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Epìc Moroccan army maneuvers 2021

There is no issues between the 2 countries ?????

1) There are no Diplomatic ties between Algeria and its neighbor Morocco.
2) Borders between the two countries have been closed for almost 30 years.

Morocco is one of the Arab medieval monarchies, agents of Israel and the West, who will continue working toward the instability of all MENA countries who are progressive and ruled by the people and for the people.

"Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth."
Abraham Lincoln

The 2 countries are at the brink of war.

I am Algerian, and where the heck are you from, to speak about Algeria with such authority ???

I don't know you at all. I also don't know people you are communicating and responding. I can say I am completely independent here.

What you have written above rings the truth. I know because I was married to a Moroccan Arab and have kids who are half Moroccans. Used to visit Casablanca and Marrakesh every year in the past.
I know for sure how powerful Moroccan Jews are and how much influence they have over Moroccan King and before him on his father.
I also know that democracy in Morocco is absolute farce. The country is damn police state, with secret police and their agents everywhere. If you talk about politics and against the King, you will disappear and never to be found.

Most Moroccans I met , were against the Monarchy and the farce created in Morocco on the name of Democracy.
Having been dealing with you and your friends here is like dealing with temper tantrum of spoiled brats. lol
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I think you're missing the point here. Everyone is trying to tell you that you constantly post about the same two things in every single thread you comment:
About how bad Morocco is and how Israel is controlling Morocco and oppressing the Palestinians. And in every single thread that is about the military of Morocco,Algeria or the military balance in the area in general,you spam photos of their king. That has nothing to do with military and defence.
I think you're missing the point here. Everyone is trying to tell you that you constantly post about the same two things in every single thread you comment:
About how bad Morocco is and how Israel is controlling Morocco and oppressing the Palestinians. And in every single thread that is about the military of Morocco,Algeria or the military balance in the area in general,you spam photos of their king. That has nothing to do with military and defence.

With due respect my friend. You have to think on the line India-Pakistan's rivalry here.
Do you see how India had been trying to harm Pakistan in every field in the world!!
Be it sports arena, be it politics or economy.
How many times India has tried to argue that it cannot play against Pakistan in international tournaments!!
How many times India involved in terrorism in Pakistan!!
How hard India have tried to put Pakistan in FATF black list!!

Don't you see Indians jumping on every topic and opportunity to malign Pakistan!!

You don't see how Israel is trying to help India against Pakistan through arms, training and technical support!!
We all know Israel many times have tried to attack Pakistan's nuclear installations through India!!

Do you see how dots are connected!!
He is probably trying to connect the same dots in connection with Morocco and Algeria!!
What,you're not gonna post a photo of Morocco's king to prove how bad their army is and that they don't stand a chance against Algeria?
Don't quote Lincoln,you hate Israel,but Israel's a progressive democracy too :P
Isn't that what Hitler said ? -" progressive democracy too "
All the people in this forum who are attacking my posts know only too well the relationship between Israel with the Arab medieval monarchies (KSA, UAE, Bahrein Jordan, Morocco) who are trying to help Israel become the sole leader in the MENA region at the expense of the Palestinian people..

I tell you one thing my friend. Most of them know what it means to Israel when it gets acceptance from most Muslim countries. They also know it is all happening because uncle Sam wants it to be done by its puppets. Puppets are doing exactly what Masters are demanding, this is the job of the puppets.

I know it because me and my family had inter marriage with Arabs of different countries. I know them inside out. One of my first cousin had been married to an Arab for over 4 decades, he was educated at DOW medical in Karachi. Another cousin of mine had been married to an Arab lady having many kids. I had been married to a Moroccan , having half Moroccan kids.
My kids have 40/50 first cousins who are all half Moroccans/Arabs, with all nationalities mixed.
You learn from experience and knowing people. Intimate relations and close relations with people gives you insight which you would not get from outside.

I know most of the Arabs are fed up from the directions taken by their governments. But due to the political conditions in their respective countries, they would be very reluctant to engage in discussion with strangers. In family gatherings they speak openly and show their disgust against all what is happening around them. I know because I had been part of many such discussions in the past.
Yes that's what he does about Morocco.

I'm not Pakistani 🤷🏻‍♂️

Well since Algeria is the "only democracy" in the Maghreb and the land of freedom fighters,why don't you liberate Palestine? It's been half a century,liberate them already.

I have answered your post, but it was also addressing others who are Pakistanis or Pakistani origins.
In any case, if you are regular visitor here, you should know that how the rivalry between Indians and Pakistan plays out every where in the world.
I tell you one thing my friend. Most of them know what it means to Israel when it gets acceptance from most Muslim countries. They also know it is all happening because uncle Sam wants it to be done by its puppets. Puppets are doing exactly what Masters are demanding, this is the job of the puppets.

