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Exclusive: China, eyeing Japan, seeks WW2 focus for Xi during Germany visit


Nov 29, 2009
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Taiwan, Province Of China
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BEIJING (Reuters) - China wants to make World War Two a key part of a trip by President Xi Jinping to Germany next month, much to Berlin's discomfort, diplomatic sources said, as Beijing tries to use German atonement for its wartime past to embarrass Japan.
China has increasingly contrasted Germany and its public contrition for the Nazi regime to Japan, where repeated official apologies for wartime suffering are sometimes undercut by contradictory comments by conservative politicians.

Ties between the two Asian rivals worsened when Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine on December 26, which China sees as a symbol of Tokyo's past militarism because it honors wartime leaders along with millions of war dead.

Xi will visit Germany in late March, as well as France, the Netherlands and Belgium, Beijing-based diplomats said. China's Foreign Ministry declined to comment on Xi's agenda as the trip has yet to be formally announced.

"China wants a strong focus on World War Two when Xi visits Germany and Germany is not happy," said one diplomatic source who has been briefed on China's plans for the Xi trip.

The German government declined to comment. But the diplomatic sources said Germany did not want to get dragged into the dispute between China and Japan, and dislikes China constantly bringing up Germany's painful past.

"The Holocaust is a no go area," the source said, adding it was unclear if the Neue Wache Memorial visit would go ahead.

Germany does not want the negative legacy of the war to dominate or take centre stage during a state visit, the source added, explaining the objection to the Holocaust Memorial visit.

China wanted German officials to go to Japan and tell them how to cope with history, the source added.


It is not clear exactly what Xi wants to say about the war while in Germany, which has strong commercial links with China, but Chinese leaders have mentioned the subject in recent visits to Europe.

Japanese leaders have repeatedly apologized for suffering caused by the country's wartime actions, including a landmark 1995 apology by then prime minister Tomiichi Murayama. But remarks by conservative politicians periodically cast doubt on Tokyo's sincerity.

Taking questions in parliament on Thursday, Abe said his government would stick by past apologies.

"As I've said before, in the past many nations, especially those in Asia, suffered great damage and pain due to our nation. Our government recognizes this, as have the governments that have gone before, and will continue this stance," Abe said.

Sino-Japanese ties are not just plagued by China's bitter memories of Japan's occupation of parts of the country before and during World War Two, but also by a territorial row and regional rivalry. Relations chilled after a feud over disputed islands in the East China Sea flared in 2012.

Some experts say China's campaign against Japan has helped Beijing shift some of the debate away from its growing military assertiveness in Asia, including double digit defense spending increases and the creation of an air defense identification zone in the East China Sea that was condemned by Tokyo and Washington.

Reporters were taken to see the house where a German businessman called John Rabe lived, a man lionizedin China for his role in protecting Chinese from Japanese troops who rampaged through the city, then known as Nanking, in late 1937.

China says Japanese troops killed 300,000 people. A post-war Allied tribunal put the death toll at 142,000.

"Any group of people can make a historical mistake, but the Germans have admitted to it and said that they wouldn't allow such a thing to happen again," said Zhu Chengshan, curator of the memorial hall for the victims of the massacre.

"This is an amazing historical perspective that the Germans have. The Japanese, on the other hand, are exactly the opposite."


A security guard stands guard inside the Memorial Hall at the Nanjing Massacre Museum during a repor …
Part of China's campaign has been to highlight German contrition.

State television recently showed footage of former West German chancellor Willy Brandt falling to his knees in front of a memorial to victims of the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, when the Germans brutally crushed a Jewish revolt.

Asked about China's comparison of Germany and Japan, a Japanese Foreign Ministry spokesman said Japan would continue to tread a peaceful path and that it was China's recent provocative actions that were raising concerns in the region.

"We have to reflect on the past but cannot live only in the past," spokesman Masaru Sato said. "Reconciliation requires not only a former perpetrator's sincerity and gesture of atonement, but also a former victim's acceptance," he said, adding Tokyo wants dialogue with Beijing.

Numerous diplomatic sources say China has been putting pressure on Western embassies in Beijing to get their governments to condemn Abe's Yasukuni shrine visit.

Abe has repeatedly said he did not visit the shrine to honor war criminals but to pay his respects to those who died for their country and to pledge Japan would never again go to war. His visit prompted a rare statement of "disappointment" from Washington on the day he went.

Last month, following a regular meeting between the Chinese and German defense ministries, Chinese state media said the German side expressed their "understanding for China's position".

"For Germany, the lessons of history have been bitter. Germany went through deep reflection and exerted much effort, thus winning the trust of the international community," Chinese newspapers cited unnamed German officials as saying.

