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Donating blood is un-Islamic: Deoband

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In my humble opinion, any donation in which donor doesn't suffer from a handicap is and neither risks donor's life is allowed and permissible.
In my humble opinion, any donation in which donor doesn't suffer from a handicap is and neither risks donor's life is allowed and permissible.

So if you were given the option of donating your blood to the national stockpile, you would refuse? Despite knowing that perhaps that one litre of blood may save someone's life someday?
Some of the user comments posted on the website

sandeep (inida)
this is most pathetic relegion of the whole world where they go by rules and regulation do this and do not do that. So stupid of these people........

people (up)
Next time Fatwa will come as Never Go to Hospitals and take Medicines as it is not made by God. Then Next Fatwa will come as Eat from what You ar making / harvesting not from others. Next will come never take Others money, Next never harm Others, next Fatwa will come never give birth to child because it has to be done ONLY BY God......What a world and what a people. Then will come Never do Sex with ladies because they are of opposed Sex

kris (bangalore)
Taking blood is Islamic not giving. You are correct Imama

Olloo (Ghoslaa)
Publicize this fatwa a lot in Pakistani media and then clean up the terrorist camps. Because blood shouldn't be donated by 99% of their population, the outcome is easy to guess :-)

Faiz (China)
I request all the readers not to comment on this people's meaningless fatwa and argue wih fellow citizens of our mother land, we are all one. Saving life is the real human and faith irrespective of religion. No religion is against it even ISLAM. These newspapers and those maulana want to be in hot news, nothing else.

Gaurav (New Delhi)
and now Congress Party will support this for their vote back

Epic one :D

Vineet (Ind)
Hey Bhagwan
Is there any one who can stop them ?
Is there any institute like Pope in Catholic to stop this crap?

Islam is an Individual religion & we don't have such authority like pope leading us - anything proven by the Holy Quran and sahih Hadith is our belief rest depends on our understanding if to accept or reject it.

A Fatwa is like a cation which can be accepted or rejected with your own knowledge and has no enforcement on Muslims.

We accept Fatwas like recently given by Dr Tahir ul Qadri which consisted of 400 pages against Terrorism and suicide bombings and it was signed by over 200+ leading islamic scholars in Pakistan.

This is what we call a true Fatwa not something written by a dude who has never been to school.
saving one human life is like saving whole humanity. so this noble deed in my opinion can not be un islamic according to islamic teachings
Donating blood is a noble deed and in perfect harmony with the Islamic ideals and values...

For one man who saves the life of another is like as if he saved the whole of Mankind (this is translation of the meaning of a Quranic verse)...

Also anything can be used for medicinal purposes (even those that are Haram)... like you can use Pig insulin to treat someone in a diabetic coma!!! Or alcohol to intoxicate someone to operate an emergency procedure on them...
who asked fatwa from these backward brain-band people?? they have also declared Pakistan Islamic, campaigning for Pakistan as kufur and generally are biggest enemies of Muslims in India by keeping them backward.
i do not agree with them but it is true that according to islam we cannot donate any part of our body to anyone because it belongs to allah. you can ask your ulema.
I have donated blood 10 times. Mostly to known people but 3 times to unrelated patients.... There is nothing un-islamic about it.

It's actually healthy for ur body to rid of old blood & stimulate ur bone-marrow to produce a rather fresh batch...

i do not agree with them but it is true that according to islam we cannot donate any part of our body to anyone because it belongs to allah. you can ask your ulema.

Organ donation was unfound in those days,,, how can there be a literal prohibition of that...!!! If anything, It's based on mis-interpretation.

Like our money belongs to Allah, but we give it to others,,, !!! So why can't we give organ to others which just because it belongs to Allah...!!! & Instead of asking ulema, it's better to read Quran & Hadees ourselves. Majority of so-called ulema mislead ppl.
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ohh man, this is focking going too far. they bloody interfere with everything.
i do not agree with them but it is true that according to islam we cannot donate any part of our body to anyone because it belongs to allah. you can ask your ulema.

my friend, somebody dies and it is our duty to save them.
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