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Donald Trump shot himself in the Foot , Video leaked of him saying I grab Women by P***y (Video).


Jul 14, 2011
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This wasn't what Donald Duck was expecting .. just few days before the Elections #2016 :lol::lol::lol:
He could still win... he can on a stage while giving a speech rape a woman, behead a Mexican child, lynch a black person, and while taking a dump on a Muslim woman all on stage ... his white male supporters will still vote for him irrespective. Actually, i predict his approval rating wil increase amongst the white males even more.

Even Trump said earlier, "I can shoot someone in the middle of street and they will still vote for me" . He knows his audience well.
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This might win him the election by getting him votes from every Paedophile, Molester and rapist in USA :rofl:. I really wish for him to be the next president.
I dont think this is gonna hurt him. People expect him to be an alpha male.8-)
probably lose..since Hillary will surely get the woman vote,latino vote, and black vote.


Blacks and Latinos don't vote. I still think the lecher Donald and the sycophant Hillary are tied.
He is the red pill guy who cannot act so as to not offend the equality crowd (at least for the sake of votes!) - I mean the Feminists, LGBT supporters etc. Words plain out of the mouth...like the way young boys talks.
Hanuman god can do no wrong, at least that is what some of our neighbours would say. The hanuman god's vulgar comment will only encourage his minions in india. Perhaps after getting the green signal from their hanuman god they will turn india into the rape capital of the universe.
Oh STFU you piece of scum, I don't know how the mods allow you to post such utter filth :mad:
Oh STFU you piece of scum, I don't know how the mods allow you to post such utter filth :mad:

I just hit the soft spot! Well, isn't this why Trump is worshiped as a god by many indians?
Trump has apologised but its only going to hurt him more - and as the YouTube like suggest, his apology is not accepted.

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