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‘Everything is easier in dictatorships’: Ski boss oddly commends China on 2022 Olympics

US has the world largest inmate population and your police shoot and kill thousands every year, US is the world only true " police state", no one else can even come lose to claim this title.
We don't harvest the inmates organs, and they generally get an open trial with representation. Again the point of saying you make the US government look good is to say you make a bad government look good. Does the ccp even release data on prisoners? You probably don't know what happened about 30 years ago in Tienanmen square.
We don't harvest the inmates organs, and they generally get an open trial with representation. Again the point of saying you make the US government look good is to say you make a bad government look good. Does the ccp even release data on prisoners? You probably don't know what happened about 30 years ago in Tienanmen square.
Your thoroughly brainwashed brain only eats whatever the your media feeds you, many Americans even beleive that if you say anything against China will be instantly shot to death on the street in China, lol.. that's why almost all Americans were shocked when they first visited China claiming it's completely different from that they learned from their media, but anyway you can enjoy what you believe and live in your fantasy world forever, we don't really care.
We don't harvest the inmates organs, and they generally get an open trial with representation. Again the point of saying you make the US government look good is to say you make a bad government look good. Does the ccp even release data on prisoners? You probably don't know what happened about 30 years ago in Tienanmen square.
Yeah you throw them into the ocean or just let the burnt bodies rot in the desert after executing tenthousands of people without trial or false charges and zero accountability for the thousands uppon thousands of innocent and unjust you murdered or maimed, if they are not lucky enough to be just locked away without trial on some island and just getting tortured into confessions and then use fancy words like "colaterals" and "national security" and "price of peace and freedom" and "tragedies" to justify your decades of murder rape and torture sprees before projecting and pointing fingers on strategic enemies and gloating about invented oppressions with the sole intent of suppression and causing more suffering.

Spare us the crocodile tears and preaching about freedom Mr terror is okay and necessary when we do it.
What kind of accountability US government has for the victims of frenzy shootings in schools, the victims of police brutality against blacks, Hispanics, Muslims and other coloured people.

I pity those Americans struggling moonlighting to pay rents and providing foods on the table for their families. Another government shutdown, the federal workers have to depend on social welfare again.

The gaps between the few filthy rich and the poor in USA is not a government agenda because socialism is an unacceptable in this capitalist country.

The Wealth Gap in US is worst than in Russia and Iran:-

The Life Expectancy Gap in US is more than 20 years between poor and rich regions in US:-

Life with-out money in Detroit's Survival Economy:-
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We don't harvest the inmates organs, and they generally get an open trial with representation. Again the point of saying you make the US government look good is to say you make a bad government look good. Does the ccp even release data on prisoners? You probably don't know what happened about 30 years ago in Tienanmen square.
you guilible people take whatever rubbish propaganda from your Sinophobia medias and politicians without a question`````an inmates organs harvesting government is more interested in shooting random colored people in streets, or proud of having world's largest slums rather than pulling the country out of poverty and to get amazing things done quickly`````nowadays, it seems that those living in a "free" society are incapable of common sense

anyway, we dont like to be called stupid and ignorant, but it seems you like to be called those, as far as your "knowledge" shows``:D
It is common sense.
One major flaw in democracy is that it could create frivolous arguments that may lead to delays, division of the nation, riots and civil wars if there is no timely compromise or due concession on one side or the other.

If China took the way of democracy, could be very likely end up as another India.

It'll still be evolving into an efficient and functioning way of Chinese governance, regardless of the jargon being labelled as democracy, communists; socialists ...
Yeah you throw them into the ocean or just let the burnt bodies rot in the desert after executing tenthousands of people without trial or false charges and zero accountability for the thousands uppon thousands of innocent and unjust you murdered or maimed, if they are not lucky enough to be just locked away without trial on some island and just getting tortured into confessions and then use fancy words like "colaterals" and "national security" and "price of peace and freedom" and "tragedies" to justify your decades of murder rape and torture sprees before projecting and pointing fingers on strategic enemies and gloating about invented oppressions with the sole intent of suppression and causing more suffering.

Spare us the crocodile tears and preaching about freedom Mr terror is okay and necessary when we do it.

