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Jul 10, 2017
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Exports in The Defense And Aviation Sector İncreased By 224 Percent in 10 Years​

The Turkish defense and aviation sector has become the world's favorite with its high-tech products and systems in recent years. While exports of products produced by national facilities, including unmanned aerial vehicles, increased significantly this year, the sector exported $1 billion 341 million dollars in the first half of the year, up 45 percent. In the first 6 months, the sector succeeded to fly the Turkish flag in 169 countries, including the United States, China, France, and Russia.
İsmail Gülle, Chairman of Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM), said, "Our country, which is breakthrough in exports, is a country that not only using technology, but can produce, modernize, and export it, especially its achievements in defense and aviation. In the last ten years, the sector's exports have increased by 224 percent. UAV and AUAV (Turkish Armed Drones) have a big part to play in the increase. The figures tell us that the sector can easily increase its exports by 425 percent to $11 billion in 2035."
Evaluating Türkiye's export performance in the defense and aviation industry sector, TİM Chairman İsmail Gülle stated that the defense and aviation industry sector is one of the hundred flux sectors of the country with the export of high-tech products and the prestige it adds to Türkiye.
In the first half of the year; among the sectors that have achieved the strongest growth performance; Emphasizing that the defense and aviation sector, which reached 1 billion 341 million dollars with an increase of 45 percent compared to the same period earlier year, came to the forefront, TİM Chairman Gülle said that increasing the share of high-tech product exports in general exports is very important both in terms of added value and in terms of capturing 10 percent of its share as in developed countries.
Noting that Türkiye, which is breakthrough in exports, is a country that not only using technology, but can produce, modernize, and export it, especially its achievements in defense and aviation, Gülle said:
"One of the most important elements of our independence passes through the defense industry with domestic and national production. Currently, the share of our defense and aviation industry sector in overall exports is 3.5%. Our most successful result in high-tech products exports is UAV and AUAV (Turkish Armed Drones). Our success has caught the attention of the whole world. When we look at June exports in 2021, we see significant increases on both monthly, quarterly, and 6-month basis. Our sector succeeded in increasing the number of exporting countries to 169 countries in the first half of 2021 while it flew the Turkish flag in 138 countries in the six months of last year.
Noting that the increase in exports of the sector has been 224 percent in the last ten years, Gülle said, “Considering the investments made in the sector and the successes, the way for the exports of our sector is clear. In the ranking of the sectors which Türkiye exports to the longest distance in 2019, the defense and aerospace industry sector took first place with an average of 5 thousand 282 km and exports of 2.25 billion dollars. In 2020, our sector exported 2 billion 279 million dollars."
Stating that they are proud of the success, Gülle said, "The defense and aviation sector takes the first place among the sectors that will improve their performance the most by 2030. We think the industry will grow 400 percent during this time. Four hundred percent growth means our exports will rise to more than $10 billion. These are just predictions, but there are important products and markets will strengthen these predictions. Türkiye's success may bring forward the time it takes for other countries to move quickly towards these products after the sale. According to our analysis, we see that the sector that will grow fastest in both high technology and 2030 projection is the defense and aviation sector."
Gülle stated that they exported $582.1 million to the United States in the first half of the year, an increase of 68 percent, it was followed by Azerbaijan with $163.9 million with an increase of 1625 and the United Arab Emirates with $109.8 million, up 3 percent.
Gülle, "The 'Export 2021 Report', which will serve as a compass for our exporters who will benefit the Turkish economy and export ecosystem, also predicts that the sector with the highest export growth in 2035 will be the defense and aviation industry with an increase of 425%. Our report predicts that our sector will export $3.5 billion in 2025 and $11.5 billion in 2035. Our sector will also reduce the foreign trade deficit with the increase in export performance. The sector expected to rise fastest in the ranking according to our country's export projection is the defense and aviation industry, while this sector is expected to rank 19th in 2021, 17th in 2025, 13th in 2030, and 11th in 2035." he said.
If you look at the projection reports of the Turkish Exporters Assembly last years, you will always see that the actual figures exceed TIM estimates.

