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Drastic reduction in Pak sniper attacks along LoC after India deployed new sniper rifle: Top general

Aug 29, 2018
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On the sniping incidents from across the border, Lt Gen Singh said such incidents had come to a naught over the past several months, especially after India deployed new state of the art sniper rifles along LoC.

"Some incidents of sniping took place earlier and accordingly we have taken some measures to strengthen our defence. As per the data this year, only three incidents of sniping by the Pakistan Army were reported from January to February 26 in which the fatalities include a civilian porter and a BSF officer," he said. "But after February 26 there was not a single sniper attack", he added.

Sniper rifles don’t kill other snipers.
Irrelevant to force protection.
Imran Khan might has instructed the Army to this effect.

Indian buying suitable retaliatory weapons has nothing to do with this.

Pakistan is waiting for Indian elections to get over before the shelling / sniping starts
If a General has to come forward and mention Pakistan Army Snipers & there is series of accidents; I mean you need to understand the gravity of situation. As this is not some trophy event so I wouldn't indulge into point scoring. Ask the men on front how is it going when it comes to professionalism & perfection.
Imran Khan might has instructed the Army to this effect.

Indian buying suitable retaliatory weapons has nothing to do with this.

Pakistan is waiting for Indian elections to get over before the shelling / sniping starts
Not true as there were highest number of cross border firing between two forces last month.
Imran Khan might has instructed the Army to this effect.

Indian buying suitable retaliatory weapons has nothing to do with this.

Pakistan is waiting for Indian elections to get over before the shelling / sniping starts

...........and those that belong to the race and nation that calls for the death and destruction of the Pakistani race and nation wouldn't say anything else.........:lol:
Imran Khan might has instructed the Army to this effect.

Indian buying suitable retaliatory weapons has nothing to do with this.

Pakistan is waiting for Indian elections to get over before the shelling / sniping starts
Put some sense in your media and its followers as well mate.
Acquiring snipers are relating to reducing border tensions and reduction of causalities?, Matlab kuch bhi?
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