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‘Ethnic cleansing’ in Myanmar: HRW


Feb 11, 2012
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Human Rights Watch (HRW), a leading international rights group, on Monday, accused authorities in Myanmar, including Buddhist monks, of fomenting an organised campaign of ethnic cleansing against the country’s Rohingya Muslim minority that killed hundreds of people and forced 125,000 from their homes.

While state security forces sometimes intervened to protect fleeing Muslims, more often they fuelled the unrest, the rights group said, either by standing by idle or directly participating in atrocities.The allegations, detailed in a new report, came the same day the European Union (EU) was expected to lift all sanctions on Myanmar, except an arms embargo, to reward it for its progress towards democratic rule.

Win Myaing, a government spokesman for Rakhine State, strongly rejected the allegations against state security forces, saying Human Rights Watch (HRW) investigators “don’t understand the situation on the ground”.

Rakhine State was shaken twice by anti-Muslim violence, first in June, then again in October. In March, unrest spread for the first time to central Myanmar, where dozens of people were killed in the city of Meikhtila.
BBC footage

Also on Monday, the British Broadcasting Corp. aired dramatic video footage showing police in Meikhtila standing by as looting, arson and multiple attacks against Muslims were underway.

One scene showed a charred man, thought to be Muslim, lying prostrate on the ground, badly burned but apparently still alive. As one person said, “Let him die, no water for him,” several police walked past. Another scene showed a young Muslim man who had tried to flee being forced out of a thicket of green reeds and beaten by an angry crowd that included a Buddhist monk who was armed with a stick. The BBC said much of the footage was filmed by police.

In western Myanmar, the crisis goes back decades and is rooted in a highly controversial dispute over where the region’s Muslim inhabitants are really from. Although many Rohingya have lived in Myanmar for generations, they are widely denigrated by majority Buddhists as foreign intruders who came from neighbouring Bangladesh to steal scarce land.

The U.N. estimates their number at 800,000. The government does not count them as one of the country’s 135 ethnic groups, and like Bangladesh denies them citizenship.

The report detailed how officials from the powerful Rakhine Nationalities Development Party, as well as Buddhist monks, publically vilified the Rohingya after the June riots. They encouraged segregation, the boycott of Muslim businesses, and described the Rohingyas living among them as a threat to the state.

Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director of Human Rights watch, said Myanmar’s “government engaged in a campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya that continues today through the denial of aid and restrictions on movement”.

“The government needs to put an immediate stop to the abuses and hold the perpetrators accountable or it will be responsible for further violence,” he said.

Hushed silent of UNSC and European union about ethnic cleaning in Myanmar per sai was a disgusting gesture let alone giving them a reward by lifting sanctions ...
in our world, in our time, the condition of human rights in one country is unfortunately not measured by the true human condition but by the distance between that country's diplomatic posture and angloamericans' political interests.

under amerikkan tutelage, burma is on the right path to becoming a great liberal democracy and it hardly matters that that path is being paved by the spilled blood and burned corpses of lynched and massacred ethnic minorities.

that blood debt is ultimately owed not to the military junta in yangon but to the angloamericans.
in our world, in our time, the condition of human rights in one country is unfortunately not measured by the true human condition but by the distance between that country's diplomatic posture and angloamericans' political interests.

under amerikkan tutelage, burma is on the right path to becoming a great liberal democracy and it hardly matters that that path is being paved by the spilled blood and burned corpses of lynched and massacred ethnic minorities.

that blood debt is ultimately owed not to the military junta in yangon but to the angloamericans.

When military junta started ethnic cleansing Chinese burmese and Indian burmese in 1960s, India and western govts. broke off diplomatic ties with Burma and they started establishing ties only recently. Guess which country was in cahoots with Burmese generals without breaking ties?China. What do one call that?
Where's ASSK? I thought she was a humanitarian who cared about her country, not some political opportunist propped up American interests...
Shame on OIC! What is OIC doing? Cutting Burma's oil, economic sanctions, diplomatic pressure will put those puny buddhist in their place..

If not, a joint-division size military task force from Egypt,Turkey,Pakistan under Saudi Air cover will make Burma p!ss in its pants!

OIC needs to stand up to protect Muslims!!!!
If not, a joint-division size military task force from Egypt,Turkey,Pakistan under Saudi Air cover will make Burma p!ss in its pants!

.....and how do you get there? Do you believe India will actually allow Pakistani soldiers to threaten a neighbour?...and Egypt? They can barely handle their own country, let alone bother with countries halfway across the globe.
My view:

Pakistan played same game to India and Burma. They started militancy in Kashmir and Rakhine (This is accepted by a Pakistani/BD in this forum), The Idea was to get a separate state for Muslims and later annex that state with Pakistan (Similar to Kashmir Banega Pakistan).

