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ERDOGAN's new modern Turkiye 2002-2023

Nobody will vote for KeMal , except capulcu sürüsü, FETO and PKK-HDP supporters

ERDOGAN-BAHCELI will rule Turkiye until may 2028

vatan haini capulcu sürüsü
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CHP obstacle to urban transformation in Istanbul
Göksu: Not 800.000, but 1,8 million houses would have been built

İstanbul'da kentsel dönüşüme CHP ve İBB engeli! Göksu: 800 bin değil, 1 milyon 800 bin konut yapılırdı

The fact that the biggest obstacle to urban transformation in Istanbul was the CHP

If CHP had not filed a lawsuit against the urban transformation risk zones, 1,8 million houses would have been built, instead of 800.000

Bu hainlre kalsa bırakın yeni konutlar yapmayı ,, enkazı bile yıllarca kaldıramazlardı

ERDOGAN-BAHCELI will rule Turkiye until may 2028
If this happens,then it will be clear proof that Erdogan is a dictator and doesn't want to leave power. He wants to be a Sultan and might even rig the elections.

Also,if this happens,then the problems in the region will still continue and the NATO allies will still be angry. You have BILLIONS to spend for 750 military projects,but your Earthquake Fund was plundered,the country lacked serious firefighting abilities,the government gave amnesty to illegal houses............and you're still trusting that guy.

The guy who THREW BAGS OF TEA to people who lost their homes due to the fires. The guy who had twitter banned for hours when the earthquake happened,just to avoid criticism.

You actually believe that man who is full of populist nonsense and always blames someone for his bad policies. It's always the Gulenists,the Kurds,the Western imperialists who destroyed the economy,it's the "evil Greeks" who want to take the "rights of Turks",it's the Arab dictators who ally with Israel against Turkey,it's Sweden and the new German government,it's Macron who wants to start a war with Turkey,it's the warlord Haftar,it's everyone EXCEPT....the AKP foreign policy 🙄
Capulcuların Turkiyede yaptıgı tek şey Eşek Heykeli

TB-2 , TB-3 , AKINCI , KIZILELMA yı biz yaptık Selcuk Bayraktar
TEI nin başında Prof Dr Mahmut Faruk Akşit var

Binlerce muhendis AK Parti ve ERDOGAN ın önderliginde 750 projeyi yürütüyor

CHP ye oy degil günahını vermezler ... ATATURK vefat ettikten sonra teknoloji hamlemize darbe vuran hain CHP
İlk yerli Savaş gemisi TCG Berk 1971

FNSS AVC-15 1992

ATAK Helikopter Projesi
Gelişimi. Türkiye, taarruz ve keşif helikopterinin her şeyi ile Türkiye'de üretilmesi için 1995 EKİM ayında ön çalışmalara başladı. Bu proje için Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarlığını (SSM) görevlendirdi.

Enemies need a puppet leader like KILICDAROGLU to work for their interests

that means we Turks should vote for ERDOGAN
All enemies , FETO , PKK- Terrorissts attack ERDOGAN .. why ?
because ERDOGAN works for Turkish people and Turkish national interests

ERDOGAN always was selected by Turkish People in real democratic elections since 2002

over 22 million Turks voted for ERDOGAN

real dictator is Kemal Kılıcdaroglu who lost 11 elections since 2010
and He still doesn't want to leave power in CHP

Nobody care about anti-Erdogan propaganda by enemies , CHP , FETO , PKK-HDP
Turkish People so love ERDOGAN
because he is the greatest leader after ATATURK

ERDOGAN built 385 residences and 152 workplaces after the flood disaster in Giresun on August 22, 2020


ERDOGAN built new houses after forest fires in Antalya , Mugla and İzmir



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. .
ATAK Helikopter Projesi
Gelişimi. Türkiye, taarruz ve keşif helikopterinin her şeyi ile Türkiye'de üretilmesi için 1995 EKİM ayında ön çalışmalara başladı. Bu proje için Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarlığını (SSM) görevlendirdi.

