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Double Trouble for China


Apr 11, 2012
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China is among the least free societies in the world and suffers from a dangerously high rate of income inequality according to two reports this week from Freedom House and the Chinese government’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).

China was home to over half of the global population who lived in “not free” societies in 2012, according to Freedom House’s annual freedom index, which was released on Wednesday.

“The number of people living under Not Free conditions stood at 2,376,822,100, or 34 percent of the global population, though it is important to note that more than half of this number lives in just one country: China,” the introduction of this year’s Freedom of the World report stated.

Freedom House defines a country as “not free” when “basic political rights are absent, and basic civil liberties are widely and systematically denied.” It gave this label to 47 countries around the world, 24 percent of the total polities.

An additional 58 countries are only listed as “partly free” while Freedom House considers 90 nations as free, 46 percent of the total. In the Asia-Pacific, 43 percent of countries were listed as free, 36 percent were labeled partly free, and 21 percent were labeled as not free. Of those in the latter category, North Korea, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan were among the seven countries Freedom House included in its “worst of the worst” category meaning they got the lowest possible score for both political rights and civil liberties.

Although China as a whole wasn’t part of the “worst of the worst” grouping, Tibet was one of the two territories included in the survey that met the requirements for the “worst of the worst” ranking. Furthermore, Freedom House said that China was one of the six nations and territories that scored only “slightly above those of the worst-ranked countries,” receiving a seven, the lowest possible score, in the political rights category and the second lowest score, six, for civil liberties.

More embarrassing for China was the unfavorable contrast Freedom House drew between Beijing and its neighbor Myanmar.

“For all its lingering problems, Burma has now surpassed China on both political rights and civil liberties,” the report said.

Myanmar was given a six in terms of political freedom and a five in the category of civil liberties.

Although China remains far ahead of countries like Myanmar economically, not everyone in China is sharing in the spoils.

That is if you believe the Chinese government, which released data on the country’s Gini coefficient for the first time since at least 2000. The Gini coefficient is an internationally recognized measurement of income inequality in a country where zero equals perfect equality and a score of one means perfect inequality (one person holding all the wealth).

China’s Gini coefficient has hovered between 0.47-0.49 since 2003 Ma Jiantang, director of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), told a press conference in Beijing on Friday. The last time Beijing released Gini data was in 2000, when it said the number was at 0.412.

"A Gini coefficient between 0.47-0.49 shows that the gap in income distribution is relatively large,” Ma reflected.

By way of comparison, the United States, which has one of the highest levels of income inequality in the industrialized world, has been estimated by the OECD to be around .37 after taxes. Other organizations like the UN place the number higher at 0.4.

Breaking down the numbers further, Ma said there was a three-fold gap in wealth between rural and urban workers, and a four-fold gap between workers in the most and least lucrative industries, Reuters reported.

Many economists and international organizations believe anything above 0.4 risks creating social unrest.

It’s worth noting that Deng Xiaoping and his subordinates recognized that their policy of reform and opening up would create greater income inequality at least in the short-run. Zhao Ziyang, who as Premier from 1980-1987 was in charge of the daily implementation of China’s economic rebalancing, was a particularly strong advocate of the need to allow income for China’s coastal regions rise faster than inland provinces.

That being said, the high level of income inequality threatens social stability and impairs the government’s ability to rebalance the economy towards one built more on domestic demand than exports.

The one bright spot in Ma’s press conference was that inequality appears to have peaked in 2008 when the Gini was at 0.491, and declined each year since reaching 0.474 in 2012. This contradicts the NBS' statements in 2011, however, when it said—without stating actual numbers— that income inequality had risen slightly in 2011 compared to 2010.

Still, the new leadership’s efforts to rebalance the economy will be made all the more difficult by the declining size of the labor force. At the Friday press conference Ma said the labor force had declined in absolute terms by 3.45 million workers in 2012 relative to the year before. He cited the one-child policy as the cause of this drop and passionately advocated this be reversed.

