Let's be quite clear; some dhoti-clad idiots bent on cashing in on the deeds of the military made that claim. Please go through the records; no responsible serviceman would have made unverified claims like 350 persons were killed, without verification, and no responsible serviceman did. Yes, there were reports that mobile traffic indicated a large number of people present at the site, more or less in the precise location, although being too very precise is impossible. It was always the party hacks who made wild and unjustified brags.
Where the IAF did have something to say that the Pakistani observer finds objectionable, or about which the Pakistani observer might feel sceptical, is about the radar images that showed one plot suddenly disappear from the screen; that is so circumstantial that most of us - not the fanboys - wish that nothing had been said about it at all. Without wreckage, without a pilot in spirit or in flesh, even hinting at the possibility was quite uncalled for.
This thread is not about that; it was not about that. It was not about what happened; it was about the probability of the IAF having done some competent war-fighting, going on the basis of their behaviour during the exercises with the USAF.
We are getting bogged down in other side issues.