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Energy Security and Pakistan


Sep 12, 2008
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Energy Security And Pakistan

By Raja G Mujtaba

(S M Hali in his weekly program, conducted a well timed discussion on the subject with me and Aemen Maluka in the panel. The clipping of the discussion is placed at end of the page.)

Energy is the need of the day and it would continue to be the need for all times to come. Fossil fuels are dwindling at a very fast pace. Every country is worried and trying to secure the energy needs. Developing countries like Pakistan that are energy deficient need to take some extra steps to ensure that energy is available at most competitive and secure basis.

The world energy demand is rising by the day where the US is way on top. Its frenzy like situation where every country is in a mad rush to obtain her energy needs. There are some hidden hands also that are trying to manipulate the situation to take complete control of the resources that people find hard to understand or believe.

US with 21.7 % (18,686 thousand barrels a day) of fuel consumption, is the largest oil consumer. At any given time, there are around 7000 aircraft flying over America with millions of road vehicles plying on roads one can just visualize the fuel consumption on daily basis. Keeping such demands in view, the US is finding ways to take control of all oil reserves; more than her needs, it’s the greed mode that has turned on; a need can be met but greed has no end in sight. This greed is forcing her to deny such needs to other countries or at best be regulated through her to attain her global political objectives.

According to the Protocols of Zions, it’s one of the major objectives to capture and control all world resources so as to make everyone submissive and agent for change as per their needs. The following statement would not only make it clear but can run shivers down the spine. “We rule by force of will, because in our hands are the fragments of a once powerful party, now vanquished by us. AND THE WEAPONS IN OUR HANDS ARE LIMITLESS AMBITIONS, BURNING GREEDINESS, MERCILESS VENGEANCE, HATREDS AND MALICE.” The Protocls of the Zion.

The so called ‘War On Terror’ is a well thought out strategy to capture the oil resources of the Muslim world who by and large are an impotent bunch, politically weak and no military muscles to defend for themselves. All the Muslim rulers have deviated from their roots, ideology, and system of governance and welfare of the people. Instead of satisfying the needs of the people they have taken upon themselves to appease and please the Zionist dominated governments of the west where again the US is in the lead. Muslim rulers have invested all their reserves in the West, more so in America, this is like placing their tails under their feet. If and when these Muslim rulers try to adopt an independent stance, the crush is applied by threatening to freeze their assets.

This so called war on terror has been erected as a screen to defame, malign and weaken the Muslims and bring bad name to Islam so that they are put on the back foot. Muslims are provoked by adopting different strategies to declare them extremists, militants and terrorists thus making them vulnerable for future attacks on them. On their hand through same strategy, world opinion was built against Muslim countries to justify their attacks on these weak countries and control their resources. Afghanistan was captured to sit at the hub to dominate Central Asia for its Caspian sea and other reserves same time dominate China and threaten Pakistan for it possesses the nuclear weapons, a tumbling impediment in their grand design.

“In order that our scheme may produce this result we shall arrange elections in favor of such presidents as have in their past some dark, undiscovered stain, some “Panama” or other – then they will be trustworthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans out of fear of revelations and from the natural desire of everyone who has attained power, namely, the retention of the privileges, advantages and honor connected with the office of president.” Protocols.

In almost all the Muslim countries, governments have been placed that are fulfilling their agenda. If we observe in the recent past, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan etc. are glaring examples of this statement.

Here one can also understand when following the developments at Capitol Hill that is the Zionist Hub as to whose agenda is being pursued; American public is crying and dying of hunger through large scale unemployment, lack of housing and medical cover etc. but nothing moves or makes the people in power feel concerned about the American public. When this government is not concerned about its own people for whom they profess so loud then how could they be concerned about humanity at large?

In doing so, big corporations almost all being owned and controlled by the Zionists, get their directions from Israel. The US government has become an extension of the Zionist government based in Tel Aviv , the 1% have ensured to turn the US into a Zionist State. If the US was to meet just her own needs, things would have been quite different but with the US into greed mode they have also turned into denial mode hence denying the energy resources to her competitors like China. Another rising consumer of oil is India, therefore at some point down the road, India would become a direct threat to the US interests and power base. Here one must not forget that India has the desire to dominate the Indian Ocean for which she is equipping her navy to make it a truly blue water force.

World in general and the smaller developing countries like Pakistan in particular must take cognizance of this trend. If need be, a group of oil dependent developing countries must be formed to protect their interests and ensure their energy needs. In forming such a group, a great care needs to be exercised that the efforts of such a group are not hijacked and dictated by the Zionists through their proxies.