How India React: India acted as soft state and acted soft on Invaders. India became defensive.
How Burma react: Burma believed in "Attack is best defence" and they attack on ideology (Islam) which was creating problem for them.

Where as India is defensive and suffering the pain, Burma is offensive and giving pain to terrorism. Imagine a Muslim free Kashmir, No muslim no militancy, no problem.. I hope India should act like Burma in Kashmir..
When military junta started ethnic cleansing Chinese burmese and Indian burmese in 1960s, India and western govts. broke off diplomatic ties with Burma and they started establishing ties only recently. Guess which country was in cahoots with Burmese generals without breaking ties?China. What do one call that?

that was the age of SEATO; that was the age when angloamerican encirclement of china was even more ruthless than today and when angloamericans openly sponsored pogroms of ethnic chinese throughout east asia and southeast asia. there were far bloodier episodes in indonesia and malaysia and the philippines, and chinese blood was spilled at the explicit urging or implicit blessing of angloamericans and CIA. in some places china was indeed provoked into a reaction, only to fall into the trap and into deeper diplomatic isolation, which was of course angloamericans' original plan. in others, like burma, china moderated its response to american genocide of chinese just because china knew it was too weak to challenge anglosaxon criminality at the time. (of course yindoos severed ties: the angloamericans were going after the chinese in all these places, not after the useless yindoos whom anglosaxons had long enslaved and feared little. a few dead yindoos were just collateral damage, and as such, yindoos never faced any serious geopolitical consequences when yindoos severed ties with burma - it was the very sign of yindoos' strategic irrelevance back then and right now)

chinese leadership never took a liking to any of the lowly races that demographically dominated southeast asia. but what constrained chinese response to genocidal crimes against ethnic minorities was our knowledge that those innocent chinese lives were lost as casualty of a broader anglosaxon war against china and the chinese race. there was once a time when anglosaxons were not yet in the area, and chinese empires always ruled the continent justly and arbitrated disputes between local ethnic groups fairly and acted as a force of unfathomable humanitarian concern. but for the last six decades, the bloodshed in the region could only be attributed to angloamericans' single-minded pursuit to handicap china in its natural sphere of influence.

like i said, the blood debt is forever and ever owed to angloamericans and not to a militarily incompetent junta comprising of racial inferiors who couldn't even outfox and outmatch a small contingent of routed KMT remnants for decades.

Where's ASSK? I thought she was a humanitarian who cared about her country, not some political opportunist propped up American interests...

an american puppet is exactly what tofu chicken is.
Shame on OIC! What is OIC doing? Cutting Burma's oil, economic sanctions, diplomatic pressure will put those puny buddhist in their place..

If not, a joint-division size military task force from Egypt,Turkey,Pakistan under Saudi Air cover will make Burma p!ss in its pants!

OIC needs to stand up to protect Muslims!!!!

It seems you are a guy who just found Myanmar on the world map, military action in Burma is a distant dream.

Pakistan in the past had interfered in Burma by supporting the Mujahid insurgency in 1950s.
My view:

Pakistan played same game to India and Burma. They started militancy in Kashmir and Rakhine (This is accepted by a Pakistani/BD in this forum), The Idea was to get a separate state for Muslims and later annex that state with Pakistan (Similar to Kashmir Banega Pakistan).

How India React: India acted as soft state and acted soft on Invaders. India became defensive.
How Burma react: Burma believed in "Attack is best defence" and they attack on ideology (Islam) which was creating problem for them.

Where as India is defensive and suffering the pain, Burma is offensive and giving pain to terrorism. Imagine a Muslim free Kashmir, No muslim no militancy, no problem.. I hope India should act like Burma in Kashmir..

Idiot, Rohyinas are being persecuted for centuries...there is no 'terrorism' in burma yet..these little punny burmese will get their arse DRILLED if they ever faced ALQaeda, taliban fighters or other Islamic insurgents...

What a shame you defend those idiots...POS is what you are...
The Burmese atrocities will continue till a truly free govt is in place at Dhaka to take a stand on this issue. The current one has outsourced Foreign and Defense affairs to New Delhi.
The Burmese atrocities will continue till a truly free govt is in place at Dhaka to take a stand on this issue. The current one has outsourced Foreign and Defense affairs to New Delhi.

you mean till a man is in charge instead of a woman?
The Burmese atrocities will continue till a truly free govt is in place at Dhaka
sadly you won't have everybody has a price khaleda aunty is no exception

The Burmese atrocities will continue till a truly free govt is in place at Dhaka
sadly you won't have everybody has a price khaleda aunty is no exception

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