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Evidence of lab leak that may have caused coronavirus would have been destroyed by China, ex-MI6 chief says


Jul 31, 2020
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Evidence of lab leak that may have caused coronavirus would have been destroyed by China, ex-MI6 chief says

Evidence of any lab leak that could be the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic will have been destroyed by Chinese officials, a former MI6 chief has said.

Sir Richard Dearlove, who was in charge of the secret intelligence service between 1999 and 2004, said it would now be difficult to prove the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) was working on experiments to make a coronavirus that would be more deadly to humans.

While claims COVID-19 may have accidentally escaped the laboratory were initially widely dismissed as fringe conspiracy theories - with many scientists insisting the virus migrated naturally from animals to humans - they are now gaining traction among more global figures.

Sir Richard Dearlove

Image:Sir Richard Dearlove said he felt some vindication as more people took the lab leak theory seriously
Proponents of the theory point to the fact WIV had been studying coronaviruses in bats for over a decade - and that it is located just a few miles from the Huanan wet market where the first cluster of infections emerged.

Sir Richard said the West had been naive in trusting China, which had infiltrated scientific institutions and journals in the UK and elsewhere.

And he also told The Daily Telegraph's Planet Normal podcast that it was possible Chinese scientists who wanted to speak out about any coronavirus experiments had been "silenced".

"The People's Republic of China is a pretty terrifying regime and does some things we consider unacceptable and extreme in silencing opposition to the official line of the government," he said.
Which means US doesn't need any evidence to announce the virus was made by China.

I knew US is a shameless country. I didn't know it could be so shameless.

RON UNZ, the American author and publisher, has updated his pieces on the novel coronavirus - MAY 2021.

Ron Unz 1999.png

American Pravda: "The Truth" and "The Whole Truth" About the Origins of Covid-19

As every fan of the old Perry Mason show remembers, courtroom witnesses swear “to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

There’s a reason for that particular choice of words. A pattern of SELECTIVE OMISSIONS in an otherwise entirely truthful presentation CAN EASILY MISLEAD us as much as any outright lie. And under certain circumstances, such omissions may be made necessary by POWERFUL outside forces, so that even the most well-intentioned writer is faced with the DIFFICULT CHOICE of either excluding certain elements from his analysis OR having his important work denied a proper audience.

~ RON UNZ, American author & publisher, a theoretical physicist by training, with undergraduate & graduate degrees from Harvard Univ, Cambridge Univ, and Stanford Univ. He's born in California, 1961
(this guy is very smart, it's said he has an IQ of over 200, and in the past took part as a candidate for the Californian governorship)

Ron Unz 2016 gettyimages-1268519178-2048x2048.jpg

RON UNZ commenting on the Nicholas Wade's recent article on SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19 hinting on Wuhan lab's leak while omitting the THIRD OPTION: a premeditated bioweapon attack! He's also responding to the massive 17,000 word, 54 page report released earlier by DFRLab, a socmed research unit within ATLANTIC COUNCIL on SARS-CoV-2.

Read further and see the many links here:

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China destroyed the evidence of Detrick lab leaking
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