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Disappointing Chinese Vaccine Results Pose Setback for Developing World


Jul 31, 2020
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United States

By Sui-Lee Wee and Ernesto Londoño
  • Published Jan. 13, 2021Updated Jan. 15, 2021
Scientists in Brazil have downgraded the efficacy of a Chinese coronavirus vaccine that they hailed as a major triumph last week, diminishing hopes for a shot that could be quickly produced and easily distributed to help the developing world.

Officials at the Butantan Institute in São Paulo said on Tuesday that a trial conducted in Brazil showed that the CoronaVac vaccine, made by the Beijing-based company Sinovac, had an efficacy rate just over 50 percent. That rate, slightly above the benchmark that the World Health Organization has said would make a vaccine effective for general use, was far below the 78 percent level announced last week.

The implications could be significant for a vaccine that is crucial to China’s global health diplomacy. At least 10 countries have ordered more than 380 million doses of CoronaVac, though regulatory agencies have yet to fully approve it.

A senior official in Hong Kong, a special administrative region of China that had already ordered CoronaVac, said on Wednesday that an advisory panel would strictly review the vaccine based on clinical trial data before it was rolled out there.

“Those countries that have ordered the Chinese-made vaccines are probably going to question the usefulness of these vaccines,” said Yanzhong Huang, a senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations and an expert on health care in China.

“Countries with opposition parties might use this to challenge the decision made by the incumbent government, and that will likely have domestic political implications in these countries,” Mr. Huang said.

Sinovac did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

For months, Chinese officials had said the vaccines made by Sinovac and Sinopharm, a state-owned vaccine maker, would be important tools for fighting the pandemic in poorer countries that do not have extensive health care infrastructures. Unlike the vaccines made by the American drugmakers Pfizer and Moderna, they do not need to be frozen.

The Oxford-AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, which can be refrigerated and are more effective than their Chinese counterparts, could provide an alternative. But it is now unclear if the governments that have bought CoronaVac can scrap their deals and turn to others.

CoronaVac, unlike some of the other vaccines, relies on older technology that uses chemicals to weaken or kill the virus, which is then put into a vaccine to spark antibodies in the recipient. But the process of killing the virus can weaken a vaccine’s potency, resulting in an immune response that could be shorter or less effective.

To its comparative advantage, Sinovac has immense manufacturing capacity. The company has said it can make 600 million doses this year.

In China, the weaker efficacy data from Brazil could be a setback for the country’s biotech ambitions. It had pinned its hopes on making a Covid-19 vaccine that would burnish its credentials as a global scientific power.

The tepid results could also be problematic for Chinese officials, given that they had touted the efficacy of the vaccines made by Sinovac and Sinopharm. Even though the vaccines had not received regulatory approval, and data from late-stage trials had not been made public, Beijing gave them to thousands of Chinese people under an emergency use policy; it plans to vaccinate 50 million people by the middle of next month.

State media in China played down the news from Brazil. Global Times, a state-owned nationalist tabloid, ran a headline that said the Sinovac vaccine was “100 percent effective in preventing severe cases, could reduce hospitalizations by 80 percent.”
The new data could heighten skepticism among people around the world who are already wary of Chinese-made vaccines, given that the country has a history of vaccine quality scandals. A study from the Chinese University of Hong Kong found that just 37.2 percent of respondents in Hong Kong were willing to be vaccinated.

Scientists had already raised questions about the piecemeal way in which efficacy data about the Chinese vaccines had been released. Indonesia said on Monday that its interim analysis found CoronaVac to have an efficacy rate of 65.3 percent. Last month, Turkey said it had an efficacy rate of 91.25 percent, but that was based on preliminary results from a small clinical trial.
The vaccine had long taken on a political dimension in Brazil. President Jair Bolsonaro had spoken derisively about CoronaVac, fueling an growing anti-vaccination movement in the country, where more than 200,000 people have died from Covid-19. The vaccine had been championed by São Paulo’s governor, João Doria, who is widely expected to run for president in 2022 and is among Mr. Bolsonaro’s most vocal critics.

In Brazil, officials say the higher efficacy rate previously announced for CoronaVac pertained to the protection it offered against developing Covid-19 symptoms significant enough to require treatment. While officials had asserted last week that the vaccine provided absolute protection against moderate to severe symptoms, they had not disclosed another group who had “very mild” infections despite having been vaccinated.

Denise Garrett, a Brazilian-American epidemiologist and vaccine expert, said there was no reason to doubt CoronaVac’s safety, adding that the data presented so far suggested it would provide a satisfactory level of protection. But Dr. Garrett said the vague and sometimes misleading manner in which information about the vaccine had been made public could shake people’s confidence in its reliability and fuel the political battle over the vaccine.
“The lack of transparency really damages people’s trust,” she said. “They’ve just reinforced the narrative that this vaccine is not good.”
fake news already debunked.

Bolsonaro thanks China for fast-tracking COVID-19 vaccine supplies

Exclusive: Brazil to buy 20 million more doses of China's CoronaVac, governor says

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It's a propaganda article.

It doesn't say anything about how dangerous the genetically modified Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, not to mention the dead.

Of course, if the situation is reversed, it's China who made the genetically modified vaccines, while the West took the safer path, NYT will still be badmouthing the Chinese vaccines.

That is why, whatever the article says, it's just propaganda.

But anyway, whatever the vaccine available, just take it.

We are young people and healthy, it's going to be fine.... maybe.

At least thousands have been testing it for us.
When BBC and NYT publish about India, it's taken as the gospel about the absolute state of India. When they publish about China, it's "propaganda". First you guys need to discuss among yourselves whether Western sources accurately portray non Western countries or not.
When BBC and NYT publish about India, it's taken as the gospel about the absolute state of India. When they publish about China, it's "propaganda". First you guys need to discuss among yourselves whether Western sources accurately portray non Western countries or not.

India is considered a western country. A very poor one, but still a western capitalist democracy with the Westminster system and an Indo-European language.
India is considered a western country. A very poor one, but still a western capitalist democracy with the Westminster system and an Indo-European language.
What? No. Pick up a dictionary. The system and language doesn't have anything to do with the definition of "Western" otherwise Pakistan, Bangladesh and South Africa are all Western countries.
What? No. Pick up a dictionary. The system and language doesn't have anything to do with the definition of "Western" otherwise Pakistan, Bangladesh and South Africa are all Western countries.

I do think that South Africa, Pakistan and Bangladesh can all be considered somewhat western, just extremely poor.

Elon Musk fit right in when he moved to Canada then the US, and he's South African.
India is considered a western country. A very poor one, but still a western capitalist democracy with the Westminster system and an Indo-European language.

So just to prove that NYT, BBC etc are right about India and wrong about China you are declaring India to be a Western country? You surely live up to your name.
I do think that South Africa, Pakistan and Bangladesh can all be considered somewhat western, just extremely poor.

Elon Musk fit right in when he moved to Canada then the US, and he's South African.

Really? Have you been to South Africa? Elon moved because of his nature of studies. If we were that poor, why have we got deluge of your citizens all over as illegal aliens.

Another paid CMPT to add to my ignore list.
When BBC and NYT publish about India, it's taken as the gospel about the absolute state of India. When they publish about China, it's "propaganda". First you guys need to discuss among yourselves whether Western sources accurately portray non Western countries or not.
Pal, these are paid CMPLT trolls with designated PLA unit. Their aim is to go after anything anything portrayed against china which shows their Commie regime in negative light. Selective choosing and conspiracies is their ultimate aim and disrupting others.

At least our neighbour's president took China on when they tried to muzzle him on Dalai Lama's visit. Sorry, we are not China's minion or colony.

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Oh Fake News New York Times. Sour Grape.
They are really recycling this old debunked US state propaganda lie trying to spin are study proving Chinas vaccine is a success into a "dissappointment" by quotemining numbers from it out of context and compare it to completely different things and unrelated standards? Didnt they learn their lesson when US vaccine failure news poured in faster than they could hide it under their disinformation about competing vaccines and spins to claim lower than promised results for US vaccines into a "massive success"
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