I don't have to live under that at the end of the day, this is your problem. You guys are newbies at this world domination thing you haven't done it in so long. Chinese leadership are trying to adapt to the next generation. China's image overall is tarnished around the world. That's why its so easy to make a circle of friends around you. People would rather the US run things so I don't know why you even bother, even if you could take us one and one which you can't you don't really have any friends. The economic warfare trump has just started has already had visible effects and will get worse next month unless china goes back on the tactics that got it this far. it's not business as usual this is a new era. China's rise under easy mode is over. At the end of the day none of this benefits the average chinese.

you guilible people take whatever rubbish propaganda from your Sinophobia medias and politicians without a question`````an inmates organs harvesting government is more interested in shooting random colored people in streets, or proud of having world's largest slums rather than pulling the country out of poverty and to get amazing things done quickly`````nowadays, it seems that those living in a "free" society are incapable of common sense

anyway, we dont like to be called stupid and ignorant, but it seems you like to be called those, as far as your "knowledge" shows``:D
We have more freedom here, freedom is messy. Some people make the wrong choices and get what's coming to them but they all started under a system where they decide with their choices where they end up. And what are we supposed to do let the socialist animals run wild?

What kind of accountability US government has for the victims of frenzy shootings in schools, the victims of police brutality against blacks, Hispanics, Muslims and other coloured people.

I pity those Americans struggling moonlighting to pay rents and providing foods on the table for their families. Another government shutdown, the federal workers have to depend on social welfare again.

The gaps between the few filthy rich and the poor in USA is not a government agenda because socialism is an unacceptable in this capitalist country.

The Wealth Gap in US is worst than in Russia and Iran:-

The Life Expectancy Gap in US is more than 20 years between poor and rich regions in US:-

Life with-out money in Detroit's Survival Economy:-

You can be rich or poor depending on your skill and effort you put in. Not everybody will have the same outcome in a free market even the chinese know that. It's not justice for those who do the right thing to have to pay for those who don't. We have our share of problems and we can talk about them from the rooftops if we want, at the end of the day rich or poor having personal freedoms is a more dignified way to live. You chinese agree at least to some extent your rules are the wild west in some ways. Cheat to get ahead will only get you so far but there will be a lot of pissed off people.
‘Everything is easier in dictatorships’: Ski boss oddly commends China on 2022 Olympics

  • Let’s face it, democracy is great, but it is also a deeply flawed system in practice
  • China’s infrastructure project efficiency is admirable, even if living in an authoritative regime is not

PUBLISHED : Friday, 08 February, 2019, 12:36pm


As politically incorrect as this may sound, Gian-Franco Kasper has a bit of a point.

The 75-year-old honorary International Olympic Committee member stirred up controversy earlier this week by declaring that “everything is easier in dictatorships”, noting that “dictators can organise events such (as the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing) without asking the people’s permission”.

The head of the International Ski Federation also denied climate change and denounced immigrants, but that is another story altogether.

Putting aside the countless pitfalls of authoritarian regimes such as human rights violations, lack of freedom and liberty for its citizens, Kasper has an interesting, albeit crude, argument (he back-pedalled on Friday and clarified his comments).

Democracy, seen as the shining light that will guide the world’s political spectrum through the 21st century, is a deeply flawed system. It looks great on paper; however, as we have seen lately, in practice it is an entirely different story.

A system built on public consultation and elected representation sounds amazing. But one only has to trot out a few examples (Brexit, Donald Trump, Rodrigo Duterte, Catalonia and the fact that voter turnout has been dropping across the planet for more than a quarter century) to make a viable counter argument.

Elections, referendums and general public consultation processes have turned into circus acts and drawn from the point, “for the people, by the people”.

The US government is mired in an extended lockdown as a Republican president tangles with a Democratic House while Theresa May is taking flak from pretty much every direction in the UK right now over Brexit.

Meanwhile in Canada, the Liberal government desperately needs to build and approve more pipelines to help its sagging economy, and also spur investment in more clean tech projects, but misguided public sentiment and outcry won’t let a drop of oil get anywhere these days.

Having covered China for years now, part of me feels slightly torn at times. I’d never want to be born and raised in a country where one political authority reigns supreme, but sometimes I wish there was another way around the debilitating bureaucratic nature of democracy.

