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Egyptian National and Strategic Development Projects: News and Updates

Sharm El Sheikh, the first green smart Egyptian city 👈 Egypt starts manufacturing new buses to work in Cairo and Alexandria..

Egypt begins the largest project to settle the local industry and production requirements 👈 Hear the president's response to the increase in the price of the dollar

Made in Egypt .. Egypt enters the world of technology and announces the manufacture of the first smartphones from Samsung, Nokia and Vivo in Egypt..

Urgent! Russia supplies nuclear fuel for the first Egyptian nuclear reactor!

Urgent! Russia supplies nuclear fuel for the first Egyptian nuclear reactor!

Excellent news all around. Besides the terrific announceent that Russia has begun supplying nuclear fuel, that only means that they are somewhat ahead of schedule since the last time I remember them talking about the fuel coming sometime in the middle of 2023. This project is really moving at a phenomenal pace and I like his simple explanaition about why they chose Dabaa for a location. They spent A LOT of time and research for a location that they knew had to be right on or substantially close to a large body of water and at the same time, be at a safely calculated distance from the nearest & largest habitable city(ies) which of course makes a ton of sense.

They certainly planned this for a while prior to final decisions and the reason to go with Russia despite all the other offers from Italy I believe, Spain and France was of course the extensive experience, their offer was something of a new and radical safety design and featured a tremendous amount of some of the latest nuclear technologies which made the Egyptian authorities a lot more enticed about the project than the others. I'm really impressed that they're beginning to fuel the reactors at such a record pace. Good stuff, SC!
Watch the moment of operating the Grand Egyptian Museum and the first group visit .. the project to revive the Egyptian identity..

Egypt opens the first green city in the Delta .. Check out the splendor of New Mansoura after its opening..

Saudi-Egyptian economic steps will be announced soon..A huge economic deal ..

The discovery of a gas field capable of paying Egypt's debts..
And Turkey arrests the Brotherhood to please Sisi..

A new gas field, billions of exports, and food cooperation with Belarus..

The discovery of an Egyptian gold mine outperforms the Suez Canal, tourism and antiquities combined!

A new Egyptian weapon soon and a project that causes concern to Israel..
Egypt and China, technology transfer and strong and decisive messages from President Sissi, President Xi and MBS..

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Egypt joins the Development Bank (BRICS), happy news and economic development..

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