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Exclusive interview: Musharraf hits back at Shahid Aziz

Nomatter what anybody says I know one thing Mush screwed Indian big time and was a great commando and he should never have come into politics and overthrew nawaz sharif...Indians were peeing in their pants and ran short of coffins in kargil...India spent 20 billion dollars which would be around 80 billion of today while Pakistan hardly spent a few lacs on bullets only and killed 3000 indian cowards while we lost hardly 300 soldiers and mujahaiden in total...

Above all he conveyed his message clearly to world that unless kashmir is resolved no peace is guaranted in this region...India would have never dared to open the inetrnational border as they were **** scared of our nukes and still are:pakistan:

:rofl: :rofl:
Musharraf justified Pakistani casualties in the conflict, saying that Pakistan lost only 270 men against India’s 1,600 soldiers.

This looser is biggest liar on earth

Pakistan Army admits to Kargil martyrs | NDTV.com

Idiot forget about his own army's acceptance :lol:
This looser is biggest liar on earth

Pakistan Army admits to Kargil martyrs | NDTV.com

Idiot forget about his own army's acceptance :lol:

Retard NLI wasnt part of the Pak army.... until 2002-3..... it was a secondary force like FC or Rangers.
Retard NLI wasnt part of the Pak army.... until 2002-3..... it was a secondary force like FC or Rangers.

So ??

you dnt include them now ?? Just like you left them to die ??
Retard NLI wasnt part of the Pak army.... until 2002-3..... it was a secondary force like FC or Rangers.

Secondary Force? what is that? that they did'nt matter when they were being pounded by IA Artillery and IAF aircraft?
Will also FC and Rangers also get classified as "Mujaheddin" in combat?
So ??

you dnt include them now ?? Just like you left them to die ??

Left them to die? another victim of zee tv here folks....... nothing to see here....... i debunked this fools imaginery thousands of martyred soldiers story before and guess what he ran away.:tdown:

Secondary Force? what is that? that they did'nt matter when they were being pounded by IA Artillery and IAF aircraft?
Will also FC and Rangers also get classified as "Mujaheddin" in combat?

1000 NLI and Mujahideens vs 30000 indian soldiers and IAF.... Still got 1600 casualities and 3 aircrafts blown to smitherines.... not to forget the god damn peaks which still lookover ur highway to siachin .... awarding posthumous param veer chakra to an injured soldier......... running out of coffins......

I pity you fools who believe what your constipated media sells you... or should i say spoon feeds you guys!
“Telling everyone about it was not necessary at all,” said Musharraf in an interview with Express.
Not necessary to tell the truth because of the defeat and failed strategy. So keeping a tight lid on the failures seemed to be the best policy!

He added that he felt Aziz had an imbalanced personality and has resorted to character assassination by making these accusations.
Really? This man Mush has the habit of lying through his teeth. If there's anyone with an imbalanced personality, it is Mush. Period!

“We lost the Kargil war, which was a big success militarily, because of Nawaz Sharif,” said Musharraf. “If he had not visited the US, we would have conquered 300 square miles of India.”
What utter baloney and claptrap from a birdbrain! It was Mush himself who had asked Sharif to go to the US to beg for a safe withdrawal as his troops were getting hammered as they were running out of supplies and were on the brink of starvation as all supply routes were blocked and the main supply base at Muntho Dhalo destroyed by IAF Mirages.


'Conquered' 300 sq miles, he says! :rofl:

“The prime consideration of such actions is security and secrecy, so the army leadership decides who is to be informed and when. As the operation progressed and the proper time arrived, a briefing of the corps commanders was also held,” he added.
Is this how the Pakistan Army plans and conducts operations? Seriously? Imagine, even the PAF was kept in the dark as were the corps commanders! This was adhocism at its best! No wonder Mush had egg all over his face, so much of it that one could have made a super sized omelet enough to feed a battalion of the Northern Light Infantry!

“It was a tactical action that had a strategic importance in which no more than a few hundred persons were involved, but which engaged thousands on the Indian side and was of tremendous importance.”
See? I told you he's lost his marbles! A few hundred persons? So seven battalions of the NLI consist of only a few hundred soldiers?? Each battalion consists of 600-700 soldiers. The 3, 4, 5 and 7 battalions took part in the intrusion across the Batalik-Chorbatla-Turtuk sectors. Elements of the 12 NLI occupied Tiger Hill and the Mushkoh Valley while the 6 and 11 NLI were spread across the Drass-Tololing-Kaksar sectors.

So, how many battalions took part? Seven. That means about 5000 troops! And he says a few hundred? This guy has lost his mind!

Musharraf justified Pakistani casualties in the conflict, saying that Pakistan lost only 270 men against India’s 1,600 soldiers.
More nonsense! That's according to Mush. According to numbers stated by Nawaz Sharif himself, there were over 4,000 fatalities. His PML (N) party in its white paper on the war mentioned that more than 3,000 Mujahideens, officers and soldiers were killed. Another major Pakistani political party, the Pakistan Peoples Party, also says that "thousands" of soldiers and irregulars died. Indian estimates stand at 1,042 Pakistani soldiers killed which is nearer the truth.

