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Estonia next on Russia's list to conquer?


May 28, 2011
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Moscow signals concern for Russians in Estonia

Moscow signals concern for Russians in Estonia| Reuters

(Reuters) - Russia signaled concern on Wednesday at Estonia's treatment of its large ethnic Russian minority, comparing language policy in the Baltic state with what it said was a call in Ukraine to prevent the use of Russian.

Russia has defended its annexation of Ukraine's Crimea peninsula by arguing it has the right to protect Russian-speakers outside its borders, so the reference to linguistic tensions in another former Soviet republic comes at a highly sensitive moment.

Russia fully supported the protection of the rights of linguistic minorities, a Moscow diplomat told the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, according to a summary of the session issued by the U.N.'s information department.

"Language should not be used to segregate and isolate groups," the diplomat was reported as saying. Russia was "concerned by steps taken in this regard in Estonia as well as in Ukraine," the Moscow envoy was said to have added.

The text of the Russian remarks, echoing long-standing complaints over Estonia's insistence that the large Russian minority in the east of the country should be able to speak Estonian, was not immediately available.

But amid the growing Crimea crisis, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - which like Ukraine were all parts of the old Soviet Union - have expressed growing apprehension over Moscow's intentions.

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden is currently in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius as part of a trip to reassure the three countries, all European Union and NATO members, of Washington's support.

Ukraine told the rights council that U.N. experts had found no credible evidence of mistreatment of its Russian minority as alleged by Moscow -- one of whose pro-Kremlin newspapers said this week there was "bloodshed almost like in Syria" in the east of the country.

The new government in Kiev, a Ukrainian envoy declared, was reinvigorating its promotion and protection of the rights of minorities "to the highest international standards".

The envoy asked what measures could be taken to protect Ukrainian, Crimean Tatar and other minority groups in Crimea "whose rights are being violated under the Russian occupation."

Responding, the Russian delegate said there were no violations of minority rights in Crimea and minorities were not being persecuted. The new Russian-backed government there had guaranteed protection of the Tatars.

(Reporting by Robert Evans; Editing by Mark Trevelyan)
Just like in the book Command Authority by Tom Clancy when Russia invaded Estonia claiming to protect Russian citizens.
Estonia is an apartheid state, they banned Russian language and deny Russians the right for citizenship and voting right.
i think that russia lost more than it gained, look at crimea, its a small island, look at ukraine, it lost ukraine at the stake of merger with crimea

i think ukraine was under russian influence?
Americans are butchers.. if Russia is taking precaution and getting out in pre-emptive defence against them, it has right to do so.
A Strong Russia is good for the Planet Earth as it serves as a Check and Balance against the Hegemony of the NATO Countries.
i think that russia lost more than it gained, look at crimea, its a small island, look at ukraine, it lost ukraine at the stake of merger with crimea

i think ukraine was under russian influence?
thats like saying Israels neighbors where pro jewish before the wars, russia has no friends we have only our self and our strength
someone had ruled out russia in place of china ..Under putin russia can teach any one some manners :D
i think that russia lost more than it gained, look at crimea, its a small island, look at ukraine, it lost ukraine at the stake of merger with crimea

i think ukraine was under russian influence?

Crimea may be small, but it is extremely strategic, sort of like Taiwan. The EU will never be a country. Even if Ukraine joins EU or NATO, so what? It would lose east Ukraine and Odessa and Kherson if it does so, albeit after being devastated by a full blown civil war. Russian speakers are the majority in east Ukraine, Odessa, Kherson.
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Pakistan should invade Indian Punjab and Afghanistan till Amu Darya under this doctrine. Punjabi and Pashtu speakers are under 'threat'. :rolleyes:
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