ERDOGAN İtalyan Berlusconi ile dostlugu sayesinde T-129 projesini Turkiyeye getirdi

2004 SSIK toplantısında tum mega askeri projeler ERDOGAN karari ile başlatıldı veya lisans üretiminden vaz gecip milli özgün üretim kararı verildi

60 olan proje sayısı 750 ye cıktı ..

gitmiş FNSS AVC-15 yi gösteriyor ... ne zavallı bir zümre

Selcuk Bayraktarı engellemek için yapmadıkları kalmadı
ERDOGAN olmasa bu projeleri rüyamızda bile göremezdik

Capulcu sürüsü = called the first part of the MMU as a heater core

RESULT : ERDOGAN made ATATURK's dream come true
Turkish Fighter Jet made the taxi test in the 100th anniversary of the Turkish republic
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ERDOGAN İtalyan Berlusconi ile dostlugu sayesinde T-129 projesini Turkiyeye getirdi

2004 SSIK toplantısında tum mega askeri projeler ERDOGAN karari ile başlatıldı

60 olan proje sayısı 750 ye cıktı ..

gitmiş FNSS AVC-15 yi gösteriyor ... ne zavallı bir zümre

Capulcu sürüsü = called the first part of the MMU as a heater core

RESULT : ERDOGAN made ATATURK's dream come true
Turkish Fighter Jet made the taxi test in the 100th anniversary of the Turkish republic
Boy,you forgot the earthquake so fast....
Enemies wants to use the earthquake to beat ERDOGAN in elections

but Turkish People beat the earthquake
and ERDOGAN will build all houses for 200.000 units in 11 cities
no problem for ERDOGAN and AK Party

ERDOGAN is great leader who built 24.000 houses in Elazig after the earthquake of 6.8 magnitude that occurred on January 24, 2020

Our 11 cities will be more beautiful than before
Thanks to president ERDOGAN and great Turkish construction Industry
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Loser Enemies wants to use the earthquake to beat ERDOGAN in elections

but Turkish People beat the earthquake
and ERDOGAN will build all houses for 200.000 units in 11 cities
no problem for ERDOGAN and AK Party

ERDOGAN is great leader who built 24.000 houses in Elazig after the earthquake of 6.8 magnitude that occurred on January 24, 2020
do you think erDOGan is the greatest human who ever lived?
Enemies wants to use the earthquake to beat ERDOGAN in elections

but Turkish People beat the earthquake
and ERDOGAN will build all houses for 200.000 units in 11 cities
no problem for ERDOGAN and AK Party

ERDOGAN is great leader who built 24.000 houses in Elazig after the earthquake of 6.8 magnitude that occurred on January 24, 2020

Our 11 cities will be more beautiful than before
Thanks to president ERDOGAN and great Turkish construction Industry

as long as the new houses are earthquake proof
as long as the new houses are earthquake proof

TOKI is state owned housing agency

133,759 houses built by TOKI not damaged in Türkiye quakes 6.4 , 6.5 , 7.6 , 7.8 within 9 hours​

A total of 133,759 TOKI buildings in the earthquake zone in 10 provinces were not damaged thanks to its earthquake-resistant structures applied in buildings such as "raft foundation", "tunnel formwork carrier system" and "high concrete strength".


51.6 % of the buildings in the 10 provinces affected by the earthquake were built before 1999, and 48.4 % were built during the AK Party period

but 97% of the collapsed buildings were built before the AK Party.
most of 30-40-50-60 years old buildings collapsed
ERDOGAN İtalyan Berlusconi ile dostlugu sayesinde T-129 projesini Turkiyeye getirdi

2004 SSIK toplantısında tum mega askeri projeler ERDOGAN karari ile başlatıldı veya lisans üretiminden vaz gecip milli özgün üretim kararı verildi

60 olan proje sayısı 750 ye cıktı ..

gitmiş FNSS AVC-15 yi gösteriyor ... ne zavallı bir zümre

Selcuk Bayraktarı engellemek için yapmadıkları kalmadı
ERDOGAN olmasa bu projeleri rüyamızda bile göremezdik