The Turkish defense and aerospace industry has come to this day as a supplier of subsystems and services. However, for the last years, exports of the end-system products have begun to multiply other sale figures.

For example, let's take an example from TAI, which everyone here knows: they already have one of the most important helicopter structures manufacturing facilities in the world. The Airbus AW139 body is produced here. KAI KUH body components are produced here. In addition, they are one of the most important suppliers in global production planning for some systems of both Sikorsky's BlackHawk and Airbus.

However, the same company is currently developing 3 different original helicopter systems (ATAK-II, T625, T925). The first deliveries for these helicopters will take place between 2023 and 2026.

The company, which is the supplier of Boeing, Airbus and Lockheed in fixed-wing aircraft structures, currently has 3 different aircraft development programs, 1 of which is a combat jet. They also started to export two of these planes.


On a more general scale, Turkish industry is experiencing a full-blown export boom. The country, which had total exports in the band of 25 billion dollars in 2000, is now in the band of 260 billion dollars. The defense industry is the fastest growing sector among these and has an annual growth rate of over 30%.
If you look at the projection reports of the Turkish Exporters Assembly last years, you will always see that the actual figures exceed TIM estimates.

The Turkish defense and aerospace industry has come to this day as a supplier of subsystems and services. However, for the last years, exports of the end-system products have begun to multiply other sale figures.

For example, let's take an example from TAI, which everyone here knows: they already have one of the most important helicopter structures manufacturing facilities in the world. The Airbus AW139 body is produced here. KAI KUH body components are produced here. In addition, they are one of the most important suppliers in global production planning for some systems of both Sikorsky's BlackHawk and Airbus.

However, the same company is currently developing 3 different original helicopter systems (ATAK-II, T625, T925). The first deliveries for these helicopters will take place between 2023 and 2026.

The company, which is the supplier of Boeing, Airbus and Lockheed in fixed-wing aircraft structures, currently has 3 different aircraft development programs, 1 of which is a combat jet. They also started to export two of these planes.


On a more general scale, Turkish industry is experiencing a full-blown export boom. The country, which had total exports in the band of 25 billion dollars in 2000, is now in the band of 260 billion dollars. The defense industry is the fastest growing sector among these and has an annual growth rate of over 30%.
so what is the target 25 bilion dollar for defence industry?

If you look at the projection reports of the Turkish Exporters Assembly last years, you will always see that the actual figures exceed TIM estimates.

The Turkish defense and aerospace industry has come to this day as a supplier of subsystems and services. However, for the last years, exports of the end-system products have begun to multiply other sale figures.

For example, let's take an example from TAI, which everyone here knows: they already have one of the most important helicopter structures manufacturing facilities in the world. The Airbus AW139 body is produced here. KAI KUH body components are produced here. In addition, they are one of the most important suppliers in global production planning for some systems of both Sikorsky's BlackHawk and Airbus.

However, the same company is currently developing 3 different original helicopter systems (ATAK-II, T625, T925). The first deliveries for these helicopters will take place between 2023 and 2026.

The company, which is the supplier of Boeing, Airbus and Lockheed in fixed-wing aircraft structures, currently has 3 different aircraft development programs, 1 of which is a combat jet. They also started to export two of these planes.


On a more general scale, Turkish industry is experiencing a full-blown export boom. The country, which had total exports in the band of 25 billion dollars in 2000, is now in the band of 260 billion dollars. The defense industry is the fastest growing sector among these and has an annual growth rate of over 30%.
You know exports are a means and not an end The export sector arose to obtain the foreign currency that will finance imports

if you big defence export its can give you some national pride not more
so what is the target 25 bilion dollar for defence industry?

You know exports are a means and not an end The export sector arose to obtain the foreign currency that will finance imports

if you big defence export its can give you some national pride not more
The target is $11.5 billion. But the potential is much stronger than the given target. Export figures are a side result showing the development of the sector. It's not the main focus.
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