Pakistan has become an important strategic country for its geographical location placing it at the core of three regions but it also happens to be the corridor of all future energy trade emanating from Central Asia and the peripherals. Just by being the corridor, Pakistan would be able to meet her energy needs without much cost but needs a dedicated effort to do so. Pakistan has her own vast energy potential in various forms in almost entire Pakistan. Balochistan, has the largest hydrocarbon deposits that have been capped for some vested interests. It also has some of the rarest minerals including gold, copper, silver etc. This is precisely the reason, why the US and her allies in Afghanistan are funding and fanning insurgencies in Balochistan. With the strategic importance of Pakistan, its vulnerability has also increased.

At the political level, Pakistan will have to move very fast and settle all outstanding issues with the disgruntled lot who are mostly Sardars of few tribes. Since the time of the British rule, they have lived on monetary bait and non interference in their tribal system. Bait can still be doled out but same time development must be taken to Balochistan with complete assertiveness so that people get educated and financially independent. Recently one major step has been the induction of 15,000 Baloch soldiers in the army that has come like a floodgate opening for them.

Other then oil and gas, Pakistan has the world’s largest coal reserves in Thar. If Thar coal is developed and put to use, it can cut down all oil needs by about 80% making Pakistan self sufficient in all her energy needs with a capacity to export the same.

Iran is offering both gas and electric power to Pakistan at quite a comparative price. Iran is willing to double the capacity. Since Iran is the nearest source, it would be very economical for Pakistan. This Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline can be extended to China instead of India. The royalty that Pakistan would generate from this would offset the price that Pakistan would be paying to Iran for her own consumption of gas. It’s the US that’s trying to block this deal because with one stone it would like to kill two birds, i.e. deny energy supply to China and restricting Iran to sell its products to outside world. By blocking this deal, the US is only serving its global hegemonic interest at the cost of Pakistan. The US is not concerned about Pakistan’s energy needs; it has sold nuclear reactors to India but is refusing to sell the same to Pakistan.

TAPI pipeline must also be accepted and let it pass to India or extend it to Gawadar for onward shipment to other buyers, this way Pakistan would earn through royalty that it would earn would place Pakistan in a win-win situation.

Keeping in view the energy needs and constraints, Pakistan must review its foreign policy. Pakistan should develop a very close relationship with China, Russia, Iran, and Central Asian States. Afghanistan and Pakistan are essentially same stock, with a common history and heritage and strong religious bond. Peace is our mutual need for our well being. Peace in Afghanistan would bring peace in Pakistan thereafter more trade opportunities with central Asia and Russia over the land route would open. This would also allow CAR to export their oil and other produce to the world through Gawadar port.

Meanwhile Pakistan must also concentrate on alternative energy resources like wind, solar, coal, hydro power etc. This would place Pakistan in the club of energy surplus nations.

Energy Security And Pakistan | PKKH.tv
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^ Watch the video. Its in English and you being American would easily comprehend it.
^ Watch the video. Its in English and you being American would easily comprehend it.

No need to watch the video since the following is unsubstantiated enough on its own:

........................Pakistan has her own vast energy potential in various forms in almost entire Pakistan. Balochistan, has the largest hydrocarbon deposits that have been capped for some vested interests. ...........................

Other then oil and gas, Pakistan has the world’s largest coal reserves in Thar. If Thar coal is developed and put to use, it can cut down all oil needs by about 80% making Pakistan self sufficient in all her energy needs with a capacity to export the same.

Both excerpts are just plain WRONG.
No need to watch the video since the following is unsubstantiated enough on its own:

Both excerpts are just plain WRONG.

It was aired on Ptv, the most reputable tv channel in Pakistan and the oldest tv channel in Pakistan. Ptv is not a propaganda machine like new tv channels like Geo. And its a retired Army Major who is talking not Zaid Hamid.

I know the truth would hurt for the criminals.
It was aired on Ptv, the most reputable tv channel in Pakistan and the oldest tv channel in Pakistan. Ptv is not a propaganda machine like new tv channels like Geo. And its a retired Army Major who is talking not Zaid Hamid.

I know the truth would hurt for the criminals.

Neither PTV nor the retired major is an authority on energy resources. Those facts are WRONG and MISLEADING.
I don't know what you guys are arguing about, but Pakistan does have hugh gas and oil reserves and coal in the Thar area.

