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Expo-2020: Pakistan's voting for Turkey annoys UAE


Feb 2, 2007
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ISLAMABAD: The Foreign Office (FO) appears to have failed in justifying its earlier vote for Turkey for hosting the Expo-2020 instead of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Well-placed sources in the FO claimed Turkey had approached the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) government in March 2011 for supporting its bid for Expo-2020 in Izmir. The Foreign Office on the instructions of the then prime minister had assured Turkey of Pakistan’s support. The UAE entered the race later in the same year and designated Dubai for holding the event.

Immediately after the announcement, the UAE initiated its worldwide campaign for winning support. It approached Pakistan for the purpose but the government here told the UAE representatives that Pakistan has already announced support for Turkey and that it would be difficult for Islamabad to change its mind.

But the then federal minister for commerce Makhdoom Amin Fahim is said to have assured the UAE emissary of support of his government for the Expo-2020. The Turkish envoy, just before the voting, showed the letter of Foreign Ministry of Pakistan for supporting Turkey while the UAE envoy showed the letter written by Makhdoom Amin Fahim.

Pakistan thus faced an embarrassing situation when assurance of its support was available for one slot to two different countries in the contest. Pakistan ultimately voted for Turkey much to the annoyance of the UAE delegate.

Turkey after its defeat in the initial round opted to withdraw from the contest and the UAE was confronting Brazil and Russian Federation, which designated Sao Paulo and Ekaterinburg as rendezvous for the Expo respectively.

Brazil opted to quit in the second round while Russia was voted out in the third and final round creating room for the UAE’s victory. The counting took place on November 27 and the announcement came in same evening, which was celebrated throughout the UAE. Pakistan under the fresh instructions of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif voted for the UAE in the last two rounds.

UAE is one of the biggest investors in Pakistan and has the second largest concentration of overseas Pakistanis. It has been generous in its assistance for the calamity-affected people in Pakistan.

The FO is of the view that it was a difficult decision for Islamabad. The previous government had already given its commitment and it was difficult to change it.

Pakistan also enjoys cordial relations with Brazil and Russia but due to its peculiarity of ties with the UAE, the government opted to vote for the UAE ignoring the request by other contenders. Shaikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, foreign minister of the UAE, later thanked Pakistan for its support in the later rounds.

The Foreign Office says such decisions are made at the highest political level and it isn’t essential that they remain in conformity with the set approach of the foreign policy. The FO did evaluate the outcome of the whole exercise when the results became public and it was decided that in future such decisions should be made after careful consideration, the sources maintained.

Pakistani community residing in the UAE was surprised to know that Pakistan had not voted for the UAE to host the Expo, according to a Gulf newspaper. Some Pakistanis have tried for the UAE to be voted the host. Pakistani owners of hotels in Dubai hope that the Expo will bring with it a flood of jobs that would benefit not only the UAE but also Pakistan.

Expo-2020: Pakistans voting for Turkey annoys UAE - thenews.com.pk
enough BS man why you people are worshiping UAE ? it was one wote and we cast it be happy or cry UAE over . saaly bhikari kabhi moon utha ker baat nhi ker sakty :taz:
They should stop funding terrorists in Baluchistan to get our vote. No regrets for voting Turkey!

are you kidding? it is Iran and its loyalists in Pakistan who are behind BLA.
Brahmdagh Bugti flew to EU from Tehran.
BTW.. read the news, it is all self made no where is any UAE official involved.

UAE is acting like shit! We already opted to vote for Turkey.

UAE doesn't even deserve our vote!

WE! who we? what matters today is Sharif, apparently Sharif does not have good relations with middleast, contrary to usual propaganda.

Are you high?

Iran is facing the same threat as us. BLA operates on both sides of the border.
Its some of our Arabi bhai jaans from UAE who are funding these monsters. They percieve Gwadar as a detrimental development to their ports.

Brahumdagh was given transit from Dubai to Zurich on an Indian passport. They didn't arrest him despite our requests. His right hand man Mehran Bugti is roaming free in Dubai, collecting funds for terrorism with his sweaty balls from our Emirati 'brothers'.

Dubai-based Mehran Baluch's UBA owns responsibility for Quetta bomb blast - Baltimore Foreign Policy | Examiner.com

@Yzd Khalifa

How pissed off would you be if we bombed Dubai with our Naval artilery, if they don't stop funding these sons of bitches...?
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Are you high?

Iran is facing the same threat as us. BLA operates on both sides of the border.