Capulcu sürüsü = called the first part of the MMU as a heater core

RESULT : ERDOGAN made ATATURK's dream come true
Turkish Fighter Jet made the taxi test in the 100th anniversary of the Turkish republic
Ruslar bile Ka52 Helikopterinin lisansını "Erdoğan" adı ile Türkiye'ye vermeyi kabul etmişti. Mesele projeyi kimin bitirdiği değil kimin başlattığı, Yerli savunma sanayisi Erdoğan ile başlamadı onunla da bitmeyecek

Kasırga 1997

T-122 Sakarya 1995


J-600T Yıldırım 1998

T-155 Panter, 1990-98 arası

I can bring more of this and I can show how Erdogan and Fetullah Gulen worked together against Army and army projects, How milgem project was delayed and how they allow Aselsan engineers get assasinated.. Erdogan didnt do anything for this country and his propaganda machines can write many BS but history books will write him accordingly
TOKI is state owned housing agency

133,759 houses built by TOKI not damaged in Türkiye quakes 6.4 , 6.5 , 7.6 , 7.8 within 9 hours​

A total of 133,759 TOKI buildings in the earthquake zone in 10 provinces were not damaged thanks to its earthquake-resistant structures applied in buildings such as "raft foundation", "tunnel formwork carrier system" and "high concrete strength".


51.6 % of the buildings in the 10 provinces affected by the earthquake were built before 1999, and 48.4 % were built during the AK Party period

but 97% of the collapsed buildings were built before the AK Party.
most of 30-40-50-60 years old buildings collapsed
@waz @LeGenD @PakSword please close this spamming thread opened by @MMM-E thanks

TOKI is state owned housing agency

133,759 houses built by TOKI not damaged in Türkiye quakes 6.4 , 6.5 , 7.6 , 7.8 within 9 hours​

A total of 133,759 TOKI buildings in the earthquake zone in 10 provinces were not damaged thanks to its earthquake-resistant structures applied in buildings such as "raft foundation", "tunnel formwork carrier system" and "high concrete strength".


51.6 % of the buildings in the 10 provinces affected by the earthquake were built before 1999, and 48.4 % were built during the AK Party period

but 97% of the collapsed buildings were built before the AK Party.
most of 30-40-50-60 years old buildings collapsed
@waz @LeGenD @PakSword please close this spamming thread opened by @MMM-E thanks
Ruslar bile Ka52 Helikopterinin lisansını "Erdoğan" adı ile Türkiye'ye vermeyi kabul etmişti. Mesele projeyi kimin bitirdiği değil kimin başlattığı, Yerli savunma sanayisi Erdoğan ile başlamadı onunla da bitmeyecek

Başlamak önemli degil bitirmek önemli
Ve ERDOGAN sadece lisans altında üretimi kabul etmeyip teknoloji transferini şart koştu

T-129 da teknoloji transferi de oldu ve Biz ATAK-II yi bu teknoloji transferi sayesinde yapıyoruz

Yoksa 1992 de ki İHA yı da gösterdin .... eee sonuc koskoca 0

Selcuk Bayraktarı engellemeye calışan Generaller bile oldu
20 yıllık kesintisiz ERDOGAN siyasi iradesi olmasaydı 750 projenin 75 ni bile göremezdik

Savunma Sanayiimiz 1975 ambargosundan sonra başladı
fakat 60 olan proje sayısı 750 ye ERDOGAN nın kararlı destegi ve siyasi iradesi ile ulaştı

CHP , DEVA daha iktidara gelmeden IHA-SIHA lara dokunacagız tehditi savuruyor

CHP li INONU de zamanında NURI DEMIRAG ı engellemiş Ucak ürettigimiz yılları onca emegi topraga gömmüştü

Bu bir gercek , hoşunuza gitmesede ERDOGAN düşmanlıgından ve siyası hırstan inkarda etseniz

20% lerden 80% lere ERDOGAN sayesinde ulaştık

700 projeyi tek tek yazdırtma bana

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