China’s 5th generation leaders that took over in November are unlikely to initiate the kind of tough, visionary policies needed to navigate the country’s mounting difficulties, Freedom House suggested in its report this week. The annual survey said those hoping for “meaningful political reform were dealt a serious blow” when the CCP unveiled the fifth generation leadership, “whose members have generally built their careers on hardline policies.” They'll need to do better in economic reform.

Double Trouble for China
Thanks for the article ,

This is nothing new , it as long pain staking slow walk for china to be free society , there has been experiment with this after the CCP came into power ; Mao tried an experiment called Hundred Flowers Campaign which encouraged people to express option only to freak him out and launch Anti-Rightist movement in 1950's and 1960's in order to silence his opponents who died in their millions.

After the great famine of China ( which killed millions and is the greatest epic peacetime tragedy in human history ) Mao was sightly sideline and Liu Shaoqi was elected as Charmian for couple of year along with the charismatic Deng Xiaoping they experimented with reforms which you can see even today - only for Mao to come back take full power, brand all freedom within society ( including religion) as capitalistic agenda and launch what is now know as famous cultural revolution.

In 1989 experiment with freedom of speech , press, social democracy led to infamous Tiananmen Square protests and subsequent killings .

China will be on this list for a while .
Thanks for the article ,

This is nothing new , it as long pain staking slow walk for china to be free society , there has been experiment with this after the CCP came into power ; Mao tried an experiment called Hundred Flowers Campaign which encouraged people to express option only to freak him out and launch Anti-Rightist movement in 1950's and 1960's in order to silence his opponents who died in their millions.

After the great famine of China ( which killed millions and is the greatest epic peacetime tragedy in human history ) Mao was sightly sideline and Liu Shaoqi was elected as Charmian for couple of year along with the charismatic Deng Xiaoping they experimented with reforms which you can see even today - only for Mao to come back take full power, brand all freedom within society ( including religion) as capitalistic agenda and launch what is now know as famous cultural revolution.

In 1989 experiment with freedom of speech , press, social democracy led to infamous Tiananmen Square protests and subsequent killings .

China will be on this list for a while .

is china's income inequality even more than India?
is china's income inequality even more than India?

don't have the percentage , but ya , corruption in china is breath taking; The rich are extremely rich; there was an article once where one of the Chinese CCP member was richer than combined wealth of all member in US congress ,

China's current leader Xi Jinping is trying to flush these guys out .. which is double edge swords because what this mean money is flowing out , more than 100 - 150 billion has left China since he came to power and reports of up to 10000 Chinese official have absconded.

This money is hitting Singapore , Australia , Canada , US ( they have pumped 7.8billion into US housing stock) and Europe in stocks ,housing , bonds and other investment.

I know this 1st hand because the lots of Chinese love Australia they are buying lots of property here ,, pricing most Aussie out lately they have pumped so much money into our market.
Probably, yes.

thnx mate.

don't have the percentage , but ya , corruption in china is breath taking; The rich are extremely rich; there was an article once where one of the Chinese CCP member was richer than combined wealth of all member in US congress ,

China's current leader Xi Jinping is trying to flush these guys out .. which is double edge swords because what this mean money is flowing out , more than 100 - 150 billion has left China since he came to power and reports of up to 10000 Chinese official have absconded.

This money is hitting Singapore , Australia , Canada , US ( they have pumped 7.8billion into US housing stock) and Europe in stocks ,housing , bonds and other investment.

I know this 1st hand because the lots of Chinese love Australia they are buying lots of property here ,, pricing most Aussie out lately they have pumped so much money into our market.

thnx for this detailed information.
China was home to over half of the global population who lived in “not free” societies in 2012, according to Freedom House’s annual freedom index, which was released on Wednesday.

that's a good laugh.lol.can the western media coin a world than that"not free":yahoo:
Probably, yes.

That is probably also because China has more money. I think once India touches 5 Trillion it will have the same inequality. I think hoarding of money is a cultural issue across Asia. Japan is an exception
as for "not free",no country in the world can beat US.if you are an American,you are many times more likely than the rest of the world to be "not free"at some point of your life time.

