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Duber Khwar hydropower project completed


Sep 19, 2008
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LAHORE: The Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) has completed 130MW Duber Khwar hydropower project, official sources said on Friday.

The hydropower projects, which were moving at a snail’s pace, were expedited by the present government soon after coming into power and resultantly, hydropower projects with cumulative generation capacity of more than 380MW have been completed during the last nine months, the officials said.

The hydel component in the power generation has been considered vital for reducing the cost of electricity in the country. According to an official estimate, average per unit cost of hydel generation is less than Rs2. Such a low-cost and environmental-friendly power generation is a perfect match for meeting goal of indigenous and renewable energy in the country, they said.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is likely to inaugurate the Duber Khwar hydropower project soon, as a request has been made in this regard through the Ministry of Water and Power, the officials said.

They said that Duber Khwar is the last of the three high-head hydropower projects, constructed by Wapda. The other two include 72MW Khan Khwar and 121MW Allai Khwar, which had already been completed, the officials said.

Duber Khwar hydropower project has been constructed on Duber Khwar, a tributary of River Indus in district Kohistan of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Main components of the project include 202 metres long and 40.5 metres high concrete dam, around five kilometres long concrete-lined tunnel, power house, comprising two generating units of 65MW each at design head of 540 metres and a switchyard.

Environment-friendly Duber Khwar hydropower project will generate 595 million units of low-cost hydel electricity per annum, resulting in saving of millions of dollars on the corresponding generation of costly thermal electricity, the officials said.

The project is a part of least-cost energy generation strategy of the government, being executed by Wapda on a priority basis and is aimed at harnessing the indigenous hydropower resources of the country to improve the ratio of hydel electricity in the national grid, which will help reduce electricity tariff and provide relief to the consumers.

Under the medium-term plan of five to seven years, various hydropower projects with the cumulative power generation capacity of around 13,000MW will be completed. Another 15,000MW of hydel electricity will also be added to the national grid under a long-term plan of seven to 10 years, the officials added.
Duber Khwar hydropower project completed - thenews.com.pk
Awesome great news but we need to gooo for major and bigger dams like basha,bunji,dasu and kalabagh dam:D
Good Job. Now lets move ahead with other projects
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