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Emergence of Afghanistan?

Reading the commentary from the Pakistanis here, one would think that Afghanistan is engulfed in the early 1990's again....yet when the truth comes out and the extent of Pakistan's failure realized, I'd be interested to find out whom these people would want to vent their rage on. They've been lied to so much that the humiliation accommodating their gravitational pull back to the ground could be devastating....

I agree with you 100% about when the truth comes out and here is the truth you and rest of fan boys or key board warriors are purposely not seeing. A guy who controls a block in Kabul with the help of over 200 American body guards not even Kabul itself cannot sign any agreement on behalf of people of Afghanistan like it or not that's the truth.

Majority of afghans are pashtunes and the civil war in Afghanistan between pastunes and others has been going on for years and years before even the Americans were in picture,So the agreement signed by dead man walking is more then likely worth nothing to majority and prolly will go up in flames as soon as Americans starts to realize the fiscal realities of keeping the puppet protected and i assure you that's not that far.

Afghanistan is land locked country and the agreements it continue to sign is with countries which it doesn't share even an inch of borders so without Pakistan help or involvement Good luck you will need it oh and just FYI after the last war Americans bailed on ya *** and we the Pakistanis gave you refuge which wont be the case this time so it will be fly to India or USA and claim refugee status there.
Ya think that maybe the synthetic economy is being kept afloat long enough for the real emerging economy to overtake it? As for Afghans apparently not shooting straight, there was a reason for the army of the British Raj replacing their red coats and white bandoliers crossing their chests with camouflaged uniforms.... the word "Khaki" entered the English language via Afghanistan....

Since you are land locked Nation you need Pakistani ports and roads to grow your economy or even feed your self for that matter.as far as British were concerned read the history real resistance faced by British was in Punjab not Afghanistan and as far as changing uniforms is concerned red uniform will stick out like a sore thumb in mountains or snow covered fields and become an easy target to pick.
Reading the commentary from the Pakistanis here, one would think that Afghanistan is engulfed in the early 1990's again....yet when the truth comes out and the extent of Pakistan's failure realised, I'd be interested to find out whom these people would want to vent their rage on. They've been lied to so much that the humiliation accomodating their gravitational pull back to the ground could be devastating....

thanks for your well wishes for my pakistan, now please if you are a real well wisher of pakistan please take back those 3 millions your fellow countrymen that don't want to go back to your great and progressive afghanistan.
at topic now that afghanistan is developed enough and its GDP is growing at 9%, i think its ideal time that we deport all afghan refugees.
I agree with you 100% about when the truth comes out and here is the truth you and rest of fan boys or key board warriors are purposely not seeing. A guy who controls a block in Kabul with the help of over 200 American body guards not even Kabul itself cannot sign any agreement on behalf of people of Afghanistan like it or not that's the truth.

Actually, it's not the truth, but if it makes you feel any better....

Majority of afghans are pashtunes and the civil war in Afghanistan between pastunes and others has been going on for years and years before even the Americans were in picture,So the agreement signed by dead man walking is more then likely worth nothing to majority and prolly will go up in flames as soon as Americans starts to realize the fiscal realities of keeping the puppet protected and i assure you that's not that far.

The "civil war" you speak of was between the Soviet backed Communists and the anti-Communist majoriy, irrespective of ethnicity. What followed post-Communism was gang-land chaos fuelled by our regional enemies....hardly a "civil war".

Afghanistan is land locked country and the agreements it continue to sign is with countries which it doesn't share even an inch of borders so without Pakistan help or involvement Good luck you will need it oh and just FYI after the last war Americans bailed on ya *** and we the Pakistanis gave you refuge which wont be the case this time so it will be fly to India or USA and claim refugee status there.

...Looks like we've little option but to support the liberation of our Baluchi brothers...

Dude stop recycling same news article over and over again makes you looks desperate.

...either that or it's clearly annoying you.
...as far as British were concerned read the history real resistance faced by British was in Punjab not Afghanistan...

"Real resistance" that ended up in 150 years of servitude? I've got to hand it to you, I'm impressed with the world of alternative reality you people have built for yourselves....go with your strength......

....we Afghans are well acquainted with your "Real resistance" to Ahmed Shah Baba, Sultan Mahmoud e Ghaznawi, the Ghorids, the Ghilzais, the Persians, the Arabs....
I agree with you 100% about when the truth comes out and here is the truth you and rest of fan boys or key board warriors are purposely not seeing. A guy who controls a block in Kabul with the help of over 200 American body guards not even Kabul itself cannot sign any agreement on behalf of people of Afghanistan like it or not that's the truth.

Majority of afghans are pashtunes and the civil war in Afghanistan between pastunes and others has been going on for years and years before even the Americans were in picture,So the agreement signed by dead man walking is more then likely worth nothing to majority and prolly will go up in flames as soon as Americans starts to realize the fiscal realities of keeping the puppet protected and i assure you that's not that far.