It is all getting a bit much for Germany.

"The Germans are really uncomfortable with this kind of thing," said a third diplomatic source, referring to the defense ministry meeting. "They don't like China constantly comparing them with Japan and going on about the war."

China's ambassador to Germany, Shi Mingde, in an interview with a German newspaper last month, drew a comparison between Abe's shrine visit and the Nazis. "Imagine that the German chancellor would visit Hitler's bunker instead of the Holocaust Memorial to lay flowers. That would be unthinkable," Shi said.

Japanese spokesman Sato, noting that Yasukuni honors 2.5 million war dead from conflicts including both world wars, said it was wrong to suggest the Yasukuni visit meant Japan was unrepentant. "Comparing the two nations by simply referring to a visit to the shrine is wrong," he said.

(Additional reporting by Natalie Thomas, John Ruwitch in NANJING, China, Linda Sieg in TOKYO and Andreas Rinke in BERLIN. Editing by Dean Yates)

Exclusive: China, eyeing Japan, seeks WW2 focus for Xi during Germany visit - Yahoo News
Did Japanese say they want things like Nanking Massacre happen again?
nothing wrong in honouring their dead army man
How Will china treat the troops who ran tanks over youths ????
I think china should honour and build a temple to honour the soldiers with the top 10 kills against indians in 1962.
nothing wrong in honouring their dead army man
How Will china treat the troops who ran tanks over youths ????

trolling will earn you a quick ban my friend..

about Yasukuni Shrine,China have to understand that Japan honors all their soldiers who serviced for Emperor.They didn't classify whether they're War Criminal or not.I could bring comparison with these "War Criminals" with several others which might bring uncomfortable here.but rather going into mud slinging,I want to share my view with logic...

IMTFE used a method of information collection called "Best Evidence Rule" that allowed simple hearsay with no secondary support to be entered against the accused.thats the way how they classified an "War Criminal",which was completely biased.even judges of IMTFE didn't agree with it and called the trial "A Farce"..one of them was Radha Binod Pal,who said it was "Victor's Justice".plus,we've to remember that all these living "War Criminals" were released from Jail,which further clouds over the judgement that whether they committed after all..just think about "Admiral Nimitz" gets the title of "Mass Killer" if USA got defeated at WW II or "General Macarthur" gets the title "War Criminal for waging war against Japan,and bringing wrath of war".that kind of "Judgement" it was..

plus,even Taiwan's former president even visited this place to honor his dead brother.not only him,but many world leaders as well as many distinguished people visited it.don't know why it became so "Touchy Event"..

I think china should honour and build a temple to honour the soldiers with the top 10 kills against indians in 1962.

Indians will never mind it.we've our own to honor soldiers.


Plus,China has its own Monument of that kind...


Monument to the People's Heroes.
I don't see Israel wanting to attack Germany to get "even".
There was plenty of horror for both of them too.
Because Germany acknowledged the atrocities, apologized and teach this in their history. Germany does not show aggression towards other European nations. Japan only show the were the victim in ww2 and claimed they "invaded" other countries in order to modernize and make them civil.

If it wasn't for the US to make them sign an agreement after surrendering, Japan no doubt would spend 20% of their gdp on its military.
Because Germany acknowledged the atrocities, apologized and teach this in their history. Germany does not show aggression towards other European nations. Japan only show the were the victim in ww2 and claimed they "invaded" other countries in order to modernize and make them civil.

Are you sure the history book thing is still applicable? Seems to me that was fixed long ago after some wacky historians and their revisionisms were outed.

Japanese history textbook controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Are you sure the history book thing is still applicable? Seems to me that was fixed long ago after some wacky historians and their revisionisms were outed.

Japanese history textbook controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No not fixed and have no official apology on Nanjing massacre, human experiment, s. Korea comfort women ,etc . These are not taught in japanese schools except that they got the two atom bombs.
Wiki not a valid source for sensitive historical events.
No not fixed and have no official apology on Nanjing massacre, human experiment, s. Korea comfort women ,etc . These are not taught in japanese schools except that they got the two atom bombs.
Wiki not a valid source for sensitive historical events.

Can you post your source for sensitive historical events that shows their textbooks have not been updated.

I'm going to assume Japan is glossing over things in textbooks.
I doubt they are going to write a chapter about comfort women.
The question is are they changing history.
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Can you post your source for sensitive historical events that shows their textbooks have not been updated.

I'm going to assume Japan is glossing over things in textbooks.
I doubt they are going to write a chapter about comfort women.
The question is are they changing history.
Do a search. The US even told them they are going too far with denial of history. There was a thread about this.
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