Comparison with other countries
The stats source is the World Prison Population List. 8th edition. Prisoners per 100,000 population.
See also: List of countries by incarceration rate

The United States has the highest documented incarceration rate in the world (743 per 100,000 population), Russia has the second highest rate (577 per 100,000), followed by Rwanda (561 per 100,000).As of year-end 2009 the USA rate was 743 adults incarcerated in prisons and jails per 100,000 population.At year-end 2007 the United States had less than 5% of the world's population and 23.4% of the world's prison and jail population (adult inmates).

By comparison the incarceration rate in England and Wales[clarification needed] in October 2011 was 155 people imprisoned per 100,000 residents; the rate for Norway in May 2010 was 71 inmates per 100,000;Netherlands in April 2010 was 94 per 100,000;Australia in June 2010 was 133 per 100,000;and New Zealand in October 2010 was 203 per 100,000


The more powerful our military is the more freedom China enjoys! :china:

That's what America really means by "freedom."
Thanks for the article ,

This is nothing new , it as long pain staking slow walk for china to be free society , there has been experiment with this after the CCP came into power ; Mao tried an experiment called Hundred Flowers Campaign which encouraged people to express option only to freak him out and launch Anti-Rightist movement in 1950's and 1960's in order to silence his opponents who died in their millions.

After the great famine of China ( which killed millions and is the greatest epic peacetime tragedy in human history ) Mao was sightly sideline and Liu Shaoqi was elected as Charmian for couple of year along with the charismatic Deng Xiaoping they experimented with reforms which you can see even today - only for Mao to come back take full power, brand all freedom within society ( including religion) as capitalistic agenda and launch what is now know as famous cultural revolution.

In 1989 experiment with freedom of speech , press, social democracy led to infamous Tiananmen Square protests and subsequent killings .

China will be on this list for a while .

you are just a sad cheerleading loser

1. The gini index fares much better during Mao's era than present
2. the regime which causes the most tragic civilian death due to hunger is india and this statistics will keep ballooning
3. Tianmen Sq was a chapter in our history BUT india has a dozen or more Tianmen Sq in its history
as for "not free",no country in the world can beat US.if you are an American,you are many times more likely than the rest of the world to be "not free"at some point of your life time.

It means their law and enforcement is working and their courts are not kangaroo courts. If one commits a crime in USA then there are more chances that he will be caught and brought in front of magistrate.

What is so wrong in it ?

BTW you are Chinese, how you guys can post such studies about other nations with straight faces when there is non allowed in China
don't have the percentage , but ya , corruption in china is breath taking; The rich are extremely rich; there was an article once where one of the Chinese CCP member was richer than combined wealth of all member in US congress ,

China's current leader Xi Jinping is trying to flush these guys out .. which is double edge swords because what this mean money is flowing out , more than 100 - 150 billion has left China since he came to power and reports of up to 10000 Chinese official have absconded.

This money is hitting Singapore , Australia , Canada , US ( they have pumped 7.8billion into US housing stock) and Europe in stocks ,housing , bonds and other investment.

I know this 1st hand because the lots of Chinese love Australia they are buying lots of property here ,, pricing most Aussie out lately they have pumped so much money into our market.

You are again ignorant and keep posting silly China bashing posts here without looking at the situation in indian's swiss bank a/c

What Xi's doing is not a double-edge sword. It is single edged - a positive resolve to combat corruption

The graft money may be flowing out of China but the title of the properties and investments intact. Let the criminals be arrested and their assets will be forfeited and put back into our coffers!
It means their law and enforcement is working and their courts are not kangaroo courts. If one commits a crime in USA then there are more chances that he will be caught and brought in front of magistrate.

What is so wrong in it ?

Does that also mean that European and Japanese courts are not working since we in the EU, Canada and Japan have much lower numbers of inmates than the US.

Use your brain when you make an argument!
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