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Even before the Corona: Security exports fell 5 percent last year to $ 7.2 billion


Jul 10, 2017
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Even before the Corona: Security exports fell 5 percent last year to $ 7.2 billion
This past year was the second consecutive year of exports decline. Head of the Defense Ministry's Export Department: "We are seeing cuts in global security budgets against the plague, and we will try to make the crisis an opportunity"
Audi Etzion 12: 2522.06.20
Tags: exports securityaircollectionsofthe Ministry of Defense
Israel maintains its place among the top 10 defense exporters, despite a 5% drop in defense exports in 2019, to $ 7.2 billion. This is what the Department of Defense (SIB) data released this morning revealed.

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This past year was a second consecutive year of exports, after a record high of $ 9.4 billion in 2017, at the time mainly due to orders of more than $ 2 billion from India for the IAI's defense-in-air defense system.

Sgt. Brigadier General (res.) Yair Coles said that "2019 was marked by a significant increase in the number of deals signed. We are seeing a trend in cuts in world security budgets in light of the Corona crisis, and we will have to invest efforts to make the crisis an opportunity."

Yair Coles, head of the Export Department in the Ministry of Defense
Yair Coles, head of the Export Department in the Ministry of Defense
Photo: Ariel Hermoni Ministry of Defense

Exports were divided into radar and non-electronic warfare systems (17%), missiles, rockets and air defense systems (15%), manned aircraft and avionics systems (13%), observation and electronics (12%), firing and launching means (10 %), UAV and hovercraft systems (8%), information and cyber intelligence systems (7%), ICT systems (7%), vehicles and UAV - armored combat vehicle (4%), customer service and variance (3%) ), Ammunition and armaments (3%) and marine systems (1%).

The Ministry of Defense does not publish transactions by countries but only by regions, with Asia and the Pacific continuing to be the largest proprietor of Israeli weapons systems, with 41% of transactions. Europe has bought 26% of exports, bypassing the US and Canada (25%), and Africa and Latin America (4% each).

A trend that stood out this year is the strengthening of exports through intergovernmental transactions, and not directly with the defense industries. In 2019, G To G deals came to be called $ 635 million, up from $ 421 million in 2018 and $ 276 billion in 2017.

"Transactions between governments are used in some states as a channel that bypasses the need for long tenders, and in other states is carried out as part of the war on corruption and bribery," Coles said. "This trend continues this year as well and by 2020 we are already standing on government deals of $ 700 million."
  1. Israel
Israel logs $7.2B worth defense exports in 2019
  • Our Bureau
  • 03:33 PM, June 22, 2020
  • 689


Israeli arms sales in 2019
The Israel Ministry of Defense on Monday said the country sold $7.2 billion worth of weapons last year, representing a downward trend.

The ministry’s International Defense Cooperation Directorate (SIBAT) said defense exports hit a report high of $9.2 billion in 2017 and then reduced to $7.5 billion in 2018. Mega sale in 2017 was due to India’s purchase of Barak air defense systems for $1.6 billion. The deal included provision of missiles, launchers, communications devices and command, control and radar systems.

“Despite the challengers and the fierce international competition, we succeeded in keeping Israel among the 10 leading defense exporters in the world,” Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Yair Kulas, the head of SIBAT, said in a statement.

The official described the scope of arms sales the past two years as the “continuation of a stable trend.”

The Asia-Pacific region remained the largest purchaser of Israeli defense goods, buying 41% of total exports, followed by Europe at 26% and North America at 25%. Africa and Latin America each accounted for 4% of weapons acquisition.

Radar and electronic warfare systems made up the largest chunk of exports at 17%, followed by rockets and air-defense systems at 15%. Exports of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and drones amounted to 8% of all exports, while cyber and intelligence systems were 7%.

Kulas confirmed Israel exported more cyber-intelligence systems in comparison to the year before, but did not specify which countries they were sold to. This technology was allegedly used by some countries to spy on political dissidents and journalists.

In addition, the country has faced accusations of selling weapons to regimes that are accused of committing crimes such as the Myanmar regime's persecution of Rohingya Muslims.

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