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Doomed US targets China, Russia

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Doomed US targets China, Russia


US President Barack Obama

By Finian Cunningham

US President Barack Obama kicks off his East Asia tour this week with a threat of military aggression towards China at the same time that vice president Joe Biden was stepping up similar provocations to Russia over the Ukraine crisis.

That is because the so-called American "pivot to Asia" is intimately connected with the crisis in Ukraine and the increasing tensions between Washington and Moscow. Both cases are the result of US imperialist aggression aimed at postponing the collapse of American global hegemony. Although in the laughable way that the Western corporate media invert reality Washington's vice is turned into a virtue.

The Wall Street Journal tells us: "The US [Asian] pivot has repeatedly been thrown off-balance as Washington turned its attention to Syria, Iran, Middle East peace talks and now Ukraine."

This is a version of America being the noble "global policeman". Notice the way the WSJ implies that Washington is a benevolent force in several conflicts around the world, when in reality it is Washington that is actually the very source of conflict in every scenario cited. This is a textbook example of the Western "news media" - more accurately "brainwashing propaganda system" - at work.

The US is inflaming insecurity in Asia between China and its neighbors; it is Washington that is the chief sponsor of the covert terrorist war in Syria; Iran continues to be subjected to criminal US-led sanctions on the basis of trumped-up nuclear claims; the Middle East "peace process" in Palestine is deadlocked because the US supports the genocidal Israeli regime; and on Ukraine it was Washington's illegal coup d'état in Kiev that has pushed that country to the brink of civil war and may even ignite a global war with Russia.

When Obama touched down in Japan this week at the start of his tour of four Asian countries, including South Korea, Philippines and Malaysia, it was tellingly significant that upon his arrival in Tokyo a keynote remark was that America backs Japan in its territorial dispute with China. Obama said that military support is part of the so-called "defense pact" with between the US and Japan.

How the Americans can claim to be "defending" a country that it dropped atomic bombs on defies any intelligent reasoning. That's the power of brainwashing.

Nevertheless, Obama's blatant meddling in the dispute between China and Japan was obviously a calculated provocation that will lead to more regional tensions, which in turn gives Washington further pretext to maintain tens of thousands of its troops, missiles, warplanes and warships there.

What Washington is saying to China is: your territorial claims against Japan are null and void and if you attempt to use military force in support of your grievances then the US reserves the right to launch a "defensive" war.

Never mind that the long running row between Tokyo and Beijing over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands is very arguably in favor of China's claims. The islands are proximate to China's southeast coast and hundreds of kilometers away from Japan. Japan continues to occupy the islands stemming from its imperialist war of aggression against China nearly seven decades ago. Also earlier this month saw the first expansion of Japanese military installations in Okinawa in more than 40 years, which signals an end to Japan's postwar pacification vows.

Considering the appalling destruction that Japan wrought on China and other Asian neighbors during its imperialist expansion, within living memory, any such moves by Tokyo are bound to cause grave alarm. Yet, Washington barges in with hobnail boots to trample all over China's sensitivities. What's more, Washington and the supine Western media invert reality again by portraying China as behaving provocatively in the region.

America's Asian pivot, which Obama launched back in 2011, is all about stoking military aggression with China under the guise of offering defense to neighboring countries - in the same way that a gangster boss sets up a protection racket.

The real purpose is to stymie China's strategic economic importance and to thwart the inexorable shift in the global economy away from Washington's hegemony. That shift spells doom for the bankrupt US dollar and its hollowed-out capitalist system.

While the conceited Western media make out that Obama is touring Asia at "an unfortunate" time of "crisis management" over Ukraine, the reality is that the two issues are deeply connected.

As former World Bank economist Peter Koenig points out it is Russia and China that are the key players in shaping the new Eurasian axis of the global economy. A significant portent of the future was given last month, when on a state visit to Germany Chinese President Xi Jinping unveiled plans to re-open the famous Silk Road - one of the world's oldest and most strategic trade routes.

Says Koenig: "China will re-open the old Silk Road as a new trading route linking Germany, Russia and China, allowing to connect and develop new markets along the road, especially in Central Asia, where this new project will bring economic and political stability."

That development will also be good news for Iran, a preview of which was the major oil deal reported earlier this month between Moscow and Tehran - much to the ire of Washington.

The tectonic movement in the global economy towards a Eurasian axis has been under way for several years and is integrated with the emergence of the so-called BRICS nations, which also include India and Brazil. This paradigm shift is also integrated with these nations extricating themselves from using the American dollar as international reserve currency.

As Koenig notes Russia dropped "a bombshell" this month when it announced that it was going to conduct all its future international trade in the Russian ruble or in other national currencies. That decision by Moscow - which the Western media avoided to report - was prompted by Washington's provocative sanctions towards Russia over the Ukraine crisis. Russia's dropping of the dollar will hasten the dynamic against the US currency.

This why China and Russia are now being targeted - almost in desperation by Washington. Their rise portends the fall of America's bankrupt empire.

While Western media launder hackneyed propaganda about Washington's selfless role as global policeman, the real story is one of a dying American hegemonic thug trying to postpone its demise - by striking out at both China and Russia even if that means igniting a catastrophic global war.

PressTV - Doomed US targets China, Russia
A very well thought out article. A must read for some ultra-nationalist Vietnamese who imagines USA is a god sent angel. Alas, they are just using their pet dog for their own interests.
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