I know it because me and my family had inter marriage with Arabs of different countries. I know them inside out. One of my first cousin had been married to an Arab for over 4 decades, he was educated at DOW medical in Karachi. Another cousin of mine had been married to an Arab lady having many kids. I had been married to a Moroccan , having half Moroccan kids.
My kids have 40/50 first cousins who are all half Moroccans/Arabs, with all nationalities mixed.
You learn from experience and knowing people. Intimate relations and close relations with people gives you insight which you would not get from outside.

I know most of the Arabs are fed up from the directions taken by their governments. But due to the political conditions in their respective countries, they would be very reluctant to engage in discussion with strangers. In family gatherings they speak openly and show their disgust against all what is happening around them. I know because I had been part of many such discussions in the past.

I have answered your post, but it was also addressing others who are Pakistanis or Pakistani origins.
In any case, if you are regular visitor here, you should know that how the rivalry between Indians and Pakistan plays out every where in the world.

These pictures say otherwise as a democracy..



Consistency and change: Morocco under King Mohammed VI

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I am bit puzzled from these pictures, what they got to do with the Democracy!!
The king himself with his people in the streets and shops.. it contradicts a lot of what you've said that might have been true is some days of the former king Hassan II after two coup attempts..
The king himself with his people in the streets and shops.. it contradicts a lot of what you've said that might have been true is some days of the former king Hassan II after two coup attempts..

My friend I am well aware of what King Mohammad VI had been doing and saying since he had been crowned King after his father's death.
Sound bites or photo opportunities doesn't mean a diddle when it comes to Democracy. Semantics are no substitute for real thing.
With the same token Nawaz Sharif says "Vote ko Izat do" and Shahbaz Sharif says "Aik Paisa" ki corruption is proven he would leave politics.
Do you seriously wants me to believe all this crap!!
Mods don't discuss the ban of a suicide Troll merely to make him important. Anyone taking the soft approach for granted should know that, there are no further reminders.

Ziri! I have sent you to your beloved bedroom Forum to feel good. Neither I have any sympathy for Morocco especially since they went to recognize Israel for petty benefits but still, it doesn't makes everyone of their agents. You have chosen a flawed and very weak argument merely to seek attention by blaming this Forum and everyone else.

My friend I am well aware of what King Mohammad VI had been doing and saying since he had been crowned King after his father's death.
Sound bites or photo opportunities doesn't mean a diddle when it comes to Democracy. Semantics are no substitute for real thing.
With the same token Nawaz Sharif says "Vote ko Izat do" and Shahbaz Sharif says "Aik Paisa" ki corruption is proven he would leave politics.
Do you seriously wants me to believe all this crap!!
Well I guess if someone works well and makes his country progress than he is the best, be it a president or a king.. and you need to have democracy and stability to achieve this..

Giant investment projects in the northern region of Morocco, especially in the city of Al Hoceima, amounting to $15 billion


And all this has nothing to do with Usrael..but for defense, health agriculture technologies.. and so on it is a good move in the interest of Morocco..While keeping a good and close relationship with the Palestinians..
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Well I guess if someone works well and makes his country progress than he is the best, be it a president or a king.. and you need to have democracy and stability to achieve this..

Giant investment projects in the northern region of Morocco, especially in the city of Al Hoceima, amounting to $15 billion


And all this has nothing to do with Usrael..but for defense, health agriculture technologies.. and so on it is a good move in the interest of Morocco..While keeping a good and close relationship with the Palestinians..

What these projects have anything to do with Democracy.
The link you provided had the following paragraph ,

Since 2016 — the third phase — the role of political actors and political processes has diminished in favor of a much more assertive monarchical system. Room for criticism and opposition has also shrunk.

Enough said.
Well I guess if someone works well and makes his country progress than he is the best, be it a president or a king.. and you need to have democracy and stability to achieve this..

Giant investment projects in the northern region of Morocco, especially in the city of Al Hoceima, amounting to $15 billion


And all this has nothing to do with Usrael..but for defense, health agriculture technologies.. and so on it is a good move in the interest of Morocco..While keeping a good and close relationship with the Palestinians..

Morocco is absolutely beautiful and the leading country in the continent
What these projects have anything to do with Democracy.
The link you provided had the following paragraph ,

Enough said.
They couldn't achieve much ..so they were put on the side..many were corrupt..

You need democracy for achievements like these.. and stability too.. enough said..

It will be interesting to see any Algerian achievements even if it is half of these..and with a three time budget from Oil and Gas !??.. it is also known throughout the world that Algeria is going through bad times with social unrest.. there must be a good reason for that to happen in any country..
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