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Eavesdropping on Iran: ‘US pressing for listening posts in Balochistan’

Hmmmmmm, Americans trying to kill two birds with one arrow, Iran and Baluchistan.

Probably you are right but in our view we see this example...

Well, i wouldn't be surprised if Pakistan has already allowed the NATO to establish listening posts/bases in Balochistan, as always Pakistan sells itself out like a little wh@re.

Q:What nation allows another country to butcher 24 of its soldiers, and thousands upon thousands of its civilians and then provides it supply lines to go through its territory?

A: A little wh@re like country called Pakistan. :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Watch your language boy.
Listen buddy you might be angry about the NATO supply's and all that but you have no right to call my country a thing like that. Think before you say anything. Speaking BS doesn't make you look good. Idiots

Don't get so emotional. Observation of the past says having emotional citizens never helped Pakistan. You guys voted Zardari the crook into power because all you Pakistanis became PPP sympathizer's after Benazir's death.

At this point only self-crticism can turn things around. Desert Fox is right - your politicians keep whoring the country out for some little cash.
lol every bit of this is against Pakistan....
Tshering is a known anti-Pakistan troll, he tries to blend in by using 'delicate' words at times, but if you carefully read through his posts, it's nothing but bla-bla and bla, Pakistan this, Pakistan that, Pakistan not good enough or Pakistan fail this and that.

Why trolls like him get a chance to voice their useless opinions on a forum like this... is beyond my comprehension.
Pakistan can not do this. Pakistan will always be in the region, Pakistan can not afford another hostile neighbor.

And Pakistan will be next after U.S. tries to break Iran. Pakistan is very close with China which irks the United States.

Listen to Pakistan's previous leader.

First Iraq, then Afghanistan, then Tribal areas of Pakistan, then Libya, now Syria and Iran. Don't you see a trend.
Next will be Balochistan Province, Sindh Province, and Gilgit-Baltistan.

Pakistan’s permanent representative in United Nations Abdullah Hussain Haroon Sunday regretted US resolution table in Congress.
The permanent representative of Pakistan in criticized the resolution tabled in US Congress by saying that America has not any right to interfere in the internal affairs of Pakistan.

Talking to a private TV channel, he said that only self-reliant Pakistan could remove the disappointment, the country has received from US.

He said he had already indicated during UN Security Council meet two days earlier that the steps taken by West are becoming peril for Islamic countries. The Muslim Ummah should think over it. Now it is approaching to the minds of Muslims that what kind of dirty gamer is being played against them.

He said that the behaviour of USA is inappropriate with Pakistan since long. “I started an endeavor to unite Muslim countries in the United Nations. We should keep in touch with them every moment”, Haroon added.

He said US can do any thing within the limits of America but what it said about Pakistan is absolutely immoral according to UN charter.

Haroon criticizes US on intervening into Pakistan's affairs | The Nation

This is Zionist-controlled Washington D.C's plan for the Muslim world:
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Don't get so emotional. Observation of the past says having emotional citizens never helped Pakistan. You guys voted Zardari the crook into power because all you Pakistanis became PPP sympathizer's after Benazir's death.

At this point only self-crticism can turn things around. Desert Fox is right - your politicians keep whoring the country out for some little cash.
Not only the politicians but the Generals too like Musharraf and now Kiyani.
For some reason it irks people when you remind them of the numerous times Pakistani troops were butchered by NATO.

It should be noted that before the incident in November of 2011 in which 24 Pakistani troops were butchered for 2 hours, there were already incidents in which Pakistani troops were killed, albeit in small numbers, and Pakistani people were promised it won't happen again and that US would be kicked out of Shamsi air base, US supply line will be cut, air defense units will be located to western border, and drone strikes will be halted (or even shot down), but we have been hearing this for so long and since then so many Pakistanis have been butchered.

Have the drone strikes been halted? NO!

Have the supply lines been closed permanently? NO!

