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Does turmoil in Thailand signal the failure of global democracy?

Lux de Veritas is a liar who claims hes been all over Taiwan, Indonesia,and Vietnam, and he doesn't know a damn thing about those places. I can tell because of the ridiculous claims he makes, like that most Taiwanese have relatives in southeast asia (wrong, most of Hokkien and Hakka Taiwanese arrived in Taiwan over a hundred years ago before Japan shut off immigration to Taiwan in 1895, so they have no close relatives on speaking terms in other Hokkien communities, most mainlanders on Taiwan have no relative in southeastasia) and everything Lux de Veritas hears about Indonesia is second hand rumors from these Indonesian "intellectuals" , kaskus internet forum, and "Indonesian friends" in Singapore. And yet he claims to be a backpaper and to have travelled all over. He only spoke to those people online.

He sides with Vietnamese trolls on this forum like EastSea, Rechoice, NiceGuy and BoQ77 who do nothing but attack and troll China, and insults us instead.

You are wrong, some members really made their own research and tell us what they really think ( not something the govt put into their mind ) like Lux de Veritas. He seem to be not so young to tell the joke ...
I myself respect him, even some points I don't agree with

He's Chinese race, so when he agreed with some Vietnamese members ... maybe they are all telling the clear truth ... ?
I don't like the media restriction system of China that isolate the Chinese people from outside world ! They even don't know what really happen in their own land.
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Does turmoil in Thailand signal the failure of global democracy? – Telegraph Blogs

So if you were a developing nation – especially in Asia – which political model would you choose? The western democratic model of failing France, enervated Britain and shrinking America? Or the Chinese and Singaporean style of politics, which actually delivers the goods?

Wonder why you call this as failure ?
Just follow whatever the PM, the dictators tell you, without any query ... is SUCCESS ?
So that's the success of whom ???
Wonder why you call this as failure ?
Just follow whatever the PM, the dictators tell you, without any query ... is SUCCESS ?
So that's the success of whom ???

I wonder what is your literacy level. Do you know what is punctuation?

Don't be jealous we produce great leaders.
I'm not representative for Vietnamese leaders, so do you !!!
I wish our leaders have no pocket to put black money into.
Understand ?
I'm not representative for Vietnamese leaders, so do you !!!
I wish our leaders have no pocket to put black money into.
Understand ?

Our national reserves is $4 trillion if that's what you called black money.
Your leaders trousers have hidden pockets, but the country has no money. :rofl:
The average Chinese private-sector worker earns about the same as a cleaner in Thailand
By Lily Kuo @lilkuo January 24, 2014

Hard work, soft earnings. Reuters/Stringer

Chinese internet users are abuzz about an online tool that calculates how one’s annual wages compare with those around the world. And many of them aren’t happy to know how little they make compared to their peers.

According to CNN’s online global wage calculator, which uses data from the International Labor Organization, the average annual salary of a worker in China’s private sector was 28,752 yuan (about $4,755) in 2012, or 38% of the global average. That’s roughly the same as a cleaner in Thailand, according to CNN’s data. (It’s also 4% of the average American CEO’s annual pay and only 0.01% of what the Queen of England makes in a year, in case you were wondering.)


How the average annual salary of a private-sector worker in China compares with the rest of the world. CNN Global Wage Calculator
These figures are circulating Chinese social media, generating over 13,000 posts on Sina Weibo, as internet users complain that their modest wages don’t match China’s status as the world’s second-largest economy. (There is some nuance, of course, related to the purchasing power of a smaller salary in China compared with the same amount in more advanced economies, but this doesn’t get much of an airing in these debates.) One blogger said (registration required), “So China is very rich but Chinese people are very poor.” One called on Chinese president Xi Jinping, writing, “China is that poor? Does Big Xi know?” Another simply said, “Where is my money?”

The discussion highlights the uneven distribution of wealth that persists amid China’s rapid economic growth. China has the world’s most billionaires after the US, according to a report by Wealth-X and UBS. At the same time, 18 provinces have downgraded their expectations for per capita disposable income this year, and overall measures of inequality in China only improved a smidgeon last year, according to government statistics.

Bloggers found that even higher-range Chinese salaries don’t fare very well in the global league tables. The average salary for public-sector workers is around 60% higher than the equivalent in the private sector, but is still only 60% of the global average. Using CNN’s tool, Chinese media plugged in government figures for the country’s “high income” bracket of urban disposable income (link in Chinese)—and discovered that the closest equivalent is a taxi driver in South Africa.


The average salary of a public sector worker in China. CNN Global Wage Calculator
Jennifer Chiu contributed additional reporting.
The average Chinese private-sector worker earns about the same as a cleaner in Thailand
By Lily Kuo @lilkuo January 24, 2014
Hard work, soft earnings. Reuters/Stringer

According to CNN’s online global wage calculator, which uses data from the International Labor Organization, the average annual salary of a worker in China’s private sector was 28,752 yuan (about $4,755) in 2012, or 38% of the global average. That’s roughly the same as a cleaner in Thailand, according to CNN’s data. (It’s also 4% of the average American CEO’s annual pay and only 0.01% of what the Queen of England makes in a year, in case you were wondering.)

LOL, your half-baked article debunked its own credibility. No cleaner anywhere in South EAst Asia country makes $4,755. :omghaha:
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Average, China lower than Thailand ... in PPP

Chambermaid average salary PPP $ 376 / month ( 2005 )

First, you posted an article that says cleaner in Thailand earns almost $5000.

Then, you posted a figure from 2005, that's almost 10 years ago

How about you go get a brain transplant, then come back for a sound discussion.
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First, you posted an article that says cleaner in Thailand earns almost $5000.

Then, you posted a figure from 2005, that's almost 10 years ago

How about you go get a brain transplant, then come back for a sound discussion.

2012 earning always higher than checked earnings in 2005, that's logical if you really read and think
democracy according to usa + nato
democracy can never survive under a government which adopts a different policy from usa+nato
people like Gaddaffi, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Mubarak etc were all friends of the usa and nato at some point in time
democratically elected head of state of the following countries are aimed to be shot down by american+nato backed coups:

Singapore survives as so called democracy because it licks americans
The yankies has a military base there
Also, it is a defacto dynasty of lee luan yew

india is a fake democracy which should have its "indian spring" long time ago BUT it is hopeless because there is no capable statesman to be chosen from
your own ethnic india @Peter C is rotting internally and a civil wars has been going on in 40% of the country for over 40 yeas now
Maoist Insurgency Spreads to Over 40% of India. Mass Poverty and Delhi’s Embrace of Corporate Neoliberalism Fuels Social Uprising | Global Research

Spare India and continue with your discussion mate.
2012 earning always higher than checked earnings in 2005, that's logical if you really read and think

Your posted dubious source, old data, and to top it off, you use PPP. Your logic will find better success in the indian section.
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