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Exploring Pakistan’s Nuclear Thresholds – Analysis


May 6, 2011
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Exploring Pakistan’s Nuclear Thresholds – Analysis

Written by: Khan A. Sufyan
May 5, 2011

Recent testing of short range ballistic and cruise missiles by Pakistan has initiated a debate in India regarding possible use of battlefield tactical nuclear weapons by Pakistan and the strategic instability it has caused. Pakistan’s declared nuclear format clearly indicates deterrence against conventional as well as nuclear threat. To provide credibility to such deterrence a full spectrum response capability is essential which also devolves around the principle difference between the use of tactical nuclear weapons and tactical use of nuclear weapons.

Contrarily, the Indians state that their nuclear capability principally acts as deterrence against the use of nuclear weapons by any adversary. This clearly indicates that against Pakistan they intend to fight a conventional war using their superior conventional forces. An attempt to acquire anti-ballistic missile defence capability is also indicative of such intent.

Various Indian Defence Ministers and Chiefs of Army Staffs, on different occasions have stated that all wars fought between India and Pakistan were limited in nature and that limited wars are possible in future also, under a nuclear overhang. It has been further qualified that the limited war would be fought for attainment of shallow objectives, while remaining short of Pakistan’s nuclear thresholds.

Accurate identification of an adversary’s nuclear thresholds is indeed a difficult proposition. Though the nuclear policies and various strategies guiding nuclear responses have relatively been well profiled by various nuclear weapon states, the thresholds however, have never been made public in the manner. More often than not, this ambiguity is deliberately left in order to cause uncertainty in adversary’s decision making calculus. This may force imposition of restrictions as to how deep or shallow the objectives of attacking forces may have to be.

In India – Pakistan nuclear environment as well, such circumspection has apparently added to the deterrence value and may dictate the duration, thrusts and locations in the application of forces. An examination of Pakistan’s possible nuclear thresholds will be in order to see if the Indian doctrine of conventional war under nuclear overhang is at all valid.

A Pre-emptive Response Threshold (PRT) may be evoked against Indian actions that may be premeditated, pre-emptive, incautious and accidental or events spiraling out of control. These strikes may invariably be launched on Indian territory and may take the form of nuclear strike on Indian armed forces, cities and economic and communication centers. The response may even be undertaken due to preparatory engagement of targets inside Pakistani territory, threatening strategic and forward assembly of Indian troops, on escalation of nuclear alert status or even an accidental or rogue firing of Indian nuclear missiles.

An Early Response Threshold (ERT) may result in a nuclear retaliation during the early stages of Indian offensive after the international border has been crossed. Early nuclear response may be resorted to when sensitive locations (important towns/cities etc close to the international border) of psycho-social and communication/economic importance are threatened or captured. It could also be the combined resultant affect of an existential extreme political and economic situation, exacerbation of which is blamed on India and may be undertaken by a government under intense public pressure.

In a Delayed Response Threshold (DRT) the nuclear strikes may be undertaken only after saturation of the conventional response. Evoking of such a response may vary according to the peculiar geographical lay of international border or contiguity of various sensitive locations to the international border and may even take the form of certain imaginary lines drawn on the map.

Finally, the Accumulative Response Threshold (ART) may be evoked if India initiates a graduated application of force. In such a scenario, a naval coercion gradually escalated to blockade coupled with graduated conventional selective air and ground strikes on economic targets, communication infrastructure, politically sensitive locations and military targets are undertaken. The accumulative destructive effect of such conventional strikes may evoke either an early or a delayed nuclear response depending on the summative effect of destruction that has taken place.

These thresholds highlight the fact that even limited wars which Indian defence intelligentsia believes in, are fraught with the threat of nuclear response even before the attacking forces attempt to cross the international border. The decision to initiate war therefore, even limited, must carefully factor in the nuclear response during the early stages of mobilization.

The Indian stated position that their nuclear warfare preparations are against China which would automatically take care of Pakistan’s nuclear threat, has indirectly infused a sense of inconsequentiality of Pakistan’s nuclear capability and has forced Pakistan to improve her nuclear response. This has led to stability – instability paradox for which only the Indians are responsible and not Pakistan.

