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EU Remains Torn On Lifting China Arms Embargo

Chinese make everything but still seriously lacking in capabilities. Joint venture with EU will greatly boost quality and capability of Chinese arms. The embargo only affects Chinese ability to bulk import arms..they can still get their hands on samples for reverse engineering but not on everything. Their favourite proxy is Pakistan which has provided them with jet fighters to radars and surveillance systems for reverse engineering.
Personally I'd rather import European experts, know how, and flight data than importing whole aircrafts from the EU. Joint Venture is the best way to achieve that.
With anti-Chinese sentiment high in Europe, there's little chance the embargo will be lifted anyway. Even with the embargo lifted the Europeans will still be very careful with technology transfers.
Chinese make everything but still seriously lacking in capabilities. Joint venture with EU will greatly boost quality and capability of Chinese arms. The embargo only affects Chinese ability to bulk import arms..they can still get their hands on samples for reverse engineering but not on everything. Their favourite proxy is Pakistan which has provided them with jet fighters to radars and surveillance systems for reverse engineering.

China Pitches Engine Deal to Russia
hard to say ,it is funny the reason for the embargo.it‘s since 1989 .I think China are more democracy than ever,they were good at sell us weapon at 1980s .LOL piss you hand and look your history,funny is it?glory democracy,glory puppet,glory great EU.
mao said something very useful: sanction us for 10 years, and we'll fix every problem.

1949-1979: sanctioned by west, synthesized insulin, created genetically engineered rice and built nuclear weapons and nuclear submarine.
1979-1989: every western country gave technology to us, we fell behind the times by 50 years
1989-2010: sanctioned again by west, still takes time to fix the mistakes of the 1980's.

please keep sanction us.

1989.07 Peshawar
Nice Picture Wangrong where did you get it from?.During this time both Pakistan and China were officially sanctioned by USA and rest of the European countries Pakistan because of nuclear program and China because of Tienanmen issue.
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