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Apr 28, 2012
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Scientifically proven that the dog carrier for some serious diseases, as living in the intestine worm called meningococcal out eggs with feces, and when Lick anus with his tongue moves the eggs to it, and it to the pots and dishes and the hands of his companions, and which enter the stomachs , shell eggs and graduated from embryos that leaks into the blood and sputum, and transmitted them to all parts of the body, and especially to the liver because the main refinery in the body ... Then grow in the user enters it and a bag full of cyst disease like children, fetuses, and the water for a net fluid spring. And may grow up to become a bag the size of the baby's head, and called the disease: disease cyst water, and are the symptoms depending on the member , and what was most serious in the brain or the heart muscle, and did not have surgical treatment can only process ...

And there is a risk of another disease transmitted by the dog and the dog is a disease caused by leaking meat infected with the dog first, and then transmitted it to humans through the saliva of a dog bite, wound in the human body ...

Peace to you today tell you about one of the miracles of the words Muhammad peace be upon him, which had the scientific research of 1431 in which talk about that dog saliva is pure and full of germs harmful if put the dog mouth and tongue in a pot of food can not be cleaned, but seven times the first earth and the other six ordinary cleaning fluid that the sincerity of the prophethood of Muhammad, you had a microscope to know it or is it inspired by God and now you Sabine scientific evidence as discovered by modern science and the dog germs and dirt

(From Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace: "purification of the vessel, if any of you been licked by a dog is to wash it seven times" and: is the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace of killing dogs and then said: "What mind and mind the dogs, "then permits the hunting dog and sheep dog and said:" If a dog licks the vessel let him wash it seven times and rub it eighth in the dirt) dog licks the vessel: If you drink from the tip of his tongue. rub:

The benefits of belonging to the dog, then some people, but these evils become harmful to everyone, so the Prophet peace be upon him and killing dogs, and dog licenses, hunting and plowing and cattle because of the need. At the time of the Prophet may Allah bless him and grant him peace cyst disease is not known, of course, water, and did not know that the origin of dogs, and rabies They were called by the infected dog: the dog vicious.

The modern scientists analyzed the dust of the cemetery to know what the bacteria, and they expect to find a lot of harmful bacteria, and because a lot of people are dying disease infectious germ, but they did not find in the dust impact of these harmful germs harmful ... so that the soil property killing harmful germs, and not for the danger to spread and has gotten her, and their predecessors the Prophet may Allah bless him and grant him peace to the report of this fact, this hadith and the rest of the interview

In this article a new scientific discovery which is a proof on the sincerity of the prophet,
Always, we find in our prophet’s instructions many benefits for us as Allah almighty says about the prophet: “Verily, there has come unto you a Messenger (Muhammad) from amongst yourselves (i.e. whom you know well). It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty. He (Muhammad ) is anxious over you (to be rightly guided, to repent to Allah, and beg Him to pardon and forgive your sins, in order that you may enter Paradise and be saved from the punishment of the Hell-fire), for the believers (he is) full of pity, kind, and merciful.”[Sûrat At-Taubah(The Repentance)-verse 128].

One of these useful instructions is that the prophet asked us not to breed dogs inside houses, which complies with the latest scientific discoveries.
Analysis of breast cancer cases by researchers at the University of Munich showed that patients with this type of cancer were significantly more likely to have kept a dog than a cat.They found that 79.7 per cent of all patients had intensive contact with dogs before they were diagnosed and only 4.4 per cent of the patients did not have pets at any time compared to 57.3 per cent of a healthy control group. So there was a 29-fold increased risk for pet owners.
Also, prophet Mohamed peace be upon him ordered us to wash the used plate by the dog for seven times one of these times to be by dust.

Here we have to remember that the prophet peace be upon him didn’t make any comment about breeding cats as he used to see one of his companions (Abo horaira) who like cats and used to breed a cat and the prophet did not comment about that act, but on the other hand he ordered people not to breed dogs in houses but they can keep it outside the house for guarding purposes.
Keeping dogs outside the house “in garden for example” is acceptable according to the prophet orders as that keep dogs away from any direct contact with human
Bhai... there is a member named "isro23243" , go find him he`ll give you a head to head on all these kind of matters ...
Should avoid touching their mouth, because the saliva of the dog full of germs
And should eat in a bowl away from your food your
To clean any clothing or a bowl of the saliva of the dog must be washed seven times in any type of soap and eight soil

And see the result you will not find any bacteria
And confirmed by the microscope
This shows the sincerity of the Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him
Because he did not have a microscope at that time

Very Insightful...
Dog is used in agriculture and guard, fishing and livestock and for the purposes of the arrest of criminals

Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him does not hate the dog
Select the rules to deal with it
Because the dog is causing the disease
Like a fetus in the womb disease (encysted)

Therefore, after a microscopic examination shows the fact ratified the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

Christian accepts Islam after challenging Zakir Naik at an Islamic Conference! - YouTube
dogs are better than majority of human beings.
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