Its some of our Arabi bhai jaans from UAE who are funding these monsters. They percieve Gwadar as a detrimental development to their Its some of our Arabi bhai jaans from UAE who are funding these monsters. They percieve Gwadar as a detrimental development to their Its some of our Arabi bhai jaans from UAE who are funding these monsters. They percieve Gwadar as a detrimental development to their Its some of our Arabi bhai jaans from UAE who are funding these monsters. They percieve Gwadar as a detrimental development to their ports.

Brahumdagh was given tr

Actually GAWADAR is a threat to Chabahar and Iran is sponsoring BLA and various criminals, target killers in Baluchistan, where Quetta being its head quarter.
While Iran and India and US and Israel all are sponsoring BLA since ages, totally de-linked to GAWADAR port.
GAWADAR had great potential while Musharraf was around, but Iran loyalist Zardari stagnate all.
I see no reason for UAE being threatened by GAWADAR, and not threatened by Chbahar.
Still this blame game is out of context and seems very odd to start with.
Actually GAWADAR is a threat to Chabahar and Iran is sponsoring BLA and various criminals, target killers in Baluchistan, where Quetta being its head quarter.
While Iran and India and US and Israel all are sponsoring BLA since ages, totally de-linked to GAWADAR port.
GAWADAR had great potential while Musharraf was around, but Iran loyalist Zardari stagnate all.
I see no reason for UAE being threatened by GAWADAR, and not threatened by Chbahar.

Thats all bla bla because you are blinded by your fanatic religious 'loyalty'.

Iran has funded terrorism in Pakistan, but those groups are 'religious terrorists' like Jaish e Muhammad.

Jindullah, Jaish al Adl are too Baluchi terrorist outfits which cooperate with BLA and all other 'B's.

Iran has smashed them hard, so should we. Our interests with Iran on this issue are the same as the threat is mutual.

Iran isn't stupid enough to help groups that pose a threat to Iran itself...as you have implied.

India trains BLA etc through its Jalalabad embessy and Israeli agents might well be present there...

The major part of the funding though comes from our emirati 'brothers'.

People like Mehran bugti, Harbiyar Marri and others openly 'hangout' in Dubai with no one to ask a word.

We should keep an eye on both Iran and UAE and must not refrain from terminating these sons of bitches....when thy get the shaft ...emiratis will know that we mean business!
are you kidding? it is Iran and its loyalists in Pakistan who are behind BLA.
Brahmdagh Bugti flew to EU from Tehran.
BTW.. read the news, it is all self made no where is any UAE official involved.

He flew from afghanistan.. BLA etc want the whole baluchistan..

WE! who we? what matters today is Sharif, apparently Sharif does not have good relations with middleast, contrary to usual propaganda.

Yeah he just married his daughter in saudi royal family..


Are you high?

Iran is facing the same threat as us. BLA operates on both sides of the border.
Its some of our Arabi bhai jaans from UAE who are funding these monsters. They percieve Gwadar as a detrimental development to their ports.

Brahumdagh was given transit from Dubai to Zurich on an Indian passport. They didn't arrest him despite our requests. His right hand man Mehran Bugti is roaming free in Dubai, collecting funds for terrorism with his sweaty balls from our Emirati 'brothers'.

Dubai-based Mehran Baluch's UBA owns responsibility for Quetta bomb blast - Baltimore Foreign Policy | Examiner.com

@Yzd Khalifa

How pissed off would you be if we bombed Dubai with our Naval artilery, if they don't stop funding these sons of bitches...?

No hes just a secterian thug..

What do you think if our boys from COD take down these sobs in Dubai....a few of them...

How would it turn out?--pros and cons?

None will be missed... instead a better way .. = provide jobs,security etc to the average man.. wipe out these scum bags on the other hand..
None will be missed... instead a better way .. = provide jobs,security etc to the average man.. wipe out these scum bags on the other hand..

Army,FC and GOB is doing applaudable work.

My point was....these sobs in 'exile' have 'lost their operational value', because they aren't fighting on the ground but living comfy lives and getting wasted in Europe and Dubai.

If thats true then terminating them would be worth it or not, since they have lost their operational value?

Would there be any fallout if lets say Brahumdagh is eliminated...which operatinally is not a huge task?
None will be missed... instead a better way .. = provide jobs,security etc to the average man.. wipe out these scum bags on the other hand..

Wipe out because your verdict? and only by chance it is aligned with verdict of Iranians!!!!!

Do what ever but don't forget to call back your clan from UAE before your plan any such thing.

Why is UAE acting like a bitch? No one has a right to question your vote.

Like kids saying "you're friends with him more than me" :lol:

Open your eyes... where is UAE statement in OP?
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