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Donald Trump: Windmills cause cancer


Dec 6, 2018
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Donald Trump: Windmills cause cancer

US president Donald Trump has spoken out against wind turbines, saying that they lower house prices and cause cancer.

Trump is widely mocked on Twitter after claiming that the noise from windmills causes CANCER

  • Trump spoke at National Republican Congressional Committee dinner Tuesday
  • Went on odd tangent claiming the noise from windmills causes cancer
  • Industrial wind turbine noise has been linked to stress and sleep disruption
  • But there is no evidence linking windmills to cancer, particularly from the noise
Donald Trump has made the dubious claim that the noise from industrial wind turbines causes cancer.

'Hillary wanted to put up wind, wind,' Trump said in wide-ranging remarks at the National Republican Congressional Committee's spring fundraising dinner in Washington DC on Tuesday.

'If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations your house just went down 75% in value,' Trump continued.

'And they say the noise causes cancer, you tell me,' Trump said, gyrating his arm in the air and imitating a winding noise.


Trump on Tuesday made the dubious claim that the noise from industrial wind turbines causes cancer. Wind turbines are seen above in Palm Springs, California last month

Studies have been mixed when it comes to the impact of wind farms on real estate values, with some finding a negative impact on home prices of up to 40 per cent, and others finding little or no impact.

There are no studies conclusively linking the noise of industrial wind turbines to cancer.

There are, however, scores of claims describing negative health impacts from windmills, particularly from noise.

'Exposure to wind turbines does seem to increase the risk of annoyance and self-reported sleep disturbance,' a 2014 review of the literature for PloS One indicated.

Trump's exaggeration of the health risks from windmills drew opprobrium from his critics online.

'Yeah I hear the windmill blows the Cancer into you...' one Twitter user wrote.

'President Genius has a long history fighting to protect people from windmill noise cancer. Just ask the folks that live near his golf course in Scotland,' another jeered, referring to Trump's longstanding opposition to wind turbines off the coast of his Scotland property.


'And they say the noise causes cancer, you tell me,' Trump said at the dinner on Tuesday




Another questioned the sourcing of Trump's information.

'I want someone somewhere to track down 'they'. They say windmills cause cancer, they say Obama wasn't born here, they say he's the most successful POTUS ever. They seem to have a lot to say but we never know who THEY are,' he wrote.

At another point in his roughly 80-minute remarks, Trump also revisited his odd pet peeve with the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System, or EMALS, which is replacing steam-driven catapults on Ford-class aircraft carriers.

Trump has griped about the subject repeatedly in the past, voicing his preference for 'reliable' steam.

At the NRCC dinner, he told a story about talking to a sailor who advised him that the steam catapults could be fixed with a 'wrench,' whereas the electromagnetic version takes an 'Albert Einstein.'

In November, Trump raised the subject during a Thanksgiving Day call with a naval officer serving overseas, telling him: 'Steam is very reliable. Electromagnetic – unfortunately you have to be Albert Einstein to really work it properly.'

The naval officer responded: 'Yes sir. You sort of have to be Albert Einstein to run the nuclear power plant that we have here as well, but we're doing that very well.'


Fears that low-frequency noises – such as those from wind turbines – can be harmful to humans have existed for decades.

Protestors of wind turbines cling onto claims that ‘wind turbine syndrome’ is real, despite there being no hard evidence it exists.

They claim the noise the environmentally-friendly energy sources emit can lead to nausea, sleep loss, fatigue and anxiety.

And, some even go as far to claim that the constant sound can cause cancer. Though, scientists remain dubious as no study has ever found firm proof of such a link.

Simon Chapman, a professor of public health at Sydney University, claimed there had been 17 reviews of the evidence of harm caused by wind farms.

And he argued, in a piece for The Conversation, that 'that there is no strong evidence that they make people ill'.

But he added: 'Each of these reviews have concluded that wind turbines can annoy a minority of people in their vicinity.'

Dr Nina Pierpont, a New York paediatrician, conducted a study a decade ago that looked at 10 families living near wind turbines.

It suggested that living too close to wind turbines may lead to heart disease, tinnitus, vertigo, migraines and even sleep deprivation.

However, critics hit back at how the study was carried out, and argued that it ‘provides no conclusive evidence’.
An orange baboon is ruling one of the world powers...
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They also make people dizzy. That's why Russia don't even use it. There are way better ways to generate electricity than wind mills. Hell, even Israel don't use it.
he may be right about reducing property values which is probably why he is railing against wind power
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I initially thought Trump was just mouthing off in fun at a Republican dinner but it may be that Trump was referring to the research into the U.S. diplomats in Havana who were suffering sicknesses after being exposed to powerful infrasonic sonic weaponry. At certain frequencies and exposures these can induce cancers. It would be natural for Trump to be briefed on this. And if he knows anything about the environmental effects of windpower - remember, the EPA reports to him - then he's aware that wind turbines (i.e., "windmills") are also a strong source of infrasound.

That doesn't mean, necessarily, that large wind turbines must cause cancer. Rather, they need to be tuned to frequencies that do not damage humans. Kind of like how cars have had their shock absorption systems tuned to 60-70 beats per minute, so people don't get nauseous after extended periods riding in them.
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President Donald Trump: I'm a very stable genius.
. . . .
Wind mills suck. Nobody used them in Cold War. Nuclear, hydroelectric, fossil fuel are way better than wind mills. People used wind to power ships for tens of thousands of years. Not anymore. Wind is weak compared to modern sources of energy.

He is a liability to US once unchallenged moral influence around the world.

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