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Does the New York Times Prohibit Its Reporters from Mentioning China’s Vaccines?


Nov 25, 2011
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United States

That seems to be the case. A few weeks ago it ran a major piece on vaccinating the world. The article never once mentioned China’s vaccines (or Russia or India’s). It had another piece today on the topic, which again did not mention China’s vaccines.

Ignoring China’s vaccines in the context of vaccinating the world is truly bizarre. It has been by far the leading supplier of vaccines to South America, North Africa, and the countries of South Asia, excepting India. It also has administered more than 750 million shots domestically. (The NYT piece bizarrely told readers that 85 percent of the shots given have gone to the world’s wealthiest countries. This is clearly false, unless the NYT considers China one of the world’s wealthiest countries.)

China is also producing around 500 million doses a month. At this pace, it should be hitting its target vaccination rate in a bit over two months, which means it would be in a position to distribute 500 million doses a month to the rest of the world. By contrast, our pharmaceutical companies claim they can’t even figure out how to get the syringes and vials needed to distribute the volume of vaccines necessary to protect the developing world. (Thomas Cueni, the director general of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations, makes that assertion here [the comment can be found at 21:10 in the exchange.])

Given that China can apparently produce and distribute 500 million doses a month, while the western industry claims to lack the competence to substantially increase production, it looks like vaccinating the world will be primarily a Chinese project. It’s too bad New York Times reporters are not allowed to talk about it.
When American journalists beg China's press authorities not to expel them, they make it clear that their media prohibit them from reporting on the real situation in China.

Even if they try to portray China in a negative light, they still can't satisfy the appetite of the American media. Because what Americans need is a China that is evil, backward, tough, weak, where people are repressed but at the same time actively resisting, threatening but not too threatening to the US.

Such a state could not even exist in theory. But it doesn't matter. The last two weeks have been more interesting in the US media. They claim Uighurs were forced to become Muslims.

So, half of the Uighurs were punished for being Muslims and forced to convert to non-Muslims. The other half were forced to become Muslims because they were not Muslims.

No one knows exactly what they're talking about. Let them go. :azn: :azn: :azn:
I don't think the Western countries unable to increase their syringes and vials production.

They can simply invest and build new factories.

I think the problem is not incapable to build the factories, but unwillingly to spend the money, because the profit is very thin or unprofitable in the long run.

In an emergency situation like this, it should not think about profit, but to save so many lives.

This is a very visible sign of human moral decline.

Just for the sake of money...

The coronavirus can also easily be contained and eliminated, but just remember at the beginning of the pandemic, most countries just care to protect their economy, unwillingly to lose some money. And the common people unwillingly lose their freedom and pleasure.

Instead of saving lives, it's busy to blame and create conflicts.

And they think they are smart by doing this.

It mentioned in the End Times event in many holy books, become the main theme and event that ended an era.

It's human greed and carelessness (aka ego).
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Why don't you guys do a simple search yourself to see if the article has any veracity.

Here let me do it for you.

First you slam US media for trashing Chinese vaccines and then you turn around and say they are never even mentioned....WTF...make up your minds.
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Why don't you guys do a simple search yourself to see if the article has any veracity.

Here let me do it for you.

First you slam US media for trashing Chinese vaccines and then you turn around and say they are never even mentioned....WTF...make up your minds.

This is the opinion of PhD economist Dean Baker who has been cited in hundreds of papers and was a consultant for the World Bank, Joint Economic Committee of Congress and the OECD.
Does the New York Times Prohibit Its Reporters from Mentioning China’s Vaccines?

it looks like vaccinating the world will be primarily a Chinese project. It’s too bad New York Times reporters are not allowed to talk about it.

I guess your Baidu search is broken.. :lol:

This is the opinion of PhD economist Dean Baker who has been cited in hundreds of papers and was a consultant for the World Bank, Joint Economic Committee of Congress and the OECD.

We are all flattered that you have blind white worship but you should at least make a 10 second attempt to dbl-check things to see what he means.
From what I understand, the New York Times has some very good recipes
When American journalists beg China's press authorities not to expel them, they make it clear that their media prohibit them from reporting on the real situation in China.

Even if they try to portray China in a negative light, they still can't satisfy the appetite of the American media. Because what Americans need is a China that is evil, backward, tough, weak, where people are repressed but at the same time actively resisting, threatening but not too threatening to the US.

Such a state could not even exist in theory. But it doesn't matter. The last two weeks have been more interesting in the US media. They claim Uighurs were forced to become Muslims.

So, half of the Uighurs were punished for being Muslims and forced to convert to non-Muslims. The other half were forced to become Muslims because they were not Muslims.

No one knows exactly what they're talking about. Let them go. :azn: :azn: :azn:
Oh ma god. Now another indian conspiracy ????🤩🤩🤩
But but but while his statements about American state propaganda mouthpieces bending their necks to undermine and hide one of the biggest vaccine makers successes and going as far as making illogical or simply false claims just to avoid acknowledging the very existence of one of the biggest vaccine makers products, are demonstrably proven in his article, we can pretend to be retared and hastly dig out a handful of old anti-China disinformation pieces slandering Chinas vaccines, some belittling opinion piece mentioning Chinas vaccines and some enyclopedia archive that mentions it just for plausible deniability and act like that somehow proves the obvious and expected truth wrong and deflect evident American state propaganda mouthpieces bias and dishonesty back on you!
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