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European heatwave: France hits record temperature of 45.9C

France's summer heatwaves claimed 1,500 lives: minister

Mon Sep 9, 2019

Two heatwaves that hit France this summer claimed more than 1,500 more lives, Health Minister Agnes Buzyn said Sunday.

But that toll was significantly lower than the disastrous summer of 2003, when an estimated 15,000 people died during an August heatwave.

This year's heatwaves hit France in June and July, with a new record temperature of 46 degrees Celsius (114.8 degrees Fahrenheit) recorded in the south on June 28.

While the 2003 heatwave lasted 20 days in all, this year's lasted for 18, in two separate heatwaves, the second covering a large part of France, Buzyn added.

The authorities' preventive measures helped keep the death rate well below the high numbers experienced in 2003, she added.

The 2003 heatwave was the deadliest recorded in France, with the central and Paris regions hardest hit.


Total casualties across Europe is still kept secret though.

I guess Siberia will have climate of France or Germany of middle of 20th century and France will have climate of Lybia.
That is precisely the biggest mistake made by the Russian planners, that think they would benefit from the oil industry, thus denying the climate change, while enjoying a temperate climate: Russia's current situation is no better than West Europe, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), a specialized agency of the United Nations:

Climate change and human health

In 2003, 70,000 people in Europe died as a result of the June-August event, in 2010, 56,000 deaths occurred during a 44-day heatwave in the Russian Federation.


Think about it, instead of shooting your own foot.

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