Has the violation of Pakistan's sovereignty been stopped? NO!

Has the butchering of Pakistani citizens been stopped? NO!

Have the empty promises from the Pakistani armed forces delivered? NO!

And when looking at past events and the empty promises made by the Government as well as armed forces, if NATO were to butcher Pakistani civilians (which they are already doing) as well as Pakistani troops, would Pakistani government as well as Armed Forces take any serious actions? NO!
This is Zionist-controlled Washington D.C's plan for the Muslim world:

I don't know about Iran or other Muslim countries but Pakistan is bound to break into smaller pieces if it continues to let foreign powers use it (like a wh@re) against neighboring countries like Iran while at the same time butchering our people and our soldiers.

Only wh@res let complete strangers violate them and use them for their own gains, and Pakistan fits that description.
I don't know about Iran or other Muslim countries but Pakistan is bound to break into smaller pieces if it continues to let foreign powers use it (like a wh@re) against neighboring countries like Iran while at the same time butchering our people and our soldiers.

Only wh@res let complete strangers violate them and use them for their own gains, and Pakistan fits that description.

Brother, I agreed with your concerned similarly we had outrage at Pakistan's leaderships. I used similar sane voice in order to wake up for our good country.

For the map, I googled yesterday, this is exactly same map in my mind. But this map is nothing to do with Balouchistan, this specific design show Arab Shia State separation above, you see (in Iraq location) in 2006. The goal is to make every Sunni and Shia neighbors to fight each other in drawing middle east map which is representing American's New World Order.

Link Iraq is not divided yet, Afghanistan is not divided yet, so on.

Clearly, the map is failed today and completely dead. No longer value!

I don't know about Iran or other Muslim countries but Pakistan is bound to break into smaller pieces if it continues to let foreign powers use it (like a wh@re) against neighboring countries like Iran while at the same time butchering our people and our soldiers.

Only wh@res let complete strangers violate them and use them for their own gains, and Pakistan fits that description.

Pakistan Military will not let U.S. make their presence in Balochistan Province.

If U.S. wants to spy on Iran, they can easily use Afghanistan because Afghanistan shares a longer border with Iran than Pakistan does. U.S. is interested in putting flames on the insurgency in Pakistan's Balochistan Province. Pakistan Army and ISI will not let them.
Pakistan Military will not let U.S. make their presence in Balochistan Province.

If U.S. wants to spy on Iran, they can easily use Afghanistan because Afghanistan shares a longer border with Iran than Pakistan does. U.S. is interested in putting flames on the insurgency in Pakistan's Balochistan Province. Pakistan Army and ISI will not let them.
Afghanistan shares a big border from both sides so they can listen to all the Ayatullah Sermons they want.

I think Americans will do it under cover with Baloch rebels in Pakistan and will buy their favors by promising them to help in causing trouble in Iran too.

we might see an alliance of the Good terrorists (in the eyes of Americans) Pakistani BLA and the Iranian Jundullah.
the next resolution in US senate maybe to arm the terrorists in Iran and Pakistan.
Pakistan Military will not let U.S. make their presence in Balochistan Province.
How do we know if they already haven't?

Did we know before 2007 that American Drones were taking off from Pakistani soil to kill Pakistani civilians?

I can point out so many things that our government(s) have hid from the people, heck the past is self evident of how truthful our government(s) (both Military and civilian) have been to the people.

If U.S. wants to spy on Iran, they can easily use Afghanistan because Afghanistan shares a longer border with Iran than Pakistan does. U.S. is interested in putting flames on the insurgency in Pakistan's Balochistan Province. Pakistan Army and ISI will not let them.

How do we know if the previous or even present government hasn't already allowed the US presence into Balochistan in one form or another? Considering the type of sellouts they are i wouldn't have my hopes up, especially considering the fact that a lot of Jundullah Terrorists crossed from Pakistani Balochistan into Iran rather than from Afghanistan into Iran.
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