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Doklam standoff: If Chinese troops enter India, there will be "utter chaos", says Beijing

India is already in chaos - political chaos in Kashmir, NE states, Tamilnadu , W Bengal Gorkhaland, security chaos in Maoists infested regions, social chaos with Dalits , Muslims, Hindutva fascists, rape epidemic, open defecation and economic chaos through demonetization

traffic chaos


power chord chaos

some material for gobar times to demonstrate chaos.
Buy or not buy, it is decided by your government. Maybe you guys need analyse your media/gov's and China's reaction to understand the story under the table.
Meanless comment, just make you guys look so ignorant. your guys just low down the forum again and again.

Chinese blothel, thank you for sharing youl wisdom in a language that no one can undelstand !
Chinese blothel, this flow of wisdom from your tiny brain must continue and hence I suggest you to use Chinese (traditional or simplified - your choice) for future knowledge transfer.
Might come as a shock to you but outside Milky Way i.e. Land still unclaimed by China, people can use Google translate.
revered elder, perhaps you should use your valuable time to teach the same to your country men, who have been doing a lot of the same thing you are blaming me for.
The saying 'get your house in order first', is perhaps apt when you are preaching to others.
You are welcome to argue us by facts and reasonable logic.
But you are insulting other nation's president by your imagination and your poor understanding for geopolitics. It's the problem.
You are welcome to argue us by facts and reasonable logic.
But you are insulting other nation's president by your imagination and your poor understanding for geopolitics. It's the problem.

And you have not seen your nationals here insulting our Prime Minister every day?
Political heads are fair game in forums. They don't need to be revered especially when you are not giving the same courtesy to other country's heads.

Anyway, I don't understand why a political head need to be so revered? They are after all servants of people. They serve the people and their actions MUST Be constantly scrutinized and parodied.
And you have not seen your nationals here insulting our Prime Minister every day?
Political heads are fair game in forums. They don't need to be revered especially when you are not giving the same courtesy to other country's heads.

Anyway, I don't understand why a political head need to be so revered? They are after all servants of people. They serve the people and their actions MUST Be constantly scrutinized and parodied.

Its not the person who is respected, its the chair that he occupies that is respected.

But eleven jinping is fair game since those are the chinese rules.
China snubs India
China tells India to withdraw troops, rejects Rajnath’s hope for early solution

China on Tuesday said the only way to end the Doklam standoff in Sikkim sector was for India to unconditionally withdraw its troops from the area. Beijing’s response comes a day after Union Home Minister Rajnath Singhexpressed hope that China would soon make a “positive” move in this regard. Rajnath Singh had on Monday hoped that a solution to the Doklam standoff would be found soon and said India never attacked a nation nor did it harbour any expansionist behaviour.

In a speech, he had also expressed hope that China will undertake a positive initiative to resolve the standoff. Also Read: Ladakh scuffle: The importance of Pangong Tso

China, however, kept up its propaganda onslaught on India by reiterating its accusation that Indian troops ‘illegally crossed the boundary’. Hua Chunying, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, called India’s reasons to stop Chinese road building in Doklam area as ‘ridiculous’. In a statement to the media, Hua said: “So the only prerequisite and condition of this incident is unconditional withdrawal of the Indian troops and equipment.”

China snubs India
China tells India to withdraw troops, rejects Rajnath’s hope for early solution

China on Tuesday said the only way to end the Doklam standoff in Sikkim sector was for India to unconditionally withdraw its troops from the area. Beijing’s response comes a day after Union Home Minister Rajnath Singhexpressed hope that China would soon make a “positive” move in this regard. Rajnath Singh had on Monday hoped that a solution to the Doklam standoff would be found soon and said India never attacked a nation nor did it harbour any expansionist behaviour.

In a speech, he had also expressed hope that China will undertake a positive initiative to resolve the standoff. Also Read: Ladakh scuffle: The importance of Pangong Tso

China, however, kept up its propaganda onslaught on India by reiterating its accusation that Indian troops ‘illegally crossed the boundary’. Hua Chunying, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, called India’s reasons to stop Chinese road building in Doklam area as ‘ridiculous’. In a statement to the media, Hua said: “So the only prerequisite and condition of this incident is unconditional withdrawal of the Indian troops and equipment.”


Oh dear ..... did they actually "tell" us that ? Whatever are we going to do.

I guess we will continue to stay there to ensure that no road gets build. I hope they do not give us another "warning" :( ...... that would be terrible.
India is already utterly chaotic. I think a Chinese invasion might actually bring order and peace to India.
China has not budged from its original stance or precondition viz; India should withdraw first.

India does not.

Hence let the common sense take over, and that is, war in simple words.

It takes time for war planning, logistics, troops and weapons mobility to forward positions.

What is the likelihood of China caving in?
None. China is always defiant, even when they lost the SCS case in the International court.

There is every likelihood for Modi to change his stance.

India is weakling of the two. Imagine India is not able to do simple retaliation against the smaller Pakistan:

No revocation of MFN.
No revocation of IWT.
Samjhauta express still running.
Pakistani comedians still working in India.
And recently, Modi's Hindu India is shipping 1300 crore worth of beef to Pakistan.

What does it show?

India is afraid, timid and a coward nation. Worried of Pakistan's nukes.
India tackling China is a far cry.

Modi would retreat with some pretext of his own. Since the Indian media belongs to him, they would spin the truth in his favor. And he knows this.
Indians can issue multiple warnings to Pakistan, thats reasonable, China giving few warning to leave the territory is a laughing matter?


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View attachment 420298

Can not count on my fingers...
Ulta chor kotwal ko dante?

I understand your deflection perfectly though. You are not able to turn the tables on China any which way, hence this mischief as played out by Indian media.

This is kiddish behavior.
Oh macchi is back.

Indians are acting like their balls are made of steel, and Chinese balls are made of egg-shell powder!
You are absolutely correct mr fish monger.
Yes chaos for China like 1962 vs India.

More like 1967 which caused your bums to hurt so much you didn't do a single thing when we took your best friend completely apart and caused largest surrender since WW2 just few kms below this doklam area :)

Hence why you still talking, but no walking right now...the very occupation of Tibet would be under threat....and reasonable non-trolls in your leadership and military know that very well.

I am glad they gave you trolls a big middle finger, esp leading you on with false promises like that and then just smash reality in your face just to tell you, that no your desire for what PLA should and shouldn't too means nothing....so you understand you have no way to influence anything (like say by voting or holding them accountable) beyond the little troll echo chamber you live in. Enjoy it. Coming onto 3 months now since we just pushed you bigmouths out and still just words....and we were all promised all kinds of things in just "2 weeks" times, even days lol. Worthless nanking complex idiots.
Oh dear ..... did they actually "tell" us that ? Whatever are we going to do.

I guess we will continue to stay there to ensure that no road gets build. I hope they do not give us another "warning" :( ...... that would be terrible.

Yeah tell your hopeless Rajnath Singh to get out of his wet dream and hope the expect China to take positive initiative to resolve the standoff, we didn't issue any warning but tell him to get lost, how much humiliation you guys want more, just keep stay there in Dongland and shut up is probably better for you guys :rofl:
Yeah tell your hopeless Rajnath Singh to get out of his wet dream and hope the expect China to take positive initiative to resolve the standoff, we didn't issue any warning but tell him to get lost, how much humiliation you guys want more, just keep stay there in Dongland and shut up is probably better for you guys :rofl:

So now you DON"T want us to leave from Doklam ? :lol: ............ cluck cluck ..cluck.
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