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Drone bombing correlation to suicide attacks


Feb 8, 2010
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Drone bombing correlation to suicide attacks
May 19, 2010 by The Editors

Pakistan Patriot has analyzed the number of Drone attacks on Pakistan versus the Suicide bombings in Pakistan. There seems to be a direct correlation between the attacks in FATA and the Suicide attacks in Pakistan.

The situation is complicated when other external forces like the Bharati (aka Indian) enter the picture and use the drone attacks as justification for helping, arming and supporting terror organizations like the TTP.


The CIA’s site The Long War has published some astonishing statistics of drone strikes on Pakistan. It promises to update the site after the latest strike. The Long War Journal - Charts on US Strikes in Pakistan

The Pakistanis count their dead differently.

The author of the Pakistani site Pakistan Body Count says: “Whether it is a Suicide Bombing or an Attack by a Flying Drone, For Me it’s the Same, A Pakistani Got Killed”

The website (Pakistan Body Count ::: www.pakistanbodycount.org) provides a complete history and time-line of Suicide Bombing and Drone attacks in Pakistan. Data is collected from media reports, hospitals, and internet. All data is publicly available and there is no classified data here. This is an effort to show the world the intensity of Suicide Bombing and Drone attacks in Pakistan.

Suicide Bombing Victims

Dead = 3607, Injured = 9189, Total = 12796 and Counting…

Drone Attacks Victims

Dead = 1296, Injured = 445, Total = 1741 and Counting…

Success Rate of Drone Attacks against Al-Qaeeda ~ 2.5%

The drone attacks have been a bone of contention between the Pakistanis and the Americans. The Pakistani president, prime minister, and all major leaders have condemned the drone bombings. The red line has been drawn at actual US troops crossing into Pakistani territory. US officials claim that they have tacit approval of the Pakistani leadership.

Read one American analysis, and you’ll be told that U.S. drones haven’t killed a single civilian in Pakistan this year. A look through one pair of local eyes yields a very different result, however. According to the website Pakistan Body Count, America’s drones have only hit a single terrorist in 2010, while slaying dozens and dozens of innocents.

Both Pakistan Body Count, run by computer science professor Zeeshan-ul-Hassan Usmani, and the Long War Journal, operated by former G.I. Bill Roggio, rely on the same data: local news accounts. But the two sites use startlingly different methodologies to reach their results. Roggio only counts civilian deaths if they’re specifically mentioned in the news stories. Usmani figures that all reported “Taliban” are, in fact, civilians. It’s a questionable assumption, all-but-discounting the possibility of drones hitting home-grown militants. Nevertheless, the site provides a look at how the U.S. drone strikes are perceived in the country where the Hellfire missiles land.

“Literally the Arabic word ‘Talib’ means student, so ‘Taliban’ means students. Almost 100% of the population of [these] areas go to the local Madarasah for their basic education,” he tells Danger Room. “Therefore we can surely categorize every single habitant of these areas as ‘Talibans.’”

Usmani, an American-educated researcher now working at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute in Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province, also uses his site to decry the terrorist attacks in his country. “Whether it is a suicide bombing or an attack by a flying drone, for me it’s the same, a Pakistani got killed,” Pakistan Body Count declares on its home page.

But Usmani doesn’t see a connection between the remotely-piloted airstrikes and the explosive vests. “I highly doubt that U.S. drones are doing anything to stop suicide bombing, as it is evident from the data, the number of suicide bombing is almost directly proportional to the drones attacks. More drones, and we have more SB [suicide bomb] attack in our country,” he e-mails.

Usmani says his site gets about 15,000 visitors a week. His tallies of innocent deaths are wildly different from the estimates produced by the Long War Journal and the New America Foundation. But Usmani’s dark analysis is similar to other Pakistani reports. According to The News of Pakistan, “US drones killed 123 civilians [and] three al-Qaeda men in January.” Dawn’s account is even more morbid: “For each Al Qaeda and Taliban terrorist killed by US drones, 140 innocent Pakistanis also had to die.”

Last month, Faisal Shahzad attempted to bomb Times Square — allegedly as some sort of revenge for drone attacks in Pakistan. That caused the political class in Washington to finally starting wondering whether the unmanned strikes might be driving Pakistani public opinion towards the militants. Read sites like Usman’s, and it’s clear that the resentment has been building for a long time. Pakistani Site: Drones Only Killed One Terrorist in 2010 (If You Don’t Count Taliban)By Noah Shachtman May 18, 2010 | 11:07 am |
What kind of action? i am sure GoP is not that unhappy about it. After all it was the drones who killed Baitullah.

and did that stop suicide bombings? nope. If anything they went up.

HM has proven to be more enforcing than his predecessor.
and did that stop suicide bombings? nope. If anything they went up.

HM has proven to be more enforcing than his predecessor.

you tell me what would stop suicide bombing then? they will continue killing people no matter what.
you tell me what would stop suicide bombing then? they will continue killing people no matter what.
Count the suicide bombing before and after drone attack started....

Its not the drone attack which provoke young people to become suicider. Its US DRONE attack killing them is what provoking them....
Count the suicide bombing before and after drone attack started....

Its not the drone attack which provoke young people to become suicider. Its US DRONE attack killing them is what provoking them....

They didnt need to carry out suicide bombings those days, they were having full control in large areas of paksitan in NWFP/FATA, GoP didnt have any control over those areas, they were expanding their areas of control. Dont you think this situation was even worse than the suicide bombings? They were imposing their rules, if they were left like that, i am sure they would have proven themselves very bad.
you know, the chart can be read two ways. first is the way rupee news did. here is a different point of view:

Drone bombing correlation to suicide attacks

As the number of suicide bombings in pakistan increase, USA stepped up the drone attacks on terrorist targets. the resulting blow forced the terrorists to cut back suicide bombings as their leaders and troops were killed or driven into hiding. as the suicide bombings decreased and terrorists stepped back, US reduced drone attacks, since it was harder to find terrorist targets.

Hey, i am not saying this is correct or anything. just an interesting way to look at the scenario!
you know, the chart can be read two ways. first is the way rupee news did. here is a different point of view:

Drone bombing correlation to suicide attacks

As the number of suicide bombings in pakistan increase, USA stepped up the drone attacks on terrorist targets. the resulting blow forced the terrorists to cut back suicide bombings as their leaders and troops were killed or driven into hiding. as the suicide bombings decreased and terrorists stepped back, US reduced drone attacks, since it was harder to find terrorist targets.

Hey, i am not saying this is correct or anything. just an interesting way to look at the scenario!

Their Drone Attacks are killing more civilian and almost none terrorists.

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