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Evil triumvarate of Altaf Hussain, Ghulam Murtaza Syed and RAW


Aug 19, 2012
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United Kingdom
Special Thanks to Fidato (@tequieremos) for an excellent read:

“A thread on the evil triumvarate of Altaf Hussain, Ghulam Murtaza Syed and Indian Intelligence Agency RAW”

The well known Indian writer Ravi Rakye confessed in his book, "The War That Never Was" that "We have deserted those people who were fighting for mother India.

Thousands of Indian born RAW agents sent into Sindh who were trying through sabotage to pave the way for a separate country are now languishing in Pakistan's jails and the Indian government is least bothered about them"

According to reports, around 50,000 RAW agents were active in Sindh in early 90s thanks to GM Syed and Altaf Hussain. I would explain their role in this thread..

RAW established Special Services Bureau (SSB) in 1963. It set up 36 subversion camps in Rajasthan, Gujrat, East Punjab and Indian Occupied Kashmir. 8 camps were engaged to carry out terrorist activities in Pakistan. These camps were located at Ganganagar in Rajasthan..

...Jaipur, Udhampur, Kushengarh, Barmeer, Jaisalmir and Chandigarh.

According to a conservative estimate, terrorists trained in these 8 camps killed more than a thousand innocent people in over 150 sabotage operations in Pakistan.
For Sindh, 19 terrorist camps were located in Rajasthan and Gujrat. Recruitments from these camps were made from Al Zulfiqar, Jeeya Sindh Movement (JSM), Sindh People’s Students Federation (SPSF), Jeay Sindh Students Federation (JSSF) and Muhajir Qaumi Movement (MQM).

Information gathered by the Pakistan government revealed that from July 5 1987 to 25 July 1991, 174 innocent people lost their lives and 886 were injured in different terrorist attacks.

Criminals arrested in connection with carnage in Hyderabad on 30 Sept 1988 disclosed that RAW had sent several hit teams who opened indiscriminate fire at the given targets and then escaped. Dr Qadir Magsi who received training in India was chariman of JSSF. He planned and..

...executed the Pathak firing and the Hyderabad carnage. JSSF was founded in Jamshoro University probably in late 70s. It enjoyed full support of GM Syed who openly advocated for the concept of Sindhudesh.

In 1983, a Sindhi sammelan was organized under the leadership of Mrs Indira Gandhi. It's aim was to promote the idea of a separate country in the name of Sindhudesh and to assure the "Pakistani guests" that for this purpose they would be provided all possible facilities.

In 1984 before the assassination of Mrs Indira Gandhi, GM Syed asked her to invade Pak and help him in the creation of Sindhudesh. After the death of Mrs Indira, he contacted Altaf Hussain of MQM and both agreed to create conditions in Sindh which could lead to a separate state.
It was decided that Altaf will work in the urban and GM Syed in the rural areas. In July 1987, GM Syed visited Bombay and Delhi where he held secret meetings with Mani Shankar Aiyer who was India's first consul-general in Karachi from 1978 to 1982.

In these meetings a plan was worked out for an uprising in Sindh to be triggered by language riots. Indian media started giving greater coverage to GM Syed who in Oct 1987, participated in the Shah Latif Conference and in Nov 1987, in the All India Sindhi Sammelan.

Alongside GM Syed's propaganda blitz, RAW consolidated it's links with the militant wing of the 'Jeeay Sindh Mahaz". Secret routes were laid out to facilitate two way traffic on the border and secret camps were established at Kalian and Olhanagar near Bombay.

The Sindh National Alliance was brought under the unified command of GM Syed which the Indians hailed as a milestone in the Sindhudesh movement. A special message of congratulations was send through two agents namely Mr Solvani and Mr Prakash on the formation of SNA.

Immediately after the Bahawalpur air crash on August 17, 1988, the Indian Consul General B.D. Sharma exchanged views with GM Syed on the new strategy in the changed scenario. In Sept 1988, two RAW agents namely Prof Ashok Kumar and Murli Dhar Motwani called on GM Syed to...

...to inquire about his health. In Nov 1988, discussions were held with him on the strategy for fighting the elections from the platform if the Sindh National Alliance.

Dr Hamida Khusro joined the Sindh National Alliance in 1987. During her visit to London in July-Sept 1988, a special representative of RAW went from Delhi and settled details of financial support. On return, B.D Sharma and Mani Lal Tripathi - remained in constant touch with her.
RAW had patronized MQM since it's beginning. It was involved in numerous terrorist activities like abduction for ransom, bomb blasts, torture cells, dacoities, car lifting, extortion.

In 1986, Altaf Hussain participated in the birthday celebration of GM Syed at Sunn which was...
...was followed by a meet up between Altaf Hussain and Indian counsul-general Mani Lal Tripathi.

Altaf Hussain visited India several times to seek help. He also approached RAW for financial help in 1988. At the instance of RAW, Altaf Hussain requested the PPP and the then...
...IJI government to open Khokharapar for traffic between India and Pak. In Aug 1990, several well known MQM workers visited India for ten days where they enjoyed the hospitality of RAW. During Op Clean up, many workers travelled to India where they were provided safe havens.

1 Abdul Wahid Aresar confessed during investigation that he visited India several times and was received by RAW agents in guise.
2. Nawab Ali Leghari disclosed during investigations that a worker of JSM used to visit Indian consulate in Karachi surreptitiously.
3. Another prominent worker of JSM, Haider Shahani was getting support from across the border.

4. Amar Azim Bhambro, also JSM worker, exploded several bombs in Hyderabad on instructions of RAW.
5. Dr Qadir Magsi planned and executed the Pathak firing and the Hyderabad carnage in 1988.

6. It was also established that an Indian officer Major Jauhar Lal entered Pakistan twice illegally for sabotage.
* India established
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One only needs to observe the behaviour of so call, Pakistanis to know they are traitors plus do they travel to India or say positive things about India and negative about PAK. one person comes to mind and that is that fat tramp called nawaz sharif with his fake tigers.
We have had a lot of politicians in the pockets of various overseas intelligence agencies.
Does Khar qualify?

He said he will ride to Lahore on Indian tanks.


Must be selected stuff again
look towards iran
many mysteries will solve itself
india is a smoke screen
Well in that case, hopefully all bhutto dies too :P
All of ppp needs to go for a better Pakistan.
Under their reign there was obl raid,suicide bombings daily,excessive load shedding,heck zardari almost allowed india to strike in azad kashmir. Even when they were gone rahman malik pulled a v.i.p culture on a p.i.a plane.
Now that piece of shit didn't even deny raping cynthia.
altaf hussain was captured and sent to london by our own people
why cry now
RAW didn't exist in 1963. It was formed only in 1968.
Indian and their habit playing with words ....

In OP what written is this
RAW established Special Services Bureau (SSB) in 1963

as far as SSB is concern Simple google search lead you to this [link]

The Sashastra Seema Bal was set up as Special Service Bureau (also abbreviated SSB) on 20 December 1963, following the Sino-Indian War of 1962. The primary task of the force was to provide armed support to the foreign intelligence division of Intelligence Bureau, which later became Research and Analysis Wing after its creation in 1968
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