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Essence of Politics, or Siasat


Sep 8, 2009
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Pakistani Politics thread is filled with Tabloid minded articles I realized there is a such a broad misconception about the actual definition of Politics / Siasat

Specially many poor souls who defend PML or PPP , as they can't understand what Politics really is

I sincerely find it shameful to read the articles of such folks

Western World Meaning of Politics (Translated Siasat)

1- Politics mainly an activity a Person or Collection of People, who come together aim to do, in order to Serve the Public
The big aspect of this is the word "To Serve", to be a servant to the Public

2- Parties Elect the most charismatic person in their Party, who can take the Party's main Deliverable to Public
a) That is, he will fix the Economy
b) or He will fix the Water System
c) or He will fix the Medical System
d) or He will reduce inflation in Country

3- Rarely do a person's personal wealth matter, normally the public support is what drives the Process

4- Military has no say in any affairs if they say anything with Political narrative the military person is quickly dismissed, or court marshalled

5- Any story of bribery results in resignation (self) or Forced resignation if evidence is uncovered

Pakistani Meaning of Siasat

1- How many Gangsters are working under your Enforcement Wing, Is the Police under your control, how many Judges you have under your influence , have you changed enough laws to hide your corruption, change laws so your cases at National Accountability bureau are rejected

2- People are born into Politics, if Father was politician, the Son will inherit the Throne for Party Leadership, the party will not give reign to another Well-Established Man who is up in age instead the reign will go to 19-year-old

3- The word at ground level is if Party Mafia is not supported the normal businesses will suffer consequence

4- Journalist can be beaten in public or the people will be threatened or kidnapped by police

5- Use of bribery is common for vote manipulation in Assembly

6- New trend is send unplated secret service cars or Gangsters to do your dirty dealing in nighttime kidnapping people

7- Courts open mid night to help grant bails to Rich or Political elite

Pakistan is running on Ad-hoc , group of mini monarch families, who masqurade themselves as politicians
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