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Does Pakistan Need Secularism?

Pakistan was in the name of Islam, is in the name of Islam and will forever be in the name of Islam. Point out one secular law which is better than the corresponding Islamic law. Its a challenge......:cool:
says a person living in Australia, a secular country with a Female Atheist Prime Minister. Why do most of the people with Secular Phobia live in countries which are purely Secular. I guess you have all the resources to move to KSA or Iran

if he lives there that does'nt mean he likes it. When did Islam forbid us to live in Non-Muslim countries.

On the other hand we are not talking about other countries to become Islamic; it is about Pakistan
Pakistan was in the name of Islam, is in the name of Islam and will forever be in the name of Islam. Point out one secular law which is better than the corresponding Islamic law. Its a challenge......:cool:

Blasphemy law, enough said!
if he lives there that does'nt mean he likes it. When did Islam forbid us to live in Non-Muslim countries.

duh! why is it so hard for you to comprehend simple lines, IF a person is so Islamic he must dream of living in a Islamic society & moreover in a Secular society he has rights to preach & propagate his religion. He won't be convicted for that

On the other hand we are not talking about other countries to become Islamic; it is about Pakistan

why the hell do you people want Pak to become KSA or Iran or A-stan? :undecided:
what is wrong with Blasphemy law??? :what:

nothing at all, i think we should execute more infidels under that law because people are 8 year old kids & their feelings get hurt

& ohh of Course the Ordinance XX must be amended & we should include some other Muslim sects to the list of state declared non muslims, its all right?
duh! why is it so hard for you to comprehend simple lines, IF a person is so Islamic he must dream of living in a Islamic society

Where exactly is this Islamic society situated??? :undecided:

& moreover in a Secular society he has rights to preach & propagate his religion. He won't be convicted for that

you ain't convicted for preaching in Islamic state either.

why the hell do you people want Pak to become KSA or Iran or A-stan?

who told you that we want to make Pakistan Iran or KSA. We were talking about making it an Islamic State. FOCUS! :woot:
nothing at all, i think we should execute more infidels under that law because people are 8 year old kids & their feelings get hurt

& ohh of Course the Ordinance XX must be amended & we should include some other Muslim sects to the list of state declared non muslims, its all right?

that is what happens when you comment on something; when you have no knowledge about it. Blasphemy Law applies to people who are mature.

The statement about the sects was stupid. If it is in the Quran that Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) was the last Messenger and someone disobeys it; he is not Muslim. .
Where exactly is this Islamic society situated??? :undecided:

I guess its gotta be there in Arabian Peninsula, after all thats from where Islam originated

you ain't convicted for preaching in Islamic state either.

Those detained for non-Muslim worship almost always are deported by authorities after sometimes lengthy periods of arrest during investigation. In some cases, they also are sentenced to receive lashes prior to deportation.

International Religious Freedom Report 2002: Saudi Arabia

who told you that we want to make Pakistan Iran or KSA. We were talking about making it an Islamic State. FOCUS! :woot:

Islamic state is a state ruled by Islamic laws exclusively.
yeah right!
After seeing the work of our secular governments in the past decade including Musharrafs one- i conclude Pakistan does not need secularism-
Shariat will not work here either- we need to find some thing in between-
After seeing the work of our secular governments in the past decade including Musharrafs one- i conclude Pakistan does not need secularism-
Shariat will not work here either- we need to find some thing in between-

There is nothing in between. Either you are a Muslim or you are not. Either their is an Islamic state or there is not. . And why so hesitant in implementing Islamic Law???
After seeing the work of our secular governments in the past decade including Musharrafs one- i conclude Pakistan does not need secularism-
Shariat will not work here either- we need to find some thing in between-

Musharraf secular, are you sure?

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has said Pakistan was meant to be an Islamic republic and is certainly not a secular state.

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Pakistan 'not meant to be secular'

PPP secular, are you sure?

PPP can’t be called a secular party now as it is playing to a gallery of religious segment and has indulged into politics of compromises in order to stay in power. “Islam is our faith” was brainchild of Maulana Kausar Niazi and Zulfikar Bhutto agreed with him as he believed that the popular sentiments of the masses should be included in the party manifesto. He declared Ahmedis as non-Muslims, banned the use of liquor and declared Friday as holiday to win the support of religious elements. Though it was purely a political move to win popular support, Bhutto’s religiously-driven decisions proved harmful for the party and alienated its core workers. The workers had envisioned a changed political culture to resolve people’s problems, but the party failed to come up to their expectations.

PPP is not a secular party: Mehdi Hasan | BottomNews

No party in Pakistan could be labelled as a secular one.

Pakistan is an Islamic leaning state which favors the Deobandi brand of interpretation.
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