Afghanistan is land locked country and the agreements it continue to sign is with countries which it doesn't share even an inch of borders so without Pakistan help or involvement Good luck you will need it oh and just FYI after the last war Americans bailed on ya *** and we the Pakistanis gave you refuge which wont be the case this time so it will be fly to India or USA and claim refugee status there.

You just sound like a typical delusional pakistani. The truth is Afganistan may have ethinic groups, Historically Afganistan survived as a single country even before there is a land called pakistan.
It was the taliban movement backed by pakistan that did the damage, Even in the taliban days the war was between the Northern alliance and Taliban not between the pashtuns and other ethinic groups.
Pakistanis always feel that they are strategically located but the truth is there is another country which is adjacent to pakistan called Iran where India had already established port and rail connectivity which makes Afganistan safer in case of any blockade from Pakistan.
Come on man calling and treating Afganistan which has lot of history from Gandhrara civilization from the times of Mahabharat to Ghazanavids,Ghorids,Timurids, Mughals last but not the least Durrani empire as country of little stature is not justified.
In the modern times Afganistan may have faced with civil war but unlike 1990's the US, India and other countries have strategic agreements regarding security and training the Afgan forces. This country is blessed with rich mineral sources and it is the gate way for oil rich central asia through Chahbar port, which assures Afganistan can progress in future.
"Real resistance" that ended up in 150 years of servitude? I've got to hand it to you, I'm impressed with the world of alternative reality you people have built for yourselves....go with your strength......

....we Afghans are well acquainted with your "Real resistance" to Ahmed Shah Baba, Sultan Mahmoud e Ghaznawi, the Ghorids, the Ghilzais, the Persians, the Arabs....

You forget: the people you are addressing are all from Stockholm.

Look at what Afghanistan has turned in to. A drug infested country where bacha baazi and corruption is rampant.
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Reading the commentary from the Pakistanis here, one would think that Afghanistan is engulfed in the early 1990's again....yet when the truth comes out and the extent of Pakistan's failure realised, I'd be interested to find out whom these people would want to vent their rage on. They've been lied to so much that the humiliation accomodating their gravitational pull back to the ground could be devastating....

wow, the truth, truth is afghanistan land has nothing to offer and your bread and butter comes from pakistan, the day pakistan stops these wheat and rice export, afghanistan would starve to hunger, not talking about the millions of refugees in our camp who are already an economic and social burden on us

and not to mention the drugs which keeps afghan so called boombing eonomy which it smuggles to pakistan to run its so called booming and improving economy

trut you should read about the ANA soldiers killing natos and making suicide attacks on daily bases

stop dreaming about greater afghanistan and try to live in whats left or you may lose it too esp those uzbeks and tajik regions
Ya think that maybe the synthetic economy is being kept afloat long enough for the real emerging economy to overtake it? As for Afghans apparently not shooting straight, there was a reason for the army of the British Raj replacing their red coats and white bandoliers crossing their chests with camouflaged uniforms.... the word "Khaki" entered the English language via Afghanistan....

Really ? Please remind me when the English were in Afghanistan prior to 9/11.

I must have totally missed that part of Afghan history.

Stop using that herion stuff, it is deep frying your brain.
wow, the truth, truth is afghanistan land has nothing to offer and your bread and butter comes from pakistan, the day pakistan stops these wheat and rice export, afghanistan would starve to hunger, not talking about the millions of refugees in our camp who are already an economic and social burden on us.

Reality is Pakistan had been extracting billions of dollars from United States in the name of Afghanistan. Pakistan's economy boomed in 1980s and 2000s because of Afghanistan. Few days ago Pakistan received $1.18 Billion aid from United States for its ailing economy in the name of Afghanistan.
Emergence of Afghanistan?

— Azizullah Khan

The strategic agreements Afghanistan has signed with different states, especially with the U S and India, not only provide strategic and political safeguards for its emergence but also facilitate the process
The writer is a freelance columnist. He can be reached at khetranazk@gmail.com

how can somebody even a fool or a crazy guy think that india and US are afghanistan's friends, i mean we all know whats the US for, isnt US same country which has destroyed whats left for afghanistan and started poppy production which for one decade was nominal

and we all know why is india in afghanistan also, if india is so friendly for afghanistan my question to indians is will they be willing to take all our share of afghan refugees too after embrasing and sharing their loving words for bengladeshi immigrants??

i dont think india will so whats all this good will drama for, sidelining pakistan which has done so much and self lessly for afghanistan??
Really ? Please remind me when the english were in Afghanistan prior to 9/11. I must have totally missed that part of Afghan history. Stop using that herion stuff, it is deep frying your brain.

Afghanistan had been mentioned numerous times by Dr. Watson in Sherlock Holmes detective series. You must have an idea, why?
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