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Doku Umarov has been killed

These scriptures came from Allah at certain occasions like wars, disputes, etc etc. They were clear very much. The verse he quoted referred to infighting between people who would kill each other over petty disputes. Thus the verse.

Even if things were clear, those who wanna kill use anything and everything to justify it. Hence the inevitability of deaths.


DEATH to islamist scums!
These scriptures came from Allah at certain occasions like wars, disputes, etc etc. They were clear very much. The verse he quoted referred to infighting between people who would kill each other over petty disputes. Thus the verse.

Even if things were clear, those who wanna kill use anything and everything to justify it. Hence the inevitability of deaths.

So are you suggesting that those words were written by allah only for that particular time and place, and not meant to be universally applied? Are the instructions only for the context, and if so, who decides the context in which it should be applied?

See, the thing here is that you are using your sense of morality (one which I agree with) to reinterpret the words of that quote. Another person who's sense of morality says 'kill all infidels without mercy' will similarly interpret that quote in a different way. The scriptures will simply validate what you already believe. Which is why the way to decide whether an action is moral or not is through reason, not by consulting scriptures.

Check out the 'euthyphro dilemma'.

One with even an iota of faith would never utter such a thing. Might as well change your name.
So are you suggesting that those words were written by allah only for that particular time and place, and not meant to be universally applied? Are the instructions only for the context, and if so, who decides the context in which it should be applied?

See, the thing here is that you are using your sense of morality (one which I agree with) to reinterpret the words of that quote. Another person who's sense of morality says 'kill all infidels without mercy' will similarly interpret that quote in a different way. The scriptures will simply validate what you already believe. Which is why the way to decide whether an action is moral or not is through reason, not by consulting scriptures.

Check out the 'euthyphro dilemma'.

I will check out euthyphro dilemma. Sciptures had certain extra values. Kill all infidels were at the times of war which makes the verse very understandable from that point of view. It is a great sin in Islam to twist the words of Quran to justify acts of violence, but rabid people fail to look behind word values. Thus the headache of terrorism. Some are reactionary to incompetent governance and the others are just fan clubs of terror offshoots. Dubbing holy music thingy over barbaric acts do not nullify the violence displayed in videos, it only attracts the lesser of men to seek such an easy way to "heaven". I can assure you there are no 72 virgins waiting as it is from a dubious hadith. Zaeef Hadith is the term. Just as there is no basis to kill someone over leaving Islam in Quran and Hadith actually. These things are made up by religious idiots who cannot look past to deeper meanings of verses.

There is no basis to kill anyone over blaspheming the Prophet as the Prophet himself was taunted, beaten, pelted with stones by people throughout his early life. He even spared the people of Taif from certain death when an Angel came seeking Allah's permission to crush them between mountains. Mind you he was beaten and pelted with stones so much that his shoes were filled with blood. This was the level of our Prophet's compassion. This is what we have lost. Real meaning of Islam is to be at peace with oneself and offer the message of peace. Islam isnt about praying 5 times a day and badmouthing unbelievers. We fail to live by the example of the Prophet who was a great diplomat as well as a human being. There was once a Jew woman who would mock him daily and throw garbage at him, one day she didnt and the Prophet was worried and asked about her. He came to know she was sick and visited her to ask her about her health.

Blowing bombs has become a way of spreading Islam by extremists and well as establishing Sharia states. Which mind you our 2nd Caliph Umar RAA prohibited cutting of hands for stealing in the vast empire because he was doubtful that everyone was fed enough throughout the empire. He said if i remember it right that even if a dog goes on an empty stomach for a night then it is his fault. Such was the omnipotence at his feet but he feared for stray dogs empty stomachs. Nowadays we have dying children from starvation but we rant about Islamic laws.

Laws in Islam are 100% correct if they are actually followed through given all people are given their due rights. Freedom of speech was an actual concept during the times of Prophet and his companions. An unbeliever could mock the prophet on his face and face no repercussions. One day i hope we open our eyes. But this is going off topic. Ask me if you want to for further info in Naswaristan.


DEATH to islamist scums!

Such movements do not come out of nowhere, there is always a reason when people lash out. But when they go overboard is when they lose the righteousness of their cause which they did. The chechen rebels have mostly fled to our parts to spread terror amongst us :(
WTF man!!you just said RIP to one of the most ruthless tangos in the world.this man was responsible for countless acts of terror in Russia.he was a scum and eventually got what he really deserved.well done Russia,keep up the good work:tup:
P.S.-pleaase keep this in mind that Russia is a close friend of ours:coffee:
WTF man!!you just said RIP to one of the most ruthless tangos in the world.this man was responsible for countless acts of terror in Russia.he was a scum and eventually got what he really deserved.well done Russia,keep up the good work:tup:
P.S.-pleaase keep this in mind that Russia is a close friend of ours:coffee:

2 posts above. :big_boss:

I will stand with him on the day of judgement. Will you stand with Russia on the day of judgement?
I did read about Plato's work. One is not pious because of God's wrath. If i do something good because of the fear of repercussions of God then it is not piety, its dubious. We do the right thing to do as instructed by Allah. I feed stray dogs that roam around not because I feel i will be rewarded, i do it because it is the right thing to do. If i get rewarded by Allah bonus for me. I pray to God not because commanded but because I am thankful to Him for the blessings in my life. If i stick up for Ahmedis it's not because of secularism or liberalism, it's because they are humans. I believe what they believe is their problem with Allah not me. I dont do good to gain blessings, but it is the right thing to do.

What good is my deeds if my neighbours are unhappy and I am oblivious? This is the issue not only pertaining to Muslims but people of all faiths. If we do good for rewards then those actions might be beneficial to us, but hollow in meaning/nature.

I will stand with him on the day of judgement. Will you stand with Russia on the day of judgement?
I just congratulated Russia on killing this terrorist who have taken lifes of innocent people just to further his agenda, and you just can't leave and are behind me like a terrorist taliban. Would you also support TTP scums when they kill innocent pakistanis or Pak Army soldiers. Man, I can't believe this sh!t.
So are you suggesting that those words were written by allah only for that particular time and place, and not meant to be universally applied? Are the instructions only for the context, and if so, who decides the context in which it should be applied?

See, the thing here is that you are using your sense of morality (one which I agree with) to reinterpret the words of that quote. Another person who's sense of morality says 'kill all infidels without mercy' will similarly interpret that quote in a different way. The scriptures will simply validate what you already believe. Which is why the way to decide whether an action is moral or not is through reason, not by consulting scriptures.

Check out the 'euthyphro dilemma'.

The quote has nothing to do with non-believers, I know which quotes jihadists use this is not one of them. :astagh:

then he will have to pay blood money to the un believers family, provided the un believer was not involved in direct war.

Unless they don't want it then off with his head. :laugh:

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