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Ending the beatings, rapes, murders: where are India's men?


Sep 25, 2009
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United States

Ending the beatings, rapes, murders: where are India's men?
NEW DELHI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Violence against women is widespread across the world. Globally, 35 percent of women have been beaten by an ‘intimate partner’ or suffered sexual violence at the hands of a non-partner in their lifetime, the World Health Organisation says.

The same research suggests that almost one third of women who have been in a relationship have experienced physical or sexual violence at the hands of their partner, and that some 38 percent of all murders of women are committed by their husband or boyfriend.

In India, the situation is little better. The International Centre for Research on Women reports that 37 percent of men surveyed admit to inflicting violence on their intimate partner.

Yet, while U.N. agencies, charities and the government run many programmes focused on promoting gender equality in this largely patriarchal country, few of them try to draw boys and men into the conversation, social activists say.

"From the Indian perspective, I would say that engaging boys and men to address gender equality is still not part of a mainstream approach used by civil society and government," says Abhijit Das, director of the Centre for Health and Social Justice.

"Men are still seen as the problem rather than the solution. As a result, gender justice is primarily seen just as a women's issue," he adds.


Das's organisation is one of only a handful in India that focuses on bringing men into the conversation on women's rights.

His initiative, MASVAW (Men's Action for Stopping Violence Against Women), began more than a decade ago and uses male activists to talk to boys and men in deeply conservative areas of India such as Uttar Pradesh.

MASVAW tries to provide men with a space to explore a different way of "being men" and to understand how equitable gender relations can benefit both men and women.

It encourages men to confront traditional attitudes regarding gender roles and become agents for change in their community.

It also helps men recognise the myriad forms of violence against women - domestic violence, rape, trafficking, dowry murders and female foeticide - accept personal responsibility, and learn non-violent ways to manage their anger.

"MASVAW men operate from the principle that men, being the primary holder in patriarchy, also need to be the primary agent of change in establishing a gender just society," the MASVAW website says.

"They promote change in male-dominated norms in institutions such as the workplace, educational institutions and Panchayats (local village councils)."

Such approaches are still on the sidelines in India and many other countries, partly because the non-governmental organisations that engage with men say they face resistance from some hardline feminist groups.


"Many women's rights groups are saying 'Why now are we engaging men?'," says Lydia Mungherera, an activist who founded the "Mama's Club" in Uganda which supports HIV-positive mothers by engaging their male partners.

"There has been this fear of competition for the limited resources out there for women's projects, and women's rights groups think that if we use funds to engage men, where will women fit in?"

Mungherera, however, says the two approaches can work in tandem. "As long as we are all looking at the same goal, then I think we can work together as partners."

Many women's organisations now support the idea of engaging men and there is a global coalition of charities called MenEngage which focuses on such projects, she says.

In 2009, the alliance held the first ever global symposium in Rio de Janeiro looking at how to engage men in issues such as gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive rights of women, homophobia, child abuse, sexual exploitation, trafficking and maternal and child health.

Over the last five years, members of MenEngage say their approach has gained ground and they now have over 1,000 members, including U.N. Women and the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA).

"We came together as a network of NGOs to put a space and voice to the outrage that men who come from a pro-feminist background feel about the gender injustices in the world," says Gary Barker, Global Co-Chair of MenEngage and founder of Promundo , a charity which works in Brazil, the United States and Rwanda.

"We realise that patriarchy and these injustices require working together, trying to bring a joint advocacy voice around the outrage and finding meaningful opportunities to connect with the women's rights movement."

MenEngage plans to hold a second global symposium in New Delhi from Nov. 10 to 13 with the aim of bringing men to the forefront of the conversation on violence against women, and expects more than 600 participants.
Well certainly for that very cheap purpose we have the Pakistanis and the Chinese all around! :pakistan::china:

China Ranks #69, Indian Ranks #101 and Pakistan #135 in the latest rankings for the best and worst places for women to live in :coffee:>>>

The Best And Worst Places To Be A Woman
With the most rapes, US ranked 23rd. The list is incorrect. :lol:

Show the same concern when the bombs are going everywhere in ur country,,,I think today also few ppl died in peshawar,,isnt it ??
Ok can you count me all the bomb blasts this week in Pakistan?? Can't you see our progress?? But I don't see your progress on rapes.
Well certainly for that very cheap purpose we have the Pakistanis and the Chinese all around! :pakistan::china:

