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Do you have hindu friends?

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That is extremely rude, since you know perfectly well that Muslims consider pigs to be dirty animals.

Lmao seriously? This is where you draw the line? He has been mouthing Hindus and Hinduism through out the thread so why should I give a fck about his "sensitivities"?

Besides I never called him a pig, that insult is open ended:lol:
That is extremely rude, since you know perfectly well that Muslims consider pigs to be dirty animals.

So you say that guy is a representative of how a Muslim is ?

Now that my friend is extremely rude considering that the vast majority of muslim Pakistanis here dont agree with him.
As mentioned Pakistani minorities are fine. Though befriending the enemy national is not. You disrespect every Pakistani soldier in his and her duty who serve to protect Pakistan from such hooligans.

You need to make up your mind.. Are you talking about not befriending Indians or not befriending Hindus ??? Else you are just coming across as a foaming at mouth moron which I dont think you are....
That is extremely rude, since you know perfectly well that Muslims consider pigs to be dirty animals.

How do you know Gollum is Muslim?

Because he said so from behind his net warrior armor?

Here he is posting his best side profile, and you are stingy with your appreciation?

I find that even ruder.
Actually isn't that your god?

Neighbors and guests are always considered gods.. there is a saying "aditi devo bhava".. meaning guests should be treated godly.

The picture perfectly matches YOU atleast on the state of mind u are in..

Your folks back home must be really proud of rearing such a gem of a rarity in household...or is it genes and genetics???

This is where you live indian.

what a wonderful and insightful argument from a senior member.:rolleyes:
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