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Ex-India judge ridicules own country for Pakistan isolation propaganda

As a responsible regional power we cant ignore the Human rights violations in Baluchistan.. No matter it is blunder or thunder.. We will raise it again as much as possible for our baloch brothers..

Have you ever met any Balochi in life and I mean real life

Take any Flourish developed state which helps there citizens in everyday there will be some nut job who will go against the state for no sane reason but just for the sake of it so they will play victim card will India support them
As for Baloch Brothers
Instead of talking about others India should help there Sikh brothers Kashmiri brothers Tamil brothers list goes and on
And if you see India is using Media and covert and overt support to Balochi terrorists

Have you ever thought what will happen when Pakistan starts the same approach
Pakistan has been able to clean 80% of these scrums
Can India go through decade of same stuff which happened in Pakistan
You need to clean your house first than talk about others
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