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Embarrassment as Chinese frigate runs aground

Their is nothing embarrassing about it
A few months ago even the British Astute Class Attack Sub ran aground
What's emabrassing is not the fact that it got grounded. But the fact that it got grounded in disputed oceans very close to Manila and the fact that it was placed there as part of an aggressive patrolling effort by China.
I don't think so... Accidents like these have been seen before

Erm....you don't get it do you? It IS lack of skill, no matter where it happened.
And if you are the captain or the man at the steering wheel at that time, running a ship aground puts a nice little dent or a black dot in your career file.

O wauw, i see you posted links from carrier ops....insecure much? Are you aware of the difference between piloting a plane/helicopter and a ship? Ship isn't so easy to crash/have an accident with like plane/helicopter.

But since....all you wanted is to snug up to the Chinese with your post saying "look it happens in the US too", you kindly ignored that. Selective much?
Accidents like this happen, there is no reason for anyone to get court martial.
so..how they are planning to retrieve it???they should do it fast or Philippines will get a free frigate from China as the site is well within Philippines EEZ.. :lol:
You guys don't understand Chinese gov at all:no:
if it is really a accident, state media won't spread this news actively cause it's a shame of navy
If you check the reef where the frigate run aground, you will find it's very near Palawan Island

This incident is a kind of strategy, Half moon reef will be controlled by China from now on.:china:
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