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Every year we dig mass graves’: the slaughter of Pakistan’s Hazara

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Root cause is the inter-afghan hatred and intolerance... Did you read my post?
and our savage customs we call rawaj. the life style of our people who call themselves Muslims has some elements that can be only attributed to barbarianism and they as absolutely divorced from Islam.

May Allah protect your and my kids and they never have to pay the price for the indifference and incompetence of our state that seems incapable of protecting its people. I fear the day when the crying and weeping of the victims of this community and countless others in our forsaken land will reach the heavens and Wrath of God will rain down on this land and will burn everyone.
May Allah forgive me for no doing anything beyond few words of consolation for the victims when I meet them or express few words here on social media.
and our savage customs we call rawaj. the life style of our people who call themselves Muslims has some elements that can be only attributed to barbarianism and they as absolutely divorced from Islam.

May Allah protect your and my kids and they never have to pay the price for the indifference and incompetence of our state that seems incapable of protecting its people. I fear the day when the crying and weeping of the victims of this community and countless others in our forsaken land will reach the heavens and Wrath of God will rain down on this land and will burn everyone.
May Allah forgive me for no doing anything beyond few words of consolation for the victims when I meet them or express few words here on social media.

Sure... But where did I say we should kill Hazaras?? Give me a quote???
multi-ethnic societies are hard to run. Hazaras who look different and who belong to another sect make easy pickings
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