Intelligence agencies are instrument of the state for spreading terrorism in other countries. To complete their evil designs foreign sponsored elements are also supporting religious elements of Pakistan covertly. The latest blasts in Lahore, militant activities in Balochistan and target killing in Karachi are designed too. They attract the poor young uneducated lot through temptation of money; drinks and other nefarious activities and ultimately take them to sponsored terrorist camps. Two recent suicidal blasts in Lahore dictate us that masterminds of terrorists have hired the services of innocent, unemployed and illiterate persons in the name of religion.

According to the government officials 45 innocent people killed and 125 wounded on July 1ST 2010 in two suicidal blasts at the shrine of the Persian Sufi saint, Syed Ali Hajwairi, commonly known as Data Gunj Bakhsh, in the heart of the city where the attacks occurred. Farah naz Ispahani, spokesman for President Asif Ali Zardari, condemned the attacks. "This sickening poison of extremism will be driven out of our nation and we will not be cowed.” Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani also said that terrorists have no consideration for any religion, faith and belief. Earlier too in May, 2010 more than 80 people were killed in twin attacks on the mosques of the minority Ahmedi sect in Lahore.

In fact, the above narrated two incidents do give clear cut indication that foreign sponsored terrorist masters have now changed their strategy and are trying to create sectarianism in Pakistan. They have planned to hit worship places of minorities and various sects of Muslims. In this context, they might go for more target killing and abduction of religious leadership of any sect, minority, group, or political parties. The sensitive institutions had also intercepted that disappointed militants have planned to target innocent people, abduction of individuals and families of security agencies, leaders and others very Important personalities.

Actually, our brave law enforcing security agencies with the help of public support have almost gained control and remained successful in elimination of militancy in Swat, Bajore and Khyber Agency and Orakzai Agency which have become difficult for our adversary to digest.
During the war on terror more than 3000 individuals of the security forces have sacrificed their lives in elimination of militancy.

Now there is a need that elders of the tribal areas and political top brass should sit together and devise a policy that must show complete determination in elimination of militancy from the country instead of involving themselves in point scoring games. They must find out the causes of terrorism in the country and carry out the revision of the policy of elimination of militancy. Pakistani Security Forces are building, repairing schools, and mosques in Malakand which were destroyed and damaged due to criminal acts of so called Taliban. Internally displaced persons are being provided assistance without any discrimination. The probable causes of terrorism are needed to be redressed, which will definitely assist in establishing permanent regional peace. In this context likely root causes of terrorism are poverty and political repression, unemployment, Afghan crises, internal factors, political instability, foreign hand, religious extremisms, illiteracy and Taliban factor. All these causes can be redressed by devising a proper mechanism. The mechanism should encompass, liberal democracy through negotiation, winning over the hearts of the masses, removing poverty and un employment, development of the areas, guarding national interests, fencing of western border, resolving regional conflicts, protection of local leadership, more consistency in foreign policy, taking control of the area and division of proper resources. The government and security forces are acting upon the policy of development, deterrence and destruction. Concluding, I must say that terrorism in South Asia could be rectified by resolving regional issues, assistance of Pakistani government by USA for boosting up the economy and announcing a proper schedule for withdrawal of American lead ISAF forces. Indian ingress in Afghanistan needs to be checked and monitored closely.
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