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drone bombers


Aug 1, 2014
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United States
United States

we need these ASAP. i think the closest drones that could fit this role would be X-47B and Taranis.

minimum load of ordnance should be 4 tonnes.

the main bombs should be small diameter bombs and GBU-54s

the design of the X-47B should be enlarged more than 50% and the weapons bay enlarge significantly.

should be one giant bay like the J-20


what are the dimensions on that??

full load out should be 16 SDB or 8 SDB and 4 GBU-54s


so the weapons bay dimensions would have to be

8 meters long and 2-3 meters wide

significally bigger than the current weapons bay

you got a drone that fly off a super carrier has superior range and stealth and ordnance load than a F-18 Super Hornet.

this should be fast tracked.
you got a drone that fly off a super carrier has superior range and stealth and ordnance load than a F-18 Super Hornet.
EMALS aboard the Gerard Ford class is limited to 35 tons TOW. Besides a bomber surely have enough range to tackle China from CONTUSA.
EMALS aboard the Gerard Ford class is limited to 35 tons TOW. Besides a bomber surely have enough range to tackle China from CONTUSA.

indeed, but the drone bomber target isn't china, but more IS and terrorists.

now that I think about it could stack bombs on top of one another

32 SDB= 4.2 tonnes and 16 GBU-54s=3.8 tonnes

so if you can stack 4 on top one another you could get a decent load without making the drone super length wise, would have to make it fatter though

max take off weight of X-47B is 20 tonnes, but the X-47C would probably stretch that to 30tonnes give or take a few tonnes well within EMALS limit
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indeed, but the drone bomber target isn't china, but more IS and terrorists.

now that I think about it could stack bombs on top of one another

32 SDB= 4.2 tonnes and 16 GBU-54s=3.8 tonnes

so if you can stack 4 on top one another you could get a decent load without making the drone super length wise, would have to make it fatter though

make take off weight of X-47B is 20 tonnes, but the X-47C would probably stretch that to 30tonnes give or take a few tonnes well within EMALS limit
32 SDB might be too much LOL. Besides, the UCLASS program is too unclear. Last I checked payload requirements were toned down to 0.5 tons.
32 SDB might be too much LOL. Besides, the UCLASS program is too unclear. Last I checked payload requirements were toned down to 0.5 tons.

nah, UCLASS is perfect for the future bomber program

they tried to turn the F-22 into a bomber

Lockheed Martin FB-22 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

30 SDB and two AMRAMMS would of cost about $300 million a pop.
and it is land based.

basically developing the next gen bomber that takes off a super carrier you can close down all these useless foreign airbases like the ones in Japan which they don't want us there.


obviously still going to need a large bomber to replace the B-1 and B-2 but a drone bomber that operates for a super carrier would be the work horse.
nah, UCLASS is perfect for the future bomber program

they tried to turn the F-22 into a bomber

Lockheed Martin FB-22 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

30 SDB and two AMRAMMS would of cost about $300 million a pop.
and it is land based.

basically developing the next gen bomber that takes off a super carrier you can close down all these useless foreign airbases like the ones in Japan which they don't want us there.


obviously still going to need a large bomber to replace the B-1 and B-2 but a drone bomber that operates for a super carrier would be the work horse.
Could be, but as of now, they are prioritizing surveillance over strike God Almighty......:hitwall:..........:rofl:
basically developing the next gen bomber that takes off a super carrier you can close down all these useless foreign airbases like the ones in Japan which they don't want us there.
Come on now. A carrier is no match for a full fledged base, which also houses the Army and gives important leverage over the host country. For those crying about US bases, Philippines and the Scarborough-ShoalGate should provide a good template - there won't be a second time bitch :usflag:
Could be, but as of now, they are prioritizing surveillance over strike God Almighty......:hitwall:..........:rofl:

Come on now. A carrier is no match for a full fledged base, which also houses the Army and gives important leverage over the host country. For those crying about US bases, Philippines and the Scarborough-ShoalGate should provide a good template - there won't be a second time bitch :usflag:

of course you will still need some bases, but 80% of them you don't need. make peace with russia and china and all you got left is North Korea,Iran, and militants who are your threat.
airpower is number one power. you still need troops, but if you can leverage the local populace to be the ground force and you conduct bombing runs then it's all good.

just look at how well the kurds are doing. they just need air support.
just look at how well the kurds are doing. they just need air support.
Don't equate 7th century barbaric thugs with the World's largest Army. Besides, as they say, no jet has held an inch of territory.
Don't equate 7th century barbaric thugs with the World's largest Army. Besides, as they say, no jet has held an inch of territory.

these thugs are our main enemy. we need cheap bombers.

there will never be a major scale war against nuclear weapon states.

drone bomber with a range of 4,000km is desired with a 4 tonne payload.

unless you want to use expensive F-35s and B-2s to kill some barbarians.
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these thugs are our main enemy. we need cheap bombers.

their will never be a major scale war against nuclear weapon states.

drone bomber with a range of 4,000km is desired with 4 tonne payload.

unless you want to use expensive F-35s and B-2s to kill some barbarians.
The Armed Forces are to protect the Freedom and Sovereignty of the country and its national interests. Whether or not there is a war with a major nuclear-power state, the Armed Forces have to be prepared for it. Weapons Acquisition will therefore follow the doctrines which are prepared for the worst-case scenarios i.e War with the Superior Asians.
Keep UCLASS small like it is but for strike with standoff weapons. We are ordering over 100 LRSBs so we should just keep it simple with UCLASS, we are already behind schedule for that one. 6 per carrier would be nice to augment the F-35Cs when they do come into service in 2019. That would make over half of the total carrier airwing low-observable strike until the F/A-18 replacement enters the picture in the early 2030s, which then would turn it into almost all stealth.
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