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Droning on and on

For us to make any progress on drone attacks, we have to be honest to ourselves. Our leaders misguide us and leave us with expectations that they have no intention of fulfilling. ....

.....enter into meaningful discussion with the US government on this.

We .... are serious about fighting terrorism and also come up with something to back this up.

... revealed that 2,200 people had been killed in over 290 drone strikes in Pakistan since 2004.

Droning on and on – The Express Tribune[url]

This guy is incohrrent when he uses conflicting and incomplete points, that simply push emotional buttons.

He fails to point out that

Roughly 7-8 people per drone strike are dying.

This guy fails to tell how many were innocent civilians were in those attacks out of those 8 dead on average.

How many civilian collaborators died out of those 8 people dead on average.

But most importantly

how many terrorists have died out of those 8 people dead on average.

Even though he claims his report to be most detailed.

The tone of this article though righteous sounding in reality is misleading.

He puts all the burden on "our leaders".

In reality our leaders have really played good cop bad cop routine.

Talib@stard know this, and so do every person who thinks this through.

but our b@stard media guys and TV talk show hosts keep on flying high in their $hit misleading the people.

Talib@stards hate drones because they are the most precise way of hunting down beardos hiding in hills.

Media hates them because they are American.

Bring Chinese drones and blast off the beardos. There won't be a peep in the commie media.

Everyone forgets

This war resulted from Islamism and TNSM.

And it will not end until Islamism is dead (rather impossible) or we all accept Sharia (impossible as well).

Drones are just f^^cking excuse.


Oh and Indians do not need to spout Islamist $hit and Anti-American $hit in this thread. It is just huge @rse Indian hypocrisy.

and how many times have PAF bombardment caused civilian deaths as compared to drones?, hmmmm

No need to compare PAF and drones. Counter productive.

Both of them are doing the same thing and have the same objective that is to kill the Talib@stards

Drones mostly operate in N Wazirastan

While PAF operates in the agencies and areas further up north.


Drones and PAF are complementing each other based on the area and mission needs.

Pakistanis need to understand a simple fact.

When your health is in danger, you don't care if you have to go to an American hosopital. you will go if you can afford it.

Same way, our country is in danger of getting over run by Talib@stards.

And as a last resort we are using Americans "surgeons" in some areas that we cannot control.

The day our army can freely move in North Wazirastan, drone attacks will end.

Only 300 drone strikes since 2004, while more than 13000 PAF air strikes on FATA since 2004.
Drones are precise, less destructive power with less collateral damage. While PAF bombardments are indescriminate, more destructive with great collateral damage.
Would you support drone attacks if India is given a contract to conduct them over pakistan with a guaranteed "precise, less destructive power with less collateral damange"? Think before you talk out of your butt.

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