Kasper was applauding China for its planning and progress in hosting the 2022 Winter Olympics (most nations are notoriously behind schedule leading up to games), adding dealing with the Communist Party is easier than dealing with other Western or European nations – and he’s probably right.

Modern China has never been accused of stagnation of any kind, that’s for sure, unless you’re talking about human rights or the general lack of its citizens’ freedom.

The inefficiencies I’ve witnessed growing up in Canada, where political parties spend as much time governing as they do trying to get elected, or trying to stay in power, seem unbalanced. I know the answer is not an authoritative regime, but I don’t think the answer is the pluralist democracy I’ve lived in for the majority of my life.

I spent my formative years in British Columbia watching major public infrastructure projects move at a snail’s pace, get bogged down in election cycles, and ultimately end up in massive cost overruns, if they were even completed at all.

Case in point: Surrey, a major city outside of Vancouver, has spent years trying to bring light rapid transit to its community. Finally, the federal and provincial government came on board, but then the citizens voted in a new mayor who declared they’d rather have a SkyTrain line extension running from Vancouver, which costs billions more and would send the entire process back to the drawing board.

Vancouver also held a referendum a few years back on installing a transit tax to help the region upgrade its transportation infrastructure. The issue was consistently ranked as the top worry on voters’ minds, but when the time came to approve a 0.5 per cent sales tax, they shot it down with great glee as a middle finger to government inaction and overspending in a horrible catch-22.

During the lead up to the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, I watched my hometown go through a myriad phases: first there was the initial excitement, then the anger at things like a new SkyTrain line from the airport to downtown, then two weeks of total fun, followed by years of negative press and a massive political hangover.

Councillors, mayors and elected politicians of all walks of life got kicked to the curb for supporting projects that went over budget, and the whole event cost way more than I think anyone expected.

China does not have these problems when it comes to the 2022 Winter Olympics, or in hosting any major sporting event for that matter. The country’s efficiency on a bureaucratic level is second to none when it comes to anything large scale.

Just look at the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge or the New Silk Road. Back home in Vancouver, they’ve been pondering the idea of building a bridge to Vancouver Island for decades, but no government will ever get enough power to will such a project through to completion (let alone the planning stage), even though it would be a boon for British Columbians in so many ways.

I know suspending democracy to get certain things done quickly sounds like the worst slippery political slope ever and by no means am I saying a free society is not the way to go, but, man, could this beater of a political ideology use a shiny new upgrade.

Efficiency comes from fewer number of people making decision. The fans of democracy have an illusion that expects better decision when more people are involved. It just dreams of collective wisdom on top of individual ignorance. The fans of dictatorship have another illusion that expects the infallibility of the dictator. But the history has proven otherwise and efficiency works both ways, efficient in construction as well as in destruction.
It's true that's why China is now much richer, prosperous and more powerful than the western countries. The only reason why western countries became rich in the first place is due to racist colonizations and declaring war against the muslims in the middle east.
It's true that's why China is now much richer, prosperous and more powerful than the western countries. The only reason why western countries became rich in the first place is due to racist colonizations and declaring war against the muslims in the middle east.

And how did those wars make anybody but the arms industry richer? You do realize china is colonizing countries all over the world right? Seems hypocritical to bring that up unless you are speaking for someone else.
Yes we killed off all the natives and sold blacks into slavery.
You would have if you had blacks, you still don't have blacks. lol. We treat our natives much better than you treat any non han minority. China has no place to talk about human rights abuses, since ancient times.
Hitler had a brutal efficient & functional regime too. the trains to the gas chambers ran on schedule.
Be careful what you wish for

Chinese communist dictatorship is also the best implementer of Catholic social doctrine.
He he he he.

‘China is the best implementer of Catholic social doctrine,’ says Vatican bishop
Staff Reporter
6 February, 2018

Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo (STR/AFP/Getty Images)
“Right now, those who are best implementing the social doctrine of the Church are the Chinese,” a senior Vatican official has said.

Chinese communist dictatorship is also the best implementer of Catholic social doctrine.
He he he he.

‘China is the best implementer of Catholic social doctrine,’ says Vatican bishop

Staff Reporter
6 February, 2018

Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo (STR/AFP/Getty Images)
“Right now, those who are best implementing the social doctrine of the Church are the Chinese,” a senior Vatican official has said.

how nice to be selective of the church doctrine :enjoy:

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