With China factored in by the Indians, the bilateral India-Pakistan discussions on any nuclear restraint regime may not be helpful towards amenable regional environment. Therefore, inclusion of China in a regional strategic stability can produce the desired results.

Link: Exploring Pakistan's Nuclear Thresholds - Analysis
Excellent. Havent read anything like this before. An analytical attempt to outline Pakistan’s nuclear thresholds crossing of which by attacking Indian forces may evoke a nuclear response. This clearly and without any doubt states the obvious fact that a conventional war between India and Pakistan would certainly be suicidal indeed.
Excellent purview. This is the first comprehensive purview I have seen written by a Pakistani on this subject. The earlier Pakistani explanation of the nuclear thresholds was outlined by Gen. Kidwai in an interview to some foreign journalists many many years ago. Majority of what one found on the subject was the anti-Pakistan trash written by Indians and similar diatribe by western analysts – they are again at it after the Osama incident.

In my opinion this article has been published at exactly the right time as well. Indian and western media is after Pakistan and Indian Air and Army Chiefs have announced their intent by describing their capability to conduct a US type raid on Pakistan. The article also helps to display Pakistan’s resolve in response to such offensive Indian official thought process.

Mr. Sufyan has been very articulate in categorizing the threshold levels, explaining each clearly and logically, crossing of which may evoke nuclear response from Pakistan. And I agree with his analysis that a conventional war under nuclear environment, as the Indians prescribe, is fraught with innumerable dangers. Though the Indians may not agree to include the Chinese in Indo-Pak bilateral dialogue on nuclear related aspects, without their inclusion a stable future environment probably cannot be conceived at regional level.

A very thought provoking analysis indeed.
I find all nuclear related analysis-editorials by Pakistanis explain only what Pakistan's nuclear response will be if India attacks..no one seems to explain or analyse how India will respond to such an attack...may be they know it will end in complete annihilation of Pakistan...
I have seen in many other threads that Indian members are attempting to trash Pakistani seriousness in response to Indian Army and Ir Chief's Geedar-Bhabkian. I agree with Tinu's comments above that this article is a correct and timely response to such Indian threats. A very good article which gives out the thresholds which when crossed will result in nuclear strikes on India.
^ make ur point in civility ..and one more advice...stop day dreaming...u will attack 100 cities...but do u think our nuclear bombs are kept in cities...do u know where our silos are kept...or do u think ur nuclear attack will kill the nuclear command..what will do u if it doesnt????so stop making retarded comments...shows how much IQ u got..dont worry about arya race..think about ur family..and dont fart while u dream..
^ Ya You Guyz Will attack us With All your Nukes and India will not Retaliate and will be completely Annhilated , Is it That Simple ???????

Good points Sirs ... So could you explain as to how in reference to the nuclear thresholds explained by the author, a limited war is possible under a nuclear overhang - particularly in a MAD environment. By MAD I don't mean pagal, please.
Point Made in the article is : If Pakistan feel "JUST THREATEND" they will use Nuclear Weapons and have rights and moral force and logic to do it. They will use it even if an Indian Helicopter goes to Lahore to kill say Dawood.

Well.....by this logic ...India should have used nuclear weapons after Parliament Attack, Kargil Incursion and Mumbai Attack.

What SHITTY article and SHITTY analysis.

India also reserve the right to use force like USA ...and I am sure it will use it despite Kiyanis warnings..I am pretty sure.

If you do not want to get humiliated again, please stop using terrorism as your state policy. PERIOD.
The Pre-emptive Response Threshold (PRT) mentioned above seems very bold and non-realistic.
Point Made in the article is : If Pakistan feel "JUST THREATEND" they will use Nuclear Weapons and have rights and moral force and logic to do it. They will use it even if an Indian Helicopter goes to Lahore to kill say Dawood.

Well.....by this logic ...India should have used nuclear weapons after Parliament Attack, Kargil Incursion and Mumbai Attack.

What SHITTY article and SHITTY analysis.

India also reserve the right to use force like USA ...and I am sure it will use it despite Kiyanis warnings..I am pretty sure.

If you do not want to get humiliated again, please stop using terrorism as your state policy. PERIOD.

are you really the kid in your profile pic???......there is a hell of a difference in mumbai attacks and killing dawood ibrahim.....in mumbai there were not pakistani military in recognized uniform or such...but if india does what you are saying it might (although i dont think it has the capabilities to do so....but for arguments sake lets just say it does)....then your people will be in proper bharti kit adn heli will be indian....hence we dont need any proof...while you need to trace back the connections....spot the differences mate!!
are you really the kid in your profile pic???......there is a hell of a difference in mumbai attacks and killing dawood ibrahim.....in mumbai there were not pakistani military in recognized uniform or such...but if india does what you are saying it might (although i dont think it has the capabilities to do so....but for arguments sake lets just say it does)....then your people will be in proper bharti kit adn heli will be indian....hence we dont need any proof...while you need to trace back the connections....spot the differences mate!!

Dude...you can not set the rules of the games....if X may be threshold for you, WHY DON'T YOU ACCEPT THAT Y may be threshold for me.

If you are so touchy about uniform and indian heli.....we will use your northen neighbor and weapons given to them for the purpose..oh i forgot ..we are already doing it..prepare for few more surprises as America has given the signal that it is fair to do it now....all this while we kept American sentiments in not doing it....
The Pre-emptive Response Threshold (PRT) mentioned above seems very bold and non-realistic.

Sir anything which may be bold may not always be un-realistic. I feel the purview is on the dot as it covers almost all scenarios that may erupt. These may not have been written in but the headings given to the thresholds say it all.

The kid nalanda here says that "If you do not want to get humiliated again, please stop using terrorism as your state policy. PERIOD." One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Was Subash Chandar Bose a terrorist - some think he was. 1857 was war of independence - Brits say it was a mutiny - sabotage is part of or is a technique of warfare and is therefore practiced as part of a state's policy. You may like to call it terrorism - so be it. However, if you cross Pakistan's nuclear thresholds, the results will certainly be horrendous and don't ever think of launching a conventional limited war under a nuclear overhang or underhang :)
OSAMA was also freedom fighter for many but USA did what it did coz it can...

India too can use means at its diposal to do what it can.....

Hey even if we clean each other man to man by nuclear force, India will still remain. We will get back to pre 1947 Status..what do you say...

IF YOU CAN TALK SILLY, WE TOO CAN. Your nuclear weapons will always remain in the dabbas it is meant for. You guys will never have the balls to use it. Kargil is good example..
It is not talking stupid, this is a serious thing.
What you are repeating is that while you will only destroy part of India when India retaliates it will destroy whole of Pakistan - this is what many of Indian Army general turned analysts also say. The author has obliquely touched the subject.
Sir, Pakistan is making more nuclear weapons apparently just for this reason. So that the first strike should take out most of India. Yes India would respond from whatever it could muster after absorbing the first strike. So --- both countries may be destroyed. A la MAD.
So, dont even think of launching a conventional attack against Pakistan - even a limited or small raid against Pakistan. The response may not be what you may be expecting. Conventional war threats or actual wars in India Pakistan environment are over in nuclear environment. Thats what I am saying.
GOI will not take such steps, but non-state actors ( as always excuse from Pakistan) can take steps like raids to kill dawood or JUD chief. Then pakistan will have to give dossier pe dossier. If we can create trouble in baluchistan (as per GOP accusation) using non-state actors, we can use the same ppl to carry out such attacks.
This is a good one ... BlueDot_in_Space.
You do it in Balochistan - we do it in Indian Occupied Kashmir, Mizoram, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Indian Occupied Khalistan (Indian Occupied Punjab), Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh and Naxal districts to name a few.
Lets play non-state actors under a nuclear overhang.
I assure you sir, India would break-up from just under the cow-belt.
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