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do you want to bring change? you need to change yourselves first


Jan 20, 2011
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do you want to bring change? you need to change yourselves first | Thinker's club


Pakistan nation has been fooled by slogans of change, many self proclaimed leaders are talking about change and revolution like it is very easy to bring change and revolution. people have started looking at them like messiahs and saviors. after prophet muhammad, there wont be messiahs and saviours on any nation no more. nation will have to save itself from its situation by changing itself, so i suggest the Pakistani people to stop looking at figures of change and start bringing change themselves

elements of change:

1) guy has to be from among yourselves

Pakistani nation has become hijacked from 2% elites who are ruling our country. they don't care about our issues, they don't care about out health, education, social life, poverty etc, they care about themselves, why don't we start kicking them out and become the rulers ourselves? the decision making has to be a guy who doesn't belong to political family, electable, who leaves one party because of personal interest to join another. who is not a prominent feudal, who doesn't own big lands, who is not an influencial figure but a guy who was born in the same street as yours, who knows sacrifice, who has leadership capability, who has worked hard in the same situation you are in, and who thinks that politics is a way to help people, not to gain power, but to gain responsibility given by the people, who doesn't consider himself above others, and is always among people

2) you should organise yourselves into street, locality level and address your own issues, and stop thinking about a messiah who will come to save you

organisation is what is needed among Pakistanis. Pakistanis can never bring change if they continue to behave as herd of sheeps who can easily be misused by any influencial wadera. if Pakistanis want to bring change, they will need to change themselves, they will need to train themselves from a bunch of innocent sheeps into more smart and aware political worker, who cannot easily be fooled by slogans of revolution and change, Pakistanis will need to create descipline in their folds, they will need to set goals and targets, they will need to form committees in their own localities, they will need to generate centres of powers in their own streets sectors and units where they can manage their own street issues, where they can make their own decisions, where they can generate their own power.

Pakistanis will need to work hard in their streets and localities to empower themselves, if Pakistanis continue to be used by people who make empty promises, and Pakistanis don't keep in touch with ground realities their circumstances will never change

3) you need to take decisions in your own hands/empower yourselves

you will need to address your key issues, you need to understand what change you need to bring to the society you live here are some points for starters

- do you need to follow a wadera or a mullah of a mosque to shape up your life, or you need to make your own destiny

- do you need the religious interpretation from a mullah, or you are hard working enough to read quran yourself and interpret the meaning of religion your self?

- do you want to educate your children for better life or you want your children to be slaves of feudals and to take the same farmer profession you had for generations?, do you want to educate your children from same Qari or mullah who himself doesn't know anything

- do you want to choose yourself who will handle your street level problems, or you want electables waderas, family rulers or some messiah to be the decision maker?

- if you and your mohallah becomes the owner of your own street instead of some wadera or electable will this bring change according to your wishes or not?

- if you choose the leader from your own street and neighbourhood, will he deliver or not?

- will you keep your fate at the mercy of those who you don't know, who doesn't belong to your street or neighbourhood and who is only doing power politics, not politics of empowering people

- do you want to remain in shackles of rotten tradition of by gone era like karo kari, honour killings, being a slave of a qari, a simpleton who's ambition in life in not more than living hand to mouth day after day, or you want to plan ahead for your future?

- do you want to kill minorities because a local mullah declared them kafirs or inhuman, or you want to peacefully coexist

- do you want to be logical and open minded and a liberal who questions everything from religion to moral values to the role of mullah to customs and traditions, well to question everything if its right or wrong

- do you want to be progressive, it is important to become tolerant and forward thinking and liberal to be progressive, a society which is open for new interpretations and change as the society moves from one era to the next. to conform to the international standards, a society is always ready for change in its way of thinking and to shape according to changing times

4) you need to understand how the developed civilization reached to heights ( forming a society which is forward looking, progressing, susceptible to change)

as i already told, organisation and becoming a liberal organised society based on logic and open to arguments and being tolerant society who is open to changes and improvements according to the need of time is the key for Pakistan as a nation to reach to the levels of development and civilized world. to become a well civilized intricate and complex society, Pakistanis need to start managing themselves in a better way, start developing the level of intellect and wareness which is demanded in this age and time.

a society where a mullah dictates the way of life, goals of life, where an electable chooses how the Pakistanis should move ahead in the world, a Pakistani nation who instead of changing itself depends on a messiah of change will never progress forward and will remain miserbale for rest of its entire life
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Very well written. But mafia leaders like AH needs to be added in there somewhere as well. If you truly thing AH is better than any of those, then you're just as delusional as the followers of these waderas and mullahs.
Mahatma Gandhi — 'Be the change that you wish to see in the world.'

Pay taxes, follow law and order and respect elected govt. They will in turn respect you.
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