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Drones 'Terrorizing' Pakistani civilians | Stanford & NYU study finds.


May 3, 2009
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Drones 'terrorising' Pakistan civilians: experts

By Damon Wake (AFP) – 6 hours ago


ISLAMABAD — The US campaign of drone strikes in Pakistan's northwestern tribal belt is terrorising civilians 24 hours a day and breeding bitter anti-American sentiment, researchers said Tuesday.

The attacks in northwest Pakistan, where militants linked to Taliban and Al-Qaeda have strongholds, have killed thousands of people since they began in June 2004, according to the report by experts from Stanford Law School and the New York University School of Law.

Aside from casualties, the "Living Under Drones" report said, the missile strikes are affecting daily life in the tribal areas, making people unwilling to gather in groups and even stopping their children going to school for fear of being targeted.

After attacks, rescuers are unwilling to help the wounded for fear of being hit by follow-up missiles, said the report commissioned by UK-based charity Reprieve, which campaigns against drone strikes.

"Drones hover twenty-four hours a day over communities in northwest Pakistan, striking homes, vehicles, and public spaces without warning," the report said.

"Their presence terrorizes men, women, and children, giving rise to anxiety and psychological trauma among civilian communities.

"Those living under drones have to face the constant worry that a deadly strike may be fired at any moment, and the knowledge that they are powerless to protect themselves."

The report urged Washington to rethink its drone strategy, arguing it was counterproductive and undermined international law.

Based on media reports and interviews with residents of North Waziristan, one of the areas most heavily targeted by drones, the research said the US conception of the campaign as a "surgically precise and effective tool that makes the US safer" was false.

Drone strikes allow the United States to carry out "targeted killings" of people it believes are militants from afar, without endangering American lives, but the campaign has become a festering sore in US-Pakistan relations.

Islamabad says the strikes are counterproductive and a violation of its sovereignty, but US officials are believed to regard them as an effective way of disabling terror groups by killing key members.

The Stanford-NYU report said "the publicly available evidence that they have made the US safer overall is ambiguous at best" and the majority of militants killed by drones seemed to be low-ranking.

US credibility across the region is suffering, the report said, and there is strong evidence the strategy is making it easier for militant networks to recruit new members.

Many of the Waziristan residents the researchers interviewed said they had been turned against the US by the drones."Before the drone attacks, we didn't know [anything] about America. Now everybody has come to understand and know about America... Almost all people hate America," one said.

Another who lost relatives in a strike, said: "We won't forget our blood, for two hundred, two thousand, five thousand years -- we will take our revenge for these drone attacks."

Reliable casualty figures are difficult to acquire in the tribal areas, which are off-limits to journalists and aid workers because of security worries and government restrictions.

Citing a CNN report, the Stanford-NYU paper said only around two percent of those killed in drone strikes were "high-level" targets.

Total deaths between June 2004 and September 2012 were between 2,562 and 3,325, with 474 to 881 of them civilians, "Living Under Drones" said, quoting figures gathered from media reports by the London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

AFP: Drones 'terrorising' Pakistan civilians: experts

New Stanford/NYU study documents the civilian terror from Obama's drones | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Report Cites High Civilian Toll in Pakistan Drone Strikes - NYTimes.com

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The fallout from the drone strikes is undeniable and unfortunate. Pakistan would do well to extend the rule of law and the writ of the government to the presently lawless tribal areas, thereby totally eliminating the need for any strikes by anyone.

The full report can be found here:


PS: Chapter 4 offering a legal analysis on page 103 makes for thought provoking reading indeed.
Drones should be stop at any cost, these are not working at all, how can you kill someone on mere suspection, drones are part inhumane policy, you would understand only if your love ones are victims of these killer machines , it is fact that it create more terrorists sadly I have to label them like that but in actual they are revenge seekers and they fully deserve it.
I think they should use drone only on case by case basis, only after green signal personally from centcom. That will make drone attack rarer (say once in a month). And it should be used againt top leader only, not ordinary terrorists.