China Ranks #69, Indian Ranks #101 and Pakistan #135 in the latest rankings for the best and worst places for women to live in :coffee:>>>

The Best And Worst Places To Be A Woman

LOL, wait until they fully digest the avalanche of news on rapes, gang rapes, gang rapes and murder coming out of India. Let's see how many places India will drop next year.
The article asks the question where the Indian men are, I would like to answer that they are probably off somewhere raping an innocent girl,

Show the same concern when the bombs are going everywhere in ur country,,,I think today also few ppl died in peshawar,,isnt it ??

Atleast our government is taking steps to eradicate terrorism, yours is sitting on their *** and doing nothing about rapes because most of your security establishment are rapists as well......
Most Indian men are very much like Kejriwal. Make a lot of noise but no action. Having said that, today we have a situation where nothing is hidden. Shame in society over a sustained period of time will slowly make for tougher laws and more protection. Also as the society opens up, fewer instances of perversion will be on display as morality defined basis sexual outlook or sexuality will eventually fall. That and hymenoplasty.
LOL, wait until they fully digest the avalanche of news on rapes, gang rapes, gang rapes and murder coming out of India. Let's see how many places India will drop next year.

Only time will tell - after all these lists are not compiled to please the bloody 50 cents party posters out here :coffee:

With the most rapes, US ranked 23rd. The list is incorrect. :lol:

Well thats the problem with the lame Pakistanis out here sir! They get dam desperate whenever they look up such stories that they tend to ignore the fundamental facts on which report are based - This article clearly talks about Women Rights not only Rapes! A long lecture on Feminism mentioned in the article is enough to understand the nature of the same and the list compiled is on the basis of Women Rights not only Rapes! Western countries have damn more liberal societies than what you will find in the Sub-continent and yes women enjoy all sorts of possible freedom there as well :coffee:

#Don't get so desperate to ignore the basics mentioned dear!

This entire piece of shit written blog is incorrect :lol: Fine?
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The article asks the question where the Indian men are, I would like to answer that they are probably off somewhere raping an innocent girl,

Atleast our government is taking steps to eradicate terrorism, yours is sitting on their *** and doing nothing about rapes because most of your security establishment are rapists as well......


Dude, that's a lot of stereotyping. It's akin to saying all Pakistani men are suicide bombers, which is again as far away from the truth as one can imagine.
Thats what u think,,We have hung few,,& more shall be followed,,,
Its a pity that ur country is so occupied in bomb blast & india ,rape kinda issues are not given importance or may be clouded with ur media occupied in other atrocities happening there .
With the most rapes, US ranked 23rd. The list is incorrect. :lol:

Ok can you count me all the bomb blasts this week in Pakistan?? Can't you see our progress?? But I don't see your progress on rapes.

The article asks the question where the Indian men are, I would like to answer that they are probably off somewhere raping an innocent girl,

Atleast our government is taking steps to eradicate terrorism, yours is sitting on their *** and doing nothing about rapes because most of your security establishment are rapists as well......

Thats what u think,,We have hung few,,& more shall be followed,,,
Its a pity that ur country is so occupied in bomb blast & india ,rape kinda issues are not given importance or may be clouded with ur media occupied in other atrocities happening there .

I can flood Rape news happening in pak,,,but thats not the point,neither i wanna start Troll sites like u guys do for fun.
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As usual.... west advising others on women's rights ... Hypocrits

Well at least they are ahead of us.... they have more women in public positions, more women working and contributing to the economy, less gender related abortions, no dowry nonsense etc etc etc
Countries With Highest Rape Rates Rate / 100,000
Lesotho 91.6
Trinidad and Tobago 58.4
Sweden 53.2
Korea 33.7
New Zealand 30.9
United States 28.6
Belgium 26.3
Zimbabwe 25.6
United Kingdom 23.2
Rape Statistics | Statistic Brain

India doesn't even figure in the list and Pakistanis and Chinese posters are going berserk over rapes in India, calling it the rape capital of the World!!!! Jeeez!

How about the Pakistanis talking about the US of A and UK? Oh no, they won't! After all, they are surviving on their largesse!! So they need to...

where are India's men?
I'm here, on PDF! :P

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