Actually Pakistan has what they call the 'Shale Gas' around Southern Punjab and North Sindh.........
I don't know what you guys are arguing about, but Pakistan does have hugh gas and oil reserves and coal in the Thar area.

Actually Pakistan has what they call the 'Shale Gas' around Southern Punjab and North Sindh.........

Yes we all know Pakistan has many oil and gas reserves but global powers are competing for these rare resources that everyone relies on. Thats why Pakistan should immediately exploit these reserves and protect them, and make proper use of it so we can be energy sufficient.

Also the article is saying to make good use of the gas pipelines (TAPI and especially IP) and Gwadar Port, and Pakistan should not give into U.S. pressure.

Vcheng I belive was upset because he didnt like what was said about America's intentions in Afghanistan. He wants us to be like zombies like Americans in Kansas and believe everything that comes out of Washington D.C.

Vcheng I belive was upset because he didnt like what was said about America's intentions in Afghanistan. He wants us to be like zombies like Americans in Kansas and believe everything that comes out of Washington D.C.

I have no problem with that; rather I do have a problem with tall claims of huge reserves that are simply unreal.

"Apney munh aap mian mithu"

ALL of these sources are unverified bullcrap as far as the overall magnitudes of the resources are concerned. There are exploitable quantities of some natural resource in a few locations, and their profitable use requires co-ordination of many aspects that are beyond Pakistan at the moment.
"Apney munh aap mian mithu"

ALL of these sources are unverified bullcrap as far as the overall magnitudes of the resources are concerned. There are exploitable quantities of some natural resource in a few locations, and their profitable use requires co-ordination of many aspects that are beyond Pakistan at the moment.

If all these sources are bullcrap then all the articles on defence.pk are bullcrap because we got these from reliable sources and posted it on Pakistan Defence Forum like all the articles on defence.pk

You are one of those people who dont wish prosperity for Pakistan and dont want Pakistan to stand on its own feet and would much rather have Pakistan go after "carrot-on-a-stick" U.S. aid.
If all these resources are bullcrap then all the articles on defence.pk are bullcrap because we got these from reliable sources and posted it on Pakistan Defence Forum like all the articles on defence.pk

You are one of those people who dont wish prosperity for Pakistan and dont want Pakistan to stand on its own feet and would much rather have Pakistan go after "carrot-on-a-stick" U.S. aid.

My intentions are clear and honest, and not subject to your judgement.

I merely call out the facts, fairly and impartially. I stand by my assessment as carefully stated above, and repeated here to help understanding:


ALL of these sources are unverified bullcrap as far as the overall magnitudes of the resources are concerned. There are exploitable quantities of some natural resource in a few locations, and their profitable use requires co-ordination of many aspects that are beyond Pakistan at the moment.
"Apney munh aap mian mithu"

ALL of these sources are unverified bullcrap as far as the overall magnitudes of the resources are concerned. There are exploitable quantities of some natural resource in a few locations, and their profitable use requires co-ordination of many aspects that are beyond Pakistan at the moment.

This is where nations with limited technical know how suffer. The Iranians and Iraqis both nationalized their oil production and saw their production fall apart. Having natural resources can be a great blessing, but extracting them efficiently is a wholly different ballgame. Third world nations can let foreign corporations take over the extraction process and let them collect obscene amounts of profits that should, technically, belong to the people of the nation...or they can do it on their own in what would be a slow and painful process, that is if, it doesn't attract the kind of tug of war for power many other parts of the world have seen over these resources. Ask the Nigerians how all that oil is working for them.
Much of Pakistan's resources may never amount to anything more than statistical data...in the sense that political motivations, corruption, and a general lack of technical know how will limit the ability of our government to truly gain a profit from these resources. When our politicians won't be selling these profitable lands for pennies on the dollar for personal gain, they will be fighting among themselves over petty issues that will delay projects for years...if they ever figure all this out...the Western corporations are always willing and able to sweep in to hoard all the resources for themselves.
Neither PTV nor the retired major is an authority on energy resources. Those facts are WRONG and MISLEADING.

do you have anything more conclusive other than your opinion to say those claims are wrong?

granted the natural resources might not be as abundant as to suggest "the worl'ds most...." to but to counter claim saying "small amount of resources at few location" seem a bit unrealistic, too. something has to be presented to back that claim up.

And then in the world of natural resources new discoveries are often made. Something may appear barren and unresourceful and totally off the radar and then one day, boom, something useful is unearthed. New reports of such discovries emerge very often in Pakistan.
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