The civilian casualty is far too high.
I think they should use drone only on case by case basis, only after green signal personally from centcom. That will make drone attack rarer (say once in a month). And it should be used againt top leader only, not ordinary terrorists.

The civilian casualty is far too high.

This is what exactly they have been fooling the world with, so far sir. :)

and great examples of the bullshit that goes on. Report suggestingthat only 2% of those killed are high ranking terrorists
now gets distorted into only 2% are terrorists and you can bet every jihadist and every sympathiser will madly propogate that lie.

Hundreds of threads thousands of posts all bitching about america and thier drones wake up people. When Paksitan said stop the drones stopped now their flying again who do you think gave the OK.
and great examples of the bullshit that goes on. Report suggestingthat only 2% of those killed are high ranking terrorists
now gets distorted into only 2% are terrorists and you can bet every jihadist and every sympathiser will madly propogate that lie.

Hundreds of threads thousands of posts all bitching about america and thier drones wake up people. When Paksitan said stop the drones stopped now their flying again who do you think gave the OK.

The report also talked abt the civilian casualties and the effects of drones ontheir every day life. Also how the clowns are using a double tap policy, and even killing the rescuers who come there. Now that I guess is acceptable eh.

As far as approvals go, well what else can we expect from the spineless corrupt b@stards sitting there as politicians.
and great examples of the bullshit that goes on. Report suggestingthat only 2% of those killed are high ranking terrorists
now gets distorted into only 2% are terrorists

I haven't read the actual report, but this is what the Daily Mail wrote:

America's deadly double tap drone attacks are 'killing 49 people for every known terrorist in Pakistan' | Mail Online

Just one in 50 victims of America’s deadly drone strikes in Pakistan are terrorists – while the rest are innocent civilians, a new report claimed today.

and you can bet every jihadist and every sympathiser will madly propogate that lie.

Are you saying the Daily Mail is a jihadist sympathizer?

The QUESTION is why america have to use DRONE ?

There are always criminals. The question is how can you justify deliberate mass murder on this scale to kill a handful of criminals?

I can assure that, if the NYPD went to a judge and said, "We knew the crim was holed up in the hotel, the hotel staff wouldn't let us in, and we couldn't be bothered smoking him out, so we blew up the building with all the guests", they would be raked over the coals.

Bottom line, America is a superpower and the civilians being killed are not Americans, so it's all A-OK.

Pakistan would do well to extend the rule of law and the writ of the government to the presently lawless tribal areas, thereby totally eliminating the need for any strikes by anyone.

Even if Pakistan celebrated the terrorists and paraded them around on a throne, it still would not justify mass murder of civilians by American drones.
I haven't read the actual report, but this is what the Daily Mail wrote:


Even if Pakistan celebrated the terrorists and paraded them around on a throne, it still would not justify mass murder of civilians by American drones.

I would highly recommend that you read at least Chapter 4 of the report, which can be found here:

Legal Analysis | Living Under Drones
If you keep snakes in your backyard do not expect the west to give a 'crap' to put it in a polite way whether a few Pakistani civilians are killed as long as it keeps the cities of America and Europe safe.
Example of which are the Toulouse killer or the 7/7 London bombers who had terror training in Pakistan region of FATA.
There are always criminals. The question is how can you justify deliberate mass murder on this scale to kill a handful of criminals?

I can assure that, if the NYPD went to a judge and said, "We knew the crim was holed up in the hotel, the hotel staff wouldn't let us in, and we couldn't be bothered smoking him out, so we blew up the building with all the guests", they would be raked over the coals.

Bottom line, America is a superpower and the civilians being killed are not Americans, so it's all A-OK.

Then dont u think This these criminals if are taken care by pakistan himself the drone strike iant reqwire ? Actually drone strike shows failure of PA pakistan army is as much responcible as US ?
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