The names of those who died in Kargil are cleverly tucked away in a list of thousands of personnel killed while on duty posted in the Shuhada's Corner (Martyrs Corner) of the website. Several causes are cited for those who died in Kargil — “killed in action”, “enemy action”, “enemy firing”, “enemy artillery shelling” and even “road accident”, but only 453 have been listed as officially killed at Kargil.
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@Pakistani Nationalist,
You just did not answer the question.
So here it comes again-
Will also FC and Rangers also get classified as "Mujaheddin" in combat?
Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...af-hits-back-shahid-aziz-2.html#ixzz2JYgvQPoU

Capt popoI agree with you there were soldiers of army along with mujaiden too and musharraf admitted that putting total death around 300 including both of these ...
But mush did screw you guys big time ....Highlighting kashmir on international forums and had there not been a coward like sharif we would have got siachin by now...
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Left them to die? another victim of zee tv here folks....... nothing to see here....... i debunked this fools imaginery thousands of martyred soldiers story before and guess what he ran away.:tdown:

If you send aroung 5-10 K soldiers so may died (lets keep your own army claim 400-500 died, 1-2K wounded) where were others ??
Ran back like loosers ????

1000 NLI and Mujahideens vs 30000 indian soldiers and IAF.... Still got 1600 casualities and 3 aircrafts blown to smitherines.... not to forget the god damn peaks which still lookover ur highway to siachin .... awarding posthumous param veer chakra to an injured soldier......... running out of coffins......

you captured around 120 check posts so for one point you put less then 10 soldiers ?? :raise:

Either you are stupid or you are dnt want to admit reality

I pity you fools who believe what your constipated media sells you... or should i say spoon feeds you guys!

That's why we still have kargil (except 1-2 peak those we forget to capture)
Ohh sorry your history tell you that you even won 65 war :rofl:
“We lost the Kargil war, which was a big success militarily, because of Nawaz Sharif,” said Musharraf. “If he had not visited the US, we would have conquered 300 square miles of India.”

And How would Pakistan have done that..

During the initial stages of conflict.

1) Most of troops India troops introduced into Kargil were from plains hence were not acclimated.

2) Indian troops tried to capture Pakistani positions in broad day light, with insufficient artillery cover.

3) CAS without laser guidance kits was totally ineffective in rarefied atmosphere of Kargil.
India took massive casualties in its initial attempts to capture heights like Tololing, and were unsuccessful.

Pakistanis were ecstatic, as their plans were working perfectly.

At this point both army and airforce went back to drawing board and changed their strategy to suit mountain warfare conditions.

1) IAF started using Mirage with LGB to target not actual enemy positions(as even LGB were not as effective in rarefied atmosphere and sharp peak of mountains as they are plains) but to destroy enemy logistic lines, they would bomb near by heights and cause avalanches to cover the logistic trail.

2) India army introduced 450 artillery gun to sector ..130 of which were bofors guns with 155mm air bursting artillery rounds. Many units of Grad MBRL were also introduced.

3) Massive artillery barrages preceded every Indian attack on Pakistani position. At one time more than hundred guns would be firing at single peak for hours at end.

4)Artillery was used to put suppressing fire and pin down Pakistani positions, while India troops crawled up the peaks, at times climbed vertical cliffs to reach enemy positions.

5) Artillery firing only ceased, when India troops were few hundred yards from Pakistani positions, and the old school infantry hand to combat was used to defeat the enemy post.

6) These manoeuvre were first successfully tried in capture Tololing and then repeated elsewhere in text book fashions, with exact same results.

7) Pakistan had stabbed itself in to foot, by claiming, the intruders on Kargil heights were Mujaheddin and not its soldiers. It could neither provide aerial cover for it troops , nor was able to introduce, enough artillery gun in the sector to counter Indian guns. As it would have depleted its resources elsewhere, in case a full war were to break out.

8)Intruders on remaining heights were running out of logistics, with no way of resupplying them, their position started falling like deck of cards.

9) At this point defeat seemed imminent for Pakistan even to Pakistanis. Pakistani govt was in full panic, hence to salvage some of Pakistan's army's remaining pride and but more importantly save his job, Pakistani PM visited US, pinned the entire responsibility of the misadventure on the army.

So my questions is how would have Pakistan manage to hold on to Kargil peaks, especially with worn out men, NIL logistics, heavy aerial bombardment. It was just a matter time before Pakistani troops were completely routed from Kargil.
But mush did screw you guys big time ....Highlighting kashmir on international forums and had there not been a coward like sharif we would have got siachin by now...
Huh? I really don't know why you guys keep fantasizing. I have given some details in my above post (#22) if you care to read it. If not, then please continue living in a world of make-believe. No wonder Pakistan is where it is today because of your self created fantasies and not wanting to face the truth. You should instead make an attempt to learn from past failures so that you don't commit the same mistakes over and over again.
Seems liek u have been watching quite a few bollywood movies lately, wakeup and come into reallity.

Nobody gives a shitt abt what world says abt pak army, where is that world when thousand's of muslims were brutally killed in Gujraat ???

Thousands of muslims were not killed in Gujarat and do you even care hundreds of Hindus were killed? nope
Left them to die? another victim of zee tv here folks....... nothing to see here....... i debunked this fools imaginery thousands of martyred soldiers story before and guess what he ran away.:tdown:

1000 NLI and Mujahideens vs 30000 indian soldiers and IAF.... Still got 1600 casualities and 3 aircrafts blown to smitherines.... not to forget the god damn peaks which still lookover ur highway to siachin .... awarding posthumous param veer chakra to an injured soldier......... running out of coffins......

I pity you fools who believe what your constipated media sells you... or should i say spoon feeds you guys!

Your understanding of 'terrain' , 'high ground' , 'dominating height' in context of land warfare is pitiful.

It is almost impossible to dislodge the enemy from a dominating height, which is exactly your army was counting on . Alas you need a ratio atlest 9:1 to capture enemy position.

You rather not bring Musharraf cooked up casualty number or you will be shown your PM's claims.

Rather stick to neutral source like US state department, which estimate Indian lost 537 soldiers and Pakistan lost upwards of 700.
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