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Egyptian National and Strategic Development Projects: News and Updates

The Egyptian President: The listing of the "administrative capital" on the stock exchange with assets exceeding 3 trillion pounds ..($191 billion)..


Real estate assets, that is, the value of land and buildings owned by Egypt in the administrative capital only .. ranges between 3-4 trillion pounds

The company has a real estate activity, whether in building and selling housing units or buying lands in the administrative capital and then selling them. .. The company is the main owner of all the land of the administrative capital, and it is the one who sells these lands to companies that carry out real estate projects..

Other than that the company may expand real estate inside and outside the Egyptian market, especially in Libya and Iraq's reconstruction, as the administrative capital will not be the last with the presence of two large companies such as the administrative capital and the new Alamein..

There is no apartment or land that has been offered and not sold .. Most of the apartments have been pre-booked, just after being offered .. It is important to remember that the new capital will be the center of Egypt, meaning embassies, consulates, clubs, hotels, villas, channels, newspapers, banks, and everything will be transferred to it.

The issue is easy. It is to increase the Egyptian economic capabilities in new ways. The capital is a successful project per excellence, which will receive money. After that, by pumping the money into other projects, it is possible for a new city, like the new El Alamein to be a masterpiece of money making; It brings money, which means investments. It means, thousands of jobs are created..

The administrative capital will generate revenues and transform the administrative capital into a joint stock company and its listing on the stock exchange as well as the city of El Alamein.. means Injecting cash into the company with revenues .. thus, it has certainly many benefits, including the establishment of other projects. It is possible to establish cities, residential complexes, hotels, and so on, and it expands in these fields..It makes it possible for other countries to request contracting with Egypt in the same projects, and so on, and the company can establish other companies..

Honestly speaking, the idea is excellent..

Egypt Projects Map

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Al-Mahsamh agricultural waste water station ... the best infrastructure project in the world for the year 2020



A huge wastewater treatment plant at a cost of approximately one billion dollars, the treatment plant "Al-Mahsama Drain" was inaugurated by the President in April 2020, the station treats one million cubic meters of wastewater every day instead of throwing it into the lake, polluting it and destroying marine life in it.


This project has many goals, the first of which is to preserve the environment and Lake Al-Temsah, and also to increase Egypt’s water resources, reclaim thousands of acres, and rebuild Sinai..



What happened in Al-Temsah Lake is happening in Al-Manzala Lake. Currently, the construction of the largest agricultural drainage treatment plant in the world (Bahr Al-Baqar Drain Treatment Plant) is underway with a capacity of 5 million m3 per day to save Lake Al-Manzala from the industrial and agricultural drainage that is poured into it daily and the transfer of treated water to North Sinai To cultivate 400,000 feddans, The president promised to open this station within a year, and this is part of the national project to restore the glories of Egypt's lakes, which the president allocated 6 billion dollars.



President El-Sisi follows up the construction plan for the city of justice in the new administrative capital.. and directs to expand the scope of real estate registration services for distinguished and rapid documentation and double the number of mobile documentation cars in the governorates..


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About 1.4 million tons were exported, knowing that during the same period of the previous year 2020, Egypt did not export any shipments of liquefied natural gas due to the collapse of spot prices in global markets. The study indicated that this growth in exports is due to the restart of the liquefaction complex in Damietta, which has a production capacity of about 5 million tons / year, after a hiatus of about 8 years, and the export of the first shipment in February, early this year 2021, in addition to the continued operation of the Idku complex. Which has a production capacity of about 7.2 million tons / year.

Egypt is trampling on all the difficulties and building what has not been made for 50 years..
Aerial photography of the construction of the high-speed electric train..
Egypt's New Electric Train El Sokhna - Al Almein

Egypt's New Administrative Capital Monorail

Electric train graph video | All you need to know about the route and the locations of the stations..
The new administrative capital

Bloomberg: Egypt is looking for partners to build 17 desalination plants worth $2.5 billion

مصر تبحث عن شركاء لإنشاء 17 محطة تحلية مياه بـ2.5 مليار دولار

Egypt is looking for partners to invest in a $2.5 billion initiative to build desalination plants powered by renewable energy by 2025, as the country tries to address looming water scarcity, according to Bloomberg.

The Egyptian government plans to establish 17 new plants powered by solar energy and other green resources, each of which is built, owned and operated by the Egyptian Sovereign Wealth Fund in partnership with a group of local and foreign investors, according to the fund's CEO, Ayman Soliman.

“Egypt is keen to build a sustainable technology base to control its own destiny when it comes to water security,” Soliman said in an interview.

He explained that the sovereign fund aims to obtain a minority stake in all stations, along with the winning bidders.

The 17 plants aim to produce 2.8 million cubic meters of desalinated water per day, and are part of a broader plan to add 6.4 million cubic meters of water per day by 2050.

The ministries of housing, planning, finance and electricity are participating in the initiative, and the government pledges to provide desalinated water at “competitive prices.”

The head of the sovereign fund continued: "Many investors have expressed their interest in participating in the construction of water desalination plants."

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Finance Corporation will provide technical support and advice on the construction of desalination plants.

Suleiman said that it is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2022 with a tender to produce about one million cubic meters of desalinated water.

"We will manage different types of partnerships to achieve targets according to a very strict timetable," he added, noting a "great appetite" to provide desalinated water.

The cabinet said last month that officials were in talks with Norway's Scatec ASA about potential cooperation on projects that use renewable energy for desalination.


* 6.4 million cubic meters per day is the equivalent of 2 billion 336 million cubic meters of drinking water per year..
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Egypt seeks to be the largest producer of black sand derivatives in the world

The black sand project is a unique value added model for Egyptian economy in the sourcing of economic minerals locally, especially ilmenite, rutile, wet zircon, dry zircon, monazite, magnetite, and granite, which are extracted from heavy, black sand that precipitates on shorelines, It is rich in more than eighty elements. Dredging will occur up till 10 meters deep, with the wet sand collected then transported to the PCP for concentration and the MSP for separation and packaging. The MSP, an 80-feddan plant, will contain feeding units for the materials received from the PCP pumps, as well as separate units for each mineral and a top-tier packaging unit for product distribution. Over 1,000 employees will assist in bringing the full project online.

Into Egypt’s Black Treasure

Former media advisor of the Egyptian President Ahmed El Meslmani previously said in a TV interview that Egypt and Saudi Arabia are major Arab countries with black sands, adding that Egypt has the largest reserves in the world of minerals found in black sand, estimated at more than one billion cubic meters. Meslmani explained that black sand contains about 41 very expensive metals used in many industries, such as the rocket industry, aircraft industry, ceramics, paints and nuclear radiation materials.

Electric train graph video | All you need to know about the route and the locations of the stations..
The new administrative capital

The new high speed train is really interesting and is an excellent mass transit option. You would think they would build a Alexandria and Cairo connection first because that would be the most used route. I guess they really are going full on into this new capital which I don't think is wise.
The new high speed train is really interesting and is an excellent mass transit option. You would think they would build a Alexandria and Cairo connection first because that would be the most used route. I guess they really are going full on into this new capital which I don't think is wise.
Electric and high speed trains are being implemented all over Egypt..The New capital is the best example to show..




Now, never think that you are wiser than the Egyptian planners..:cheers:
"Egyptian Cotton Hub" company for marketing Egyptian cotton products..

Food manufacturers in Egypt reveal the secret of the 6-fold jump in export rates in the first half of the year..


Signing a contract with Liebherr for the purchase of 12 electric yard winch Giant (E-RTG) winch electric yard cranes for “Tahya Misr” at Alexandria Port ..

The new high speed train is really interesting and is an excellent mass transit option. You would think they would build a Alexandria and Cairo connection first because that would be the most used route. I guess they really are going full on into this new capital which I don't think is wise.

What's not a good idea, the high speed train to the new capital or the new capital itself? I can't figure out which one you think is a bad idea. Please expound.

The capital is essential for many reasons. I'll only give you a couple which are the main ones and the first is that old Cairo is way to congested for new infrastructure to be introduced to it. It has practically historical architecture that dates back to Salah EL Din's days and even way before that. To revamp the roads and add new generation technology would cost over $300 billion on top of the cost of the renovation not to mention the disruption it would cause to the residents and businesses. That's the first reason.

2nd reason is that everything of this caliber needs a brand new start in order to instill buildings and mechanisms that will bring a city into the new age and beyond, especially for the new generation which is a huge concern for Sisi and many Egyptians.

There are several trains that already run to Alexandria and old Cairo and have been for about 70 years and they'll get replaced in due time. To install this new HSR to the new city from Cairo will only be a great start to work out the kinks and to modify any issues that might arise by the time they're ready to build one to Alex and replace all the systems to a much safer HSR.
Localization of artificial intelligence and training of cadres in cooperation between Arab Industrialization and Huawei Tech Egypt In the presence of Mr. Hu Tao, Vice President of Huawei International


According to the aspects of the memorandum of understanding, Huawei is committed to providing (40) Development Board Suites (with an average of 20 in the Internet of Things and 20 in artificial intelligence), in order to train talented people in the Arab Organization for Industrialization, as well as providing the Arab Organization for Industrialization with educational materials used in training.

Al-Terras explained that it was agreed to enhance training programs at the Arab Academy for Industrialization and to provide training and accreditation for (10) trainers from the authority in the fields of the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, information and network security, data, cloud computing and its applications using the latest global methods and technologies, pointing to the importance of cooperation to activate the Digital transformation in Egypt and the vision of sustainable development for the year 2030.

In a related context, Al-Terras expressed its great confidence in the Egyptian youth who are able to absorb the latest technical technologies ably and quickly, interact with these modern technologies and enter the labor market, adding that we look forward to reaping the fruits of this cooperation to build the capabilities of the Egyptian youth, and to deepen experiences and the system of competencies in Digital transformation and the ICT sector in Egypt.

For his part, Hu Tao confirmed during his visit with the Huawei delegation to the Arab Academy for Industrialization for training human cadres in the fields of digitization, artificial intelligence and communication and information technology, pointing out that Egypt is an important strategic market for Huawei in the African and Arab regions, and we are keen to support it in implementing its plan in digital transformation and the development of information and communication technology ..

Tao explained that Huawei will provide the best and latest solutions specialized in communications and information technology to achieve digital transformation and artificial intelligence in Egypt and train human cadres at the Arab Organization for Industrialization on this modern technology, explaining that Huawei's cooperation with Arab Industrialization in the Training Academy is based on continuous training for young people. Distinguished professionals in this field on the long term, providing sufficient talents to support the rapid economic development and digital transformation in Egypt.




Network and Information Security


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Egypt begins the procedures for establishing a huge methanol and ammonia plant with a capacity of one million tons of methanol and 400,000 tons of ammonia in the